Sarfaranga Desert – The Wondrous Cold Desert in Skardu |

Sarfaranga Desert – The Wondrous Cold Desert in Skardu

Nestled in the breathtaking Skardu region, this unique and awe-inspiring destination beckons travellers seeking an extraordinary experience amidst nature’s raw beauty. In this blog, shares all the details about the Sarfaranga Desert.

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A Frozen Marvel in Skardu


sarfaranga desert Skardu


The Sarfaranga Cold Desert, also known as Cold Desert Skardu, lies at an altitude of 7500 feet, creating a surreal landscape of sand dunes and frigid temperatures. The desert is different from the other deserts, where relentless heat dominates, Sarfaranga charms visitors with its intense cold winds and mesmerising sunset views.


A Symphony of Scenery and Adventure

The desert boasts an array of attractions that will leave you spellbound. The majestic mountains that encircle the desert provide a dramatic backdrop to its sandy wonders. The ever-present strong winds add a touch of magic, creating sandstorms and painting an exquisite dance of sand particles in the air. As the night falls, the stars and moon light up the sky in all their glory, free from the pollution of city lights.


The Best Time to Embrace the Cold Beauty

While the Sarfaranga Desert remains open to visitors throughout the year, the best time to explore this enchanting wonderland is from June to September. During these months, the temperatures are comparatively milder, offering a more comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Winter, on the other hand, offers a chance for the more adventurous souls to encounter extreme conditions, but it demands appropriate preparation with warm clothing and camping essentials.


Discovering the Charms of the Sarfaranga Desert


off roads cars at sarfaranga desert


The vast and grandiose mountains encircling the Sarfaranga Desert create a breathtaking panorama. Their greyish-black hues provide a striking contrast to the golden sand fields, making them a photographer’s paradise. 


Unleashing the Winds of Wonder

The relentless and powerful winds that sweep through the desert are one of its most distinct features. These winds are not only a testament to nature’s might but also contribute to the formation of the mesmerising sand dunes that dot the landscape. 


Dunes as Far as the Eye Can See


sarfaranga desert


The focal point of any desert adventure is the dunes, and the Sarfaranga Desert does not disappoint. Stretching as far as the eye can see, the massive sand dunes offer a playground for explorers and a sanctuary for photographers. To witness the dunes in their most enchanting form, early mornings and evenings are recommended, as the soft lighting accentuates their beauty.


Tranquillity in the Desert’s Embrace

The Sarfaranga Desert stands as an oasis of peace and serenity. The stillness enveloping this wondrous landscape provides a soothing escape from the chaos of everyday life. The silence is so profound that one can almost hear the rhythm of their own heartbeat, immersing oneself in an experience of unparalleled tranquillity.


A Sunset to Remember

As the sun begins its descent, the sky transforms into a canvas of warm orange hues, bathing the dunes in a deep red glow. The desert becomes a symphony of colours, creating a magical spectacle that is simply awe-inspiring. Watching the sunset at Sarfaranga Desert is a memory that will be etched in your heart forever.


Adventure Awaits in the Cold Embrace

Sarfaranga Desert is not just about scenic wonders; it is also a haven for adventure enthusiasts. The desert offers various thrilling activities that cater to every adventurer’s spirit.


Horse Riding – Galloping through the Dunes

Horse riding amidst the picturesque dunes of Sarfaranga is an unforgettable experience. Many local tour operators offer horse riding tours, ensuring you can explore the vast expanse of the desert in style.


Paramotoring – Soaring to New Heights

For those seeking an adrenaline rush and a bird’s-eye view of the desert, Paramotoring is the way to go. Gliding through the skies and gazing down upon the breathtaking desert landscape below is an exhilarating and unforgettable experience.


Dirt Bike Riding – Conquering the Dunes

Dirt bike riding enthusiasts can find their haven in the Sarfaranga Desert. Rent a dirt bike and set out to conquer the undulating dunes, feeling the thrill of adventure coursing through your veins.


ATV Rides – Exploring with Ease

All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) rides are gaining popularity among visitors to the desert. Exploring the vast expanse of Sarfaranga becomes effortless as you embark on a thrilling and fun-filled ATV adventure.


Camping – Embracing Nature’s Embrace

Spending a night under the stars in the Sarfaranga Desert is a soul-replenishing experience. The serene atmosphere allows you to reconnect with nature and find solace in its beauty.


