All 24 book covers of ‘The Adventures of Tintin’, ranked

You spent the best part of your life borrowing out these books at the library, staring at these covers.

Adventures of Tintin covers

'Tintin' covers were always shrouded in mystery and adventure. Source: Egmont Group

When it comes to The Adventures of Tintin, the tried and usually true adage that tells us not to judge a book by its cover doesn’t apply. Each entry in Hergé’s ridiculously successful series of long-form comics was as appealing on the outside as it was inside, their front covers enough to convince children the world over to hand over weeks of pocket money and do so with a smile.

With Spielberg’s wondrous 3D-interpretation of Hergé’s vision (based mainly on numbers five and 20 on this list) airing on SBS VICELAND this Saturday night, we decided to channel our inner child and brave the seemingly impossible task of ranking the 24 books by the allure of their cover. Wish us luck.

NB: For certain books in the series, more than one cover was released, but we’ve gone with the illustrations most recognisable to Australians.


24. Tintin and Alph-Art (24th book)
Tintin and Alph-Art
Source: Egmont Group
As this cover was released posthumously, it was always going to sit at the bottom.


23. Tintin in America (third book)
Tintin in America
Source: Egmont Group
We’re sure you can guess why this cover comes in second last.


22. The Castiafore Emerald (21st book)
The Castiafore Emerald
Source: Egmont Group
For some reason, this illustration seems a little more polished and therefore less charming than the others.


21. The Secret of the Unicorn (11th book)
The Secret of the Unicorn
Source: Egmont Group
Can that boat please move out of the way?


20. The Calculus Affair (18th book)
The Calculus Affair
Source: Egmont Group
Professor Calculus is just taking a nap, right?


19. Tintin and the Land of the Soviets (first book)
Tintin and the Land of the Soviets
Source: Egmont Group
Before the covers came into their own, but a classic nonetheless.


18. The Broken Ear (sixth book)
The Broken Ear
Source: Egmont Group
Tintin, never go downriver!


17. Flight 714 to Sydney (22nd book)
Flight 714 to Sydney
Source: Egmont Group
Unfortunately, Tintin never reaches Australia.


16. King Ottokar’s Sceptre (eighth book)
King Ottokar’s Sceptre
Source: Egmont Group
Is Tintin hiding something in his coat?


15. The Red Sea Sharks (19th book)
The Red Sea Sharks
Source: Egmont Group
Someone better keep an eye on Snowy.


14. Prisoners of the Sun (14th book)
Tintin Prisoners of the Sun
Source: Egmont Group


13. Tintin in the Congo (second book)
Tintin in the Congo
Source: Egmont Group


12. The Shooting Star (10th book)
Tintin The Shooting Star
Source: Egmont Group
Magic mushrooms?


11. Land of Black Gold (15th book)
Tintin Land of Black Gold
Source: Egmont Group
You had us at Thompson and Thompson’s wigs.


10. Tintin and the Picaros (23rd book)
Tintin and the Picaros
Source: Egmont Group
Is that pyramid about to grow legs?


9. Tintin in Tibet (20th book)
Tintin in Tibet
Source: Egmont Group
Ooh, that title’s not in the signature font?


8. The Seven Crystal Balls (13th book)
Tintin The Seven Crystal Balls
Source: Egmont Group
The professor is looking a little light.


7. The Blue Lotus (fifth book)
Tintin The Blue Lotus
Source: Egmont Group
So red. So dangerous. Yet so inviting.


6. The Crab with the Golden Claws (ninth book)
Tintin The Crab with the Golden Claws
Source: Egmont Group
They’re not crabs, they’re camels. Camels have hooves, not claws. What’s going on?


5. Red Rakham’s Treasure (12th book)
Tintin Red Rakham’s Treasure
Source: Egmont Group
Is that a whale or a submarine? Buy it and find out.


3 and 4. Destination Moon / On the Surface of the Moon (16th and 17th books)
Tintin Destination Moon / On the Surface of the Moon
Source: Egmont Group
Mum, can you get me that Tintin book set in outer space? Yes, both.


2. The Black Island (seventh book)
Tintin The Black Island
Source: Egmont Group
As ominous as it is gorgeous. Oh, to be on that boat.


1. Cigars of the Pharaoh (fourth book)
Tintin Cigars of the Pharaoh
Source: Egmont Group
Mummies + Tintin’s wariness = irresistible. 


Watch The Adventures of Tintin on Saturday 2 December at 8:20pm on SBS VICELAND.

3 min read
Published 28 November 2017 11:39am
By Evan Valletta

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