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988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline in Ohio


988 Myths vs Facts
Break through the myths and learn more about the helpful and life-saving aspects of 988.

Ohioans who are experiencing a mental health or addiction crisis, and their family members, can call, text, or chat the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline to reach a trained specialist who can offer help and support. The easy-to-remember, 3-digit number provides 24/7, free and confidential support to Ohioans in a behavioral health crisis. 988 is a direct connection to compassionate, accessible care and support for anyone experiencing mental health related distress. That could be:

  • thoughts of suicide,
  • mental health or substance use crisis, or
  • any other kind of emotional distress.

Ohio's 988 plan is part of the state's larger commitment to providing quality, person-centered crisis supports in communities across the state.

There is HOPE. The Lifeline WORKS. You are not alone in crisis.


For more information Contact Us.