Famous Events and Festivals

The Sarfaranga Desert is a natural wonder and also a hub of cultural and sporting events that attract people from different parts of the world. One such prominent event is the Sarfaranga Desert Jeep Rally. This thrilling and adrenaline-packed event brings together experienced drivers and adventurers to test their skills on a challenging 54-kilometre track that covers the off-road areas of the desert.


How to Reach the Sarfaranga Desert?

To embark on this unforgettable journey, you can take a jeep or a 4×4 vehicle from Islamabad. The journey, although long, takes approximately 14 hours and rewards you with awe-inspiring views of the Northern Areas of Pakistan along the Karakoram Highway. However, you can take a direct flight to Skardu and reach the desert. 



Sarfaranga Desert in Skardu is one of the famous deserts in Pakistan. unique blend of frigid temperatures, majestic mountains, and vast sand dunes offers a mesmerising retreat for nature lovers.

Whether you seek tranquillity in the desert’s silence or the thrill of conquering its dunes, the Sarfaranga Desert is sure to leave an indelible mark on your heart. Embrace the cold beauty of this wonder and make memories that will last a lifetime.




Q: How many cold deserts are there in Pakistan?

A: There are two cold deserts in Pakistan – the Sarfaranga desert and the Katpana desert. Both these deserts are located in the Gilgit Baltistan region and are a must-visit if you travel to Pakistan.


Q: Is the Sarfaranga Desert better or the Katpana Desert?

A: There is no clear answer as to which desert is better. Both Sarfaranga and Katpana offer unique experiences that are worth checking out. If you are interested in adventure activities, then Sarfaranga might be a better option. On the other hand, if you want to enjoy the beautiful landscape and scenery, then Katpana might be a better choice. Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference and what you are looking for in a desert experience.


Q: Is there any restaurant in the Sarfaranga Desert?

A: There are no proper restaurants in the Sarfaranga Desert, but there are plenty of places to eat in Skardu. So if you’re planning on spending a few days in the desert, it’s best to stock up on food and water before you go. 


Q: How much is the distance to reach Sarfaranga Desert from Islamabad?

A: The distance from Islamabad to the Sarfaranga Desert is approximately 800 kilometres, and the journey takes almost 15 hours by car. Alternatively, you can fly to Skardu from Islamabad and then take a 30-minute drive to the Sarfaranga Desert.


Q: What is the location of Sarfaranga Desert Skardu?

A: Sarfaranga cold desert is located in the Shigar district at a distance of only 20 kilometres from Skardu in Gilgit-Baltistan. It is easy to reach the place as it is just a 30-minute drive from Skardu. The desert is located at an altitude of 7500 feet and has the mighty Indus river flowing nearby.


Q: Can I visit the Sarfaranga Desert in winter?

A: Yes, you can visit the Sarfaranga Desert in winter, but be prepared for extremely cold temperatures. The desert gets cold and dry during the winter, with temperatures dropping below freezing at night. If you’re looking for a more extreme experience and can handle the cold, winter can be a unique time to visit.


Q: Are there any accommodation options in the Sarfaranga Desert?

A: While there are no accommodations directly within the Sarfaranga Desert itself, there are several options for lodging in Skardu. Skardu offers hotels, guesthouses, and even camping facilities for visitors. You can find a variety of options to suit different budgets and preferences.


Q: What should I pack for a trip to Sarfaranga Desert?

A: When visiting the Sarfaranga Desert, especially in the colder months, it’s essential to pack appropriately. Bring warm clothes, including layers, as temperatures can vary during the day and night. Also, pack essentials like a water bottle, snacks, and camping gear if you plan to stay overnight.


Q: Are there any guided tours available for exploring the Sarfaranga Desert?

A: Yes, there are guided tours available for exploring the Sarfaranga Desert. Many local tour operators offer packages that include activities like camel rides, hiking, and jeep safaris in the desert. These guided tours can enhance your experience and help you make the most out of your visit.


Q: Is the Sarfaranga Desert safe for tourists?

A: Yes, the Sarfaranga Desert is generally safe for tourists. However, like any outdoor adventure, it’s essential to take necessary precautions and follow safety guidelines. Make sure to travel with a reliable tour operator, inform someone about your travel plans, and be prepared for the weather conditions. By taking necessary precautions, you can have a safe and enjoyable experience in the desert.

For more details about Satpara Lake, visit Graana blog.

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