Following up on the theme of caves from Minecraft's last update, the Wild Update introduced a new, fantastical biome called the deep dark biome. Home to the fearsome Warden, the biome has been highly anticipated by fans of Mojang's iconic sandbox games for months now.

RELATED: Minecraft: Pro Tips For Exploring Caves

However, as with all cool and interesting places in Minecraft, finding it is another story. Deep dark biomes and their new structure, the Ancient City, can be tricky to find if players have no clue where and how to start looking.

How To Find Deep Dark Biomes And Ancient Cities

Minecraft Deep Dark Biome Patch

Deep dark biomes spawn deep inside caves. How deep exactly is still unknown at the time of this guide being written, so players won't have the exact information of the average elevation of the deep dark biomes for now.

The best bet for any player is to simply head into the caves and start digging. Luckily, the caves and cliffs update ensured that many of the new caves are quite large and easy to traverse. Look for any huge cave openings nearby and start heading down, but make sure to go in properly prepared, as mobs will be plentiful.

Minecraft Deep Dark Ancient City

When it comes to Ancient Cities, these structures will exclusively spawn inside deep dark biomes. However, as with other structures like End Cities and Woodland Mansions that only spawn in specific dimensions and biomes, there is no 100% guarantee that a deep dark biome will spawn an Ancient City.

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Luckily, the average spawn elevation of Ancient Cities is estimated at Y= -52, which might give players an idea of how deep to venture into a cave. This also makes it easier to find deep dark biomes in general, though players should expect to spend a bit of time looking around, as both are fairly rare.

Notable Loot

minecraft recovery compass

So, why wander deep into the depths of the earth and find these ancient cities? There's one big reason: echo shards. These shards, when eight of them are combined with a compass, will create a Recovery Compass. This item is one of the most valuable tools in the game since the Wild Update came out.

The Recovery Compass will always point to the location of the player's last death. This is an incredibly useful item to have, so these echo shards alone should be a big enough motivation to get players to wander into the Warden's territory.

Minecraft is available on multiple platforms, such as PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Android and iOS devices.

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