How do I submit my work to DeviantArt? - DeviantArt Help Center
How do I submit my work to DeviantArt? - DeviantArt Help Center
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How do I submit my work to DeviantArt?

Once you join DeviantArt and verify your account, you can upload and share your art with the community. The Submit menu at the top right of the interface provides links to submit deviations, status updates, journals, literature, and Subscriptions, as well as a link to create AI art with DreamUp.

To submit a deviation, click the Submit button or the Deviation option in the menu.
Read more about how to submit:

Upload your files

You can upload your files individually as you submit on the submit page, or in bulk using your, if you're a Core Member.

You can submit the following file types:

On the submit page, you can add files using the "Choose a file to upload" button, drag and drop your work, or select an item from your

On, you can select or drag and drop multiple files at once to upload in bulk, where your files will be stored until you're ready to submit them. For more information on, read on here!
File Size Limitations
  • 80MB: Image-based submissions.
    • Thumbnails for GIFs are automatically generated and choose the first frame for the preview image. Depending on file size, device, and placement of the image, some GIFs will display as moving or static. Static previews will be marked with "GIF" for clarity.
  • 1GB: Non-image based submissions (such as zipped, or other compressed archives).
    • Zipped archives and other compressed file types are accepted, but you may be prompted to provide a preview to be associated and displayed with the archived file.
  • 1GB: Video files (a Core Member feature).
  • 64 KB/65,535 characters: Text-based files (including literature and journal entries).
    • A few things can cause the amount of characters contained in your file to be increased beyond what you have actually typed:
      • Images are broken down into text like <img src="SUPERLONGURL" /> and those character counts are added to the total.
      • Adding links punctuation marks, special characters, and hitting return can all add extra characters to your total number, ranging from adding just one (1) to as many as eight (8) characters each, depending which one you use.

You've upload your work. What's next?

You should see a thumbnail view of your work! If you click "Advanced Options" you'll see options for uploading your file, preview images, permissions documentation, sizing and more. Read more about watermarks here.

Upload permissions documents and model releases by clicking the pencil icon in the corner.

Below this section you are also able to add your title, description, and media (like other works on DeviantArt) for your deviation.

Note: Some file types may require a preview image. Animated preview images should be 150px or smaller.

Help people discover your work!

You can add up to 30 tags! Tags are displayed publicly, so be aware that you're tagging your work properly, so it can be found.

Note: If you've uploaded a deviation in the past and are trying to edit your tags, you won't be able to add or change tags unless you've whittled them down to the 30 tag limit.

Describe your deviation.

With options to add a model, object, or character, you show your audience more of your process. When tagging a model, you can tag a deviant's username, and after the tagged deviant confirms that it's them, their name will be shown on the deviation page. You can also add a location—perfect for when you want the community to know where something takes place.

You have the option to flag it Mature, or send it to your scraps.

In Gallery and Group Options, you can specify which groups and gallery folders you would like to submit your deviation to. To submit to groups you’re not an administrator of, you can use the submit to a group option on your deviation page after you submit. 

In Publishing Options, you can specify whether you would like to enable social sharing buttons on your deviations, enable or disable comments, and select the license you’d like to submit under. 

Remember My Settings.

By default, DeviantArt will remember the settings you've recently selected under the "Options" section, so you don’t have to re-select options each time you submit. 

When you're finished, here are some things to consider:

If you're looking to publish your work later, you can Save & Exit or use the Schedule feature, if you're a Core Member.  Be sure to check whether you want to offer your image as a print, a free download, or Premium download, and then hit "Submit Now."

Your work is ready for the world!

Submission Policies & Permissions:

Check out a list of relevant Submission Policies here.

Common Issues

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