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Man-eating monsters—the Yoma—stalk the land. The breed knows only one foe: Claymore. Human-Yoma hybrids of strength and cunning, these warrior women roam from fight to fight delivering salvation by the edge of a blade—for a fee. This is the tale of the Claymore called Clare. In a land where even predator is prey, her solitary path to vengeance unfolds.

Japanese, English, Español (América Latina), Português (Brasil)
English, Português (Brasil)
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(23 reviews)02 April 2018
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Classic Action/Gore Anime, Must Watch for all fans of the genre

I remember Claymore being extremely popular when it was released in 2007. Every convention, forum, and club were talking about it. But the die-hard fans started to drift away from the series when it ended inconclusively 26 episodes later. An ending that strayed from the manga, yet still did not close any loose ends in the plot can leave a bad-taste in the mouth of a manga-enthusiast. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't entirely Madhouse's fault. The manga would not come to it's limping conclusion until 2014, SEVEN YEARS after the anime stopped airing. However, despite Claymore's short-comings I strongly recommend watching the series. We rarely see in-depth and captivating backstory's and motivations in an action-anime like this. Over a decade later the anime still holds up in animation quality, story telling, voice acting, and art style.

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(8 reviews)02 April 2018
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One of my favs and highly underrated in my opinion

The animation style is different and fits the setting of the anime. Overall there isn't anything to really complain about. It's a gory action anime that explores a really dark themed story line about what these girls or claymores have to go through. I loved the anime so much and it's sad it only has one season. If you end up enjoying it you don't have to start from the beginning of the manga either. Really big differences start happening towards the end of the anime so if you choose to pick up the manga you can start around there.

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(24 reviews)03 April 2018
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Important work of action horror and moving representation of female heroes

Claymore is a highly-regarded classic that follows the journey of four Claymores. The beginning of the story centers on Clare, the lowest ranked of her kind, and through her story we meet many of her comrades. The most important of these is Phantom Miria, who in many ways is the actual heroine of the series, and one of the most compelling female heroes in all of manga and anime. The art and music direction in Claymore are quite fantastic. The art emulates the manga, favoring gothic tones and a Tim Burton-esque grayness, while the music swings from eerie to sad to heroic. The representation of female soldiers, taking into account the differences in socially conditioned temperament, is responsible and there is a notable absence of the usual fan service that often wrecks the tone in anime. As for the screenwriting and general narrative, Claymore doesn't really break ground in the particulars of the story. But the relationships between the fighters and the people they care about is handled deftly, and there is an often moving exploration of trauma and coping with loss. The concept of awakened beings - the living expression of human nightmares - gives the series a nefarious, difficult to understand villain that generally produces more mystery the more we find out about them. The interplay between the moving parts of the story - Clare and Raki, the Miria-Clare-Deneve-Helen clique, Miria and the Organization, Clare and Rubul - is something that is reminiscent of TV, rather than animation, such as the HBO adaptation of Game of Thrones. Alas, there is one drawback to this anime. The production company, Madhouse, canceled the series while in production. This left Claymore with a completely nonsensical, makeshift ending. So be warned: season 1 is just maybe one tenth or one twentieth of the way through the story in a manga that finished almost a decade after Claymore was aired in 2007. The ending it's given changes dramatically what happens at the conclusion of events that were not intended to end the story at that juncture. Nonetheless, Claymore is a wonderful anime, and it is a rare responsible representation of women in action, horror, and fantasy in general. In anime I often have to lower my expectations about the treatment of women, and remember in context that anime is marketed primarily at Japanese males with conditioned expectations about sex appeal in fiction. Claymore is not just one of my favorite series and manga - it's a powerful representation of female heroism that defies convention in its medium and genre.

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(6 reviews)02 April 2018
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It has a bit of the Berserk feel to it I felt.

I really enjoyed this anime a lot and really wish it had continued. One of my favorite ever. Gives off an old Berserk vibe a little bit. If you like swords and battles and crazy stuff going on then you'll probably enjoy this one. They need to make more!

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(1 review)02 April 2018
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Claymore Review (Highly recommend)

Really enjoyed this anime, it has been a fair few years since I last saw it but it has left a lasting impression. Dark + gory (ish) Good action, decent story BAD ASS females too. Don't sleep on this one here, I can guarantee you'll see this all the way through!