Da Capo - Music theory

Da Capo


In Italian, Da Capo (D.C.) means from head, and in music theory its symbol is:da capo

Da Capo (D.C.) indicates that you have to go back to the beginning (just one time), like this:

Da capo animation frame 1

You play the first measure as usual.

Da capo animation frame 2

You play the second measure as usual.

Da capo animation frame 3

You play the third measure as usual.

Da capo animation frame 4

You play the fourth measure as usual, and after having played the measure fully, you will notice the indication D.C. (Da Capo) which mean from head in Italian.

Da capo animation frame 5

So we go to the head of the piece.

Da capo animation frame 6

You play the first measure one more time.

Da capo animation frame 7

You play the second measure one more time.

Da capo animation frame 8

You play the third measure one more time.

Da capo animation frame 9

You play the fourth measure one more time, and we stop here.

Da Capo al fine

In Italian, Da Capo al fine means from head to end, so after you go back to the beginning you have to stop at the Fine indication, like this:

Dacapo Al Fine animation frame 1

You play the first measure as usual.

Dacapo Al Fine animation frame 2

You play the second measure as usual.

Dacapo Al Fine animation frame 3

You play the third measure as usual, but you notice the Italian word Fine which means end.

Dacapo Al Fine animation frame 4

You play the fourth measure as usual.

Dacapo Al Fine animation frame 5

You play the fifth measure as usual, and after having played the measure fully, you will notice the indication D.C. al Fine (Da Capo al Fine) which mean from head to end indication in Italian.

Dacapo Al Fine animation frame 6

So we go to the head of the piece and we will stop when we will find Fine indication.

Dacapo Al Fine animation frame 7

You play the first measure one more time.

Dacapo Al Fine animation frame 8

You play the second measure one more time.

Dacapo Al Fine animation frame 9

You play the third measure one more time.

Dacapo Al Fine animation frame 10

And we stop her because of the Italian word Fine (end)

Da Capo al Coda

In Italian, Da Capo al coda means from head to the coda, so after you go back to the beginning you have to go to the beginning and jump at the coda indication, like this:

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 1

We play the first measure as usual.

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 2

We play the second measure as usual.

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 3

We play the third measure as usual and you notice the Italians words To Coda which means go to tail (to the ending)

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 4

We play the fourth measure as usual.

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 5

We play the fifth measure as usual and after that you notice the indication D.C al CODA (Da Capo al CODA) which means go to the end and next to the ending (to the coda).

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 6

So we go to the head.

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 7

We play the first measure one more time.

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 8

We play the second measure one more time.

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 10

We play the third measure one more time, and after having played the measure, you notice the Italian words To Coda

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 9

so we go to the Coda.

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 11

We play the first measure of the coda

Dacapo Al Coda animation frame 12

We play the second measure of the coda, and the piece stop here.


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