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Why The Sex Scene In "Insurgent" Matters

In the Divergent sequel, Tris has sex on her own terms and for the actor who plays her, Shailene Woodley, that was very important. Warning: SPOILERS!

28 Questions With "Insurgent" Star Ansel Elgort

Ansel took over BuzzFeed's Twitter account to answer your craziest questions — from what song he sings in the shower, to how he feels about Barbara Streisand.

What It's Like To Be Really Famous, According To Ansel Elgort

Jason Reitman's Men, Women & Children, opening on the heels of Divergent and The Fault in Our Stars, caps off a year that has catapulted the young actor into a level of fame he is still trying to understand. Plus: An exclusive clip from Men, Women & Children.

Movies' Biggest Winners And Losers In 2014, So Far

From Shailene Woodley and Angelina Jolie to Seth MacFarlane and Veronica Mars, here are the actors, filmmakers, and studios with reason to celebrate for the first half of the year — and others who may wish it was over already.

The 28 Most Memorable Movie Posters Of 2013

Some posters are memorable because they are stunning examples of how a single, arresting image can pull you in. Some posters are memorable because they make you curse Photoshop and all it has wrought upon the Earth.

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