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May 7, 2024

[Answer] 6. Endometriosis can be frustrating emotionally and physically for those that suffer from it, because the disease is not always understood or accepted. If an individual knows someone who has endometriosis which of these is a way to support her?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. Endometriosis can be frustrating emotionally and physically for those that suffer from it, because the disease is not always understood or accepted. If an individual knows someone who has endometriosis which of these is a way to support her?"

...1. learn about the disease 2. be willing to adjust to the needs 3. be willing to talk 4. all of these Endometriosis is usually not a disease most individuals feel they can explain or talk about because of the disease's connection with issues that deal with the reproductive system. Most individuals that have the disease will live with it on a long term basis, adjusting to many activities with the recognition they will be in pain, and on extreme level some will deal with the possibility they may never have a child. Having someone who is willing to learn about the disease and be willing to adjust to the individuals limits or needs is a gift. In most cases, even a small talk is special.

[Answer] 4. Theodore Roosevelt had no middle name, but his cousin, who also became president, did have a middle name. What was the second President Roosevelt's middle name?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Theodore Roosevelt had no middle name, but his cousin, who also became president, did have a middle name. What was the second President Roosevelt's middle name?"

...1. Franklin 2. Elliott 3. Eleanor 4. Delano Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd president, was of the Hyde Park, New York, branch of the Roosevelt family. Delano was his mother's maiden name. Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president, was from the Oyster Bay, New York, branch of the family, and a fifth cousin of FDR. Theodore's brother Elliott had a daughter named Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (she went by her middle name). Both Eleanor's parents died by her 10th year. When she married, her uncle Theodore, then President Roosevelt, gave the bride away. Eleanor's new husband, of course, was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and would become President Roosevelt in his own right 28 years later.

[Answer] 3. '... Rigby' - which lady hides in this song by The Beatles?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. '... Rigby' - which lady hides in this song by The Beatles?"

...1. Eliza 2. Eleanor 3. Elvira 4. Emily 'Eleanor Rigby', a song by The Beatles, was released on the 1966 album 'Revolver' and at the same time on a 45 rpm single. It was written by Paul McCartney. The song was later recorded by a great number of artists and used in many live performances. "Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church Where a wedding has been Lives in a dream Waits at the window Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door Who is it for? All the lonely people Where do they all come from? All the lonely people Where do they all belong?"

[Answer] 2. ALOHA, have you got a DRY PRONG you can spare? A NICKEL? I'll pay you back in GOLD DUST from the GAMBLE SPUR. Meanwhile, you can BOOK us a MONKS HAMMOCK during the HURRICANE in which southern 'Pelican State'?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. ALOHA, have you got a DRY PRONG you can spare? A NICKEL? I'll pay you back in GOLD DUST from the GAMBLE SPUR. Meanwhile, you can BOOK us a MONKS HAMMOCK during the HURRICANE in which southern 'Pelican State'? "

...1. Louisiana 2. Arkansas 3. Alabama 4. Georgia When we get to the PROMISED LAND, I expect to TREAT our UNCLE SAM to a JIGGER before we get CUT OFF in BEE BAYOU. Wear the BEARSKIN, it looks great with your GROSSE TETE! QUICK, YAWN over here so CHOPIN won't see you. Louisiana has the second lowest point above sea level in the U.S.

[Answer] 1. A former president, who is known for tripping over his own words said, "I have opinions of my own-strong opinions- but I don't always agree with them." Who is this man whose father was also president?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. A former president, who is known for tripping over his own words said, "I have opinions of my own-strong opinions- but I don't always agree with them." Who is this man whose father was also president?"

...1. Ronald Reagan 2. George W. Bush 3. John Quincy Adams 4. Jimmy Carter George Walker Bush was the 43rd president of the United States of America (2001 to 2009). He was also the 46th Governor of Texas (1995 to 2000). George W. Bush was born in 1946. He was preceded by Bill Clinton and succeeded by Barack Obama as president. His father, George H. W. Bush was the 41st president of the U.S.A. George W. Bush went to Yale University and Harvard Business School.