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a physician who specializes in dermatology.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


A physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous diseases and related systemic diseases.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating cutaneous and related systemic diseases.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


A doctor who practices DERMATOLOGY.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


A physician that specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the skin.
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Patient discussion about Dermatologist

Q. My husband has psoriasis and the dermatologist suggested that he try the uv light treatment.Anyone try it. some of the side effects may be skin cancer and melanoma's. If so can you please let me know if it actually did help or if not. Thanks a million.

A. uv light treatment procedure is relatively new mod of treatment so here is difficult to build an opinion about it.
Actually there are two main type of treatment relating uv light are in use one is uvb treatment and other one is PUVA (uva light based).
As uvb is the most prominent factor for skin cancer so this treatment is more risky. While PUVA is quite effective treatment and has less side effects.

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References in periodicals archive ?
Simpson said, pointing out that, in replies, he and his dermatologist colleagues included information about common diagnoses, including first line treatments and "worrisome features they should be thinking about."
NSDDS offers opportunities for dermatologists and dermatologic surgeons to lead and influence legislative and regulatory policymaking that impacts dermatologists and their patients, as well as networking opportunities with dermatology colleagues.
Despite regularly reinforcing the importance of sun protection, dermatologists fear that the advice is not being taken seriously or is not understood:
"The findings suggest that substantial disparities in the geographic distribution of dermatologists exist and have been increasing with time," the authors write.
He said that there was extreme shortage of dermatologists in the province.
Wong clarifies that services like DirectDerm are not intended to take the place of focal dermatologists, but to support them and to alleviate patient backlogs for both primary care doctors and skin-care specialists.
Maintenance treatment is usually with either topical acne creams as prescribed by your dermatologist or with the procedures like Microdermabrassion and HydraFacial and Blue and Red Light therapy.
Jonathan Zizmor, New York's Dermatologist to the People, Retires" at...
Shannon hit her breaking point, and admitted herself to the ER, where she was referred to a dermatologist, who properly diagnosed her hand eczema.
"Chronic hand eczema, if left undiagnosed and untreated, can persist and in severe cases, it can have a profound impact on a patient's quality of life," says dermatologist, Dr.
Dermatologist Dr Ausama Atwan said: "Leprosy is still rare in the UK but it is something doctors should be mindful of, especially if they have patients originally from countries where it is common and who have unexplained lesions and changes to their skin."
STOP IT See your doctor for referral to a dermatologist, who may biopsy it then remove it.

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