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Christopher Leone 🇺🇦
Co-creator of THE LOST ROOM now on Amazon Prime, writer/director of PARALLELS on Amazon & iTunes. FULLY VAXXED, CAN NEVER DIE.
Los Angeles, CAchristopherleone.comJoined January 2010

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I keep trying to put this story out of my brain because it scares the hell out of me.
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A vast new study finds there are 70 percent fewer wild animals sharing the earth with us than there were in 1970. Read that again. And again.
The Republican Party tried to overthrow the government on January 6 and they never stopped, and it would be very nice if that fact defined them in media and informed any mention of them going forward, and if those empowered to stop them did so without any further throat clearing.
Sugar does not cause hyperactivity in children. The idea spread from the results of a single study unreplicated since 1978. How many other false things do you know? Identifying them is where science comes in.
Good news! Today Italian-Americans are fully integrated into the United States. Bad news! Turns out Columbus was a monster. So just like Italians got lifted up in our time of need, we should pay it forward — to retire Columbus and embrace Indigenous Peoples Day.
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It’s almost like the people most concerned about being “alphas” are actually the worst butthurt crybabies on the fucking planet.
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Nick Adams says he will be giving a speech next week at E. Tenn State about “how the most persecuted group in the USA are straight, white, christian men,” and “the need for men to be men, and women to be women.”
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A problem that many institutions face (I face it as a teacher) is that the American right has come to be so based around lies that simply stating basic truths can be seen as politically provocative. It's one reason the right's lies have become an institution-destroying machine.
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If the "woke general" is disciplined for his tweets, it will send a chilling message to the entire Army not to call out MAGA lies. And that, in turn, will enable the real threat to “Army values”--the one posed by Trump and his followers--to metastasize.
I highly recommend The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity by David Graeber & David Wengrow. Using the latest archeology, it upends so many myths about the origins of civilization But more importantly, it exploded my ideas of how we live now. We are an amazing species.
Rebutting the known fallacies: 1) Ukraine was neutral in 2014 and Russia attacked & occupied it, invading again this year. Never again. 2) The greatest nuclear threat comes from concessions to Putin, not standing up to him. 3) The only real peace will be when Russia is defeated.
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