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Divided We Stand is an Iconic variant of the Nokota D5 Sidewinder in Cyberpunk 2077.


The Divided We Stand is a unique looking Sidewinder, painted orange with a New United States flag decal on the magazine.

Divided We Stand has an iconic modifier that allows you to target up to 5 enemies simultaneously, while Smart Link or equivalent cyberware is installed.

Enemies neutralized with the Divided We Stand have a 6.6% chance to erupt into a explosion, which applies a heavy Poisoning effect to all enemies within 3 meters for 7 seconds, dealing 8% of the target's Health per second as Chemical damage and disabling the affected enemies' ability to double-jump, dodge, Dash, and sprint.

Divided We Stand has a 10% increased chance to apply Poison, increased to 20% at Tier 5.


  • Stadium Love - Rewarded for beating Walker's score. Can also be obtained if V chooses to fight the 6th Street members.


  • Divided We Stand was originally the name of an iconic golden brass knuckle. As this weapon was cut, it was repurposed as a rifle. Its description was: "The main prize from the 6th Street Gang shooting competition" and "Awarded as the grand prize for winning 6th Street's shooting competition." Through console commands the item can be acquired and equipped but it won't be displayed.

