DISTRACTION - Traducción al español - bab.la lcp

distraction {sustantivo}

1. general
disquiet or distraction, interior and exterior, may gather her faculties
distracción, interior y exterior, unifique sus facultades dirigiéndolas
I think this is a distraction in many ways although it should be dealt with.
Creo que por muchas razones es una distracción, aunque debe abordarse.
I have no doubt in my own mind that ESDP is a distraction from NATO and is part of the problem.
No tengo dudas de que la PESD es una distracción de la OTAN y es parte del problema.
distraction (también: absentmindedness)
2. "distress"
3. "entertainment", formal

English Spanish Ejemplos contextuales de "distraction" en Español

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In opposition to the culture of distraction, which risks losing sight of and
A la cultura del ocio, que corre el peligro de perder de vista y anular los
I think this is a distraction in many ways although it should be dealt with.
Creo que por muchas razones es una distracción, aunque debe abordarse.
disquiet or distraction, interior and exterior, may gather her faculties
distracción, interior y exterior, unifique sus facultades dirigiéndolas
It should not be forgotten, however, that in the culture of distraction, in
No se olvide, sin embargo, que en la cultura del ocio, en la que se
They will see this kind of initiative by the Commission as a distraction.
Ellos considerarán que este tipo de iniciativa por parte de la Comisión es una distracción.
I have no doubt in my own mind that ESDP is a distraction from NATO and is part of the problem.
No tengo dudas de que la PESD es una distracción de la OTAN y es parte del problema.
There are so many questions that the debate about a centre is just a distraction.
Los interrogantes son tantos que el debate sobre la creación de un centro no hace más que distraer.
Wavering (in distraction) between this and that, (belonging) neither to these nor yet to those!
vacilantes entre esto y lo otro, [sin pertenecer] ni a unos ni a otros.
the war was a distraction from the country's internal problems
la guerra distrajo la atención de los problemas internos del país
It is a problem that must be resolved, a distraction that the Commission on Human Rights does not need.
Es un problema que debe resolverse, una distracción que la Comisión de Derechos Humanos no necesita.
We must not allow the distraction of EU defence ambitions to dilute or undermine this.
No permitamos que la distracción de la atención de las ambiciones de la UE en materia de defensa diluya o socave esta vinculación.
It is precisely this sort of detailed, petty interference that drives the people served by Europe to distraction.
Es precisamente este tipo de interferencia minuciosa y molesta la que distrae a aquellos a los sirve Europa.
I am increasingly being driven to distraction with regard to the way in which we are time and time again pushed into codecisions.
Me exaspera mucho la forma en que cada vez nos hundimos paulatinamente en el proceso de codecisión.
The AA, the Automobile Association, is warning that it could be a source of distraction and could lead to accidents.
La AA, la Asociación Automovilística, ha advertido que podría ser un motivo de distracción y provocar accidentes.
The EU institutions must be the voice of reason and combat this distraction which some are attempting to create.
Las Instituciones de la UE deben ser la voz de la razón y combatir esta distracción que algunos están tratando de crear.
The extreme diversity of the areas of activity addressed in the Lannoye report underlines this risk of distraction.
La extrema diversidad de los ámbitos de actividad que trata el informe Lannoye deja bien claro este riesgo de extravío.
We cannot afford duplication and distraction, particularly at a time when defence budgets are being slashed.
No podemos permitirnos la duplicación o la distracción, en particular ahora que los presupuestos de defensa se están recortando.
Giving it the tools to do this task more efficiently, more democratically, is not a distraction.
Si se le dan las herramientas para hacer esta tarea más eficaz, más democrática, no es una distracción, sino un imperativo.
The Gender Institute must not be allowed to become a means of appeasement or of distraction from the lack of legislative action.
El Instituto de Género no debe convertirse en un medio de entreguismo o de distracción de la falta de acción legislativa.
This is something of a distraction.
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English Cómo usar "distraction" en una frase

Poetry, reviews, interviews, and even the editorial letter were considered distractions from a simple set of stories.
There are moments of fond distraction and gathering.
We are nearing the end of a long process that has caused distraction, impacted on staff morale and has been very costly.
Patients change the distraction minimum five times a day.
They look for some way of creating a distraction from these elements.

English Cómo usar "distractive" en una frase

This distractive quality of emails is worrying.
In blurring the background, other elements are made less distractive, rather than removed.
If the sitting president is challenged from within for the ruling party's flag-bearer slot, this process may start earlier, become highly distractive, and accentuate electoral misgovernance.
Eye-spots are mentioned, but instead of noting that these might be distractive, they are asserted to be dazzling, appearing as holes, and thus functioning as disruptive camouflage.
This is a safety concern: if you can't do it quickly and easily in the car park it will be dangerously distractive while you're driving.

English Cómo usar "distracted" en una frase

Today's youth is being blamed for most of the distracted driving, but really adults are at fault too.
They can be difficult to recall once they have picked up a scent, and are easily distracted by smells around them.
Jimmy is also distracted very easily and always thinks he can make anything fun.
He is a good man at heart, though he can be a little distracted at times.
He is completely distracted and a tiger he was guarding gets loose.

English Cómo usar "distracting" en una frase

It demonstrated nothing, added nothing and was totally distracting.
Don't worry so much about all the distracting dollars he makes, just focus on what he does.
It is not fair or practical to train when someone is distracting your pet.
When you open a select set of browser tabs and apps that you need to work on -- sans distracting sites -- yup, mise en place.
A mobile device is constantly illuminated by the bedside, notifications distracting me from engaging with real life.

English Cómo usar "distract" en una frase

They also popularized tag team wrestling, introducing new tactics such as distracting the referee, to make the matches more exciting.
She attempts to play games from their childhood to distract him.
Many of the planes continued to make dry runs after expending their ammunition and ordnance to distract the enemy.
The gag is that she's attractive, and therefore distracting to the students.
To draw even more attention to his size, they placed two small boys behind his goal in an effort to distract the opposition even more.

English Cómo usar "que distrae" en una frase

Con el antiguo texto, lo tendría claro: realiza un movimiento que distrae a un rival.
Es decir que hablar no es lo que distrae entonces sino tocar el dispositivo mientras se conduce.
Es una relación que a veces inmoviliza, que distrae y nos aleja de percibir esa posibilidad de transformación que tenemos...
Aquello que distrae y aparta de la búsqueda es inútil.
Están distorsionando los hechos y le están dando un matiz político que no me interesa, ya que distrae la atención de lo verdaderamente importante.

English Cómo usar "desconcentrar" en una frase

Lo que sí está claro es que se ha tocado techo cuando la persona empieza a desconcentrarse en extremo y a experimentar estrés.
No me puedo desconcentrar por nada del mundo, advirtió.
No tiene que pasar más esto de desconcentrarse ante la ventaja.
Pero el otro se desconcentra y sueña, desea; su deseo no entra dentro de esa maquinaria infernalmente productiva.
Interroga sobre el porqué de todo y, en ocasiones, trata de desconcentrar al entrevistado.

"annoying distraction" en español

annoying distraction
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Estos enunciados provienen de fuentes externas y pueden ser poco precisos. bab.la no es responsable de su contenido.

"avoid distraction" en español

avoid distraction
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"become a distraction" en español

become a distraction
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Sinónimos (inglés) para "distraction":

  • distrait