
今日与几位友人讨论欧洲现在的福利制度与公共财政问题。 个人建立如下模型:假设高科技从业人员月薪2500欧,每月政府抽税一千欧(法国实际税率似乎更高)。…

64 个回答

虽然我也是欧洲福利制度的反对者,但是题主是典型的概念误用, 庞氏骗局一定不能有实业参与,换而言之,有公司实体参与的都不是庞氏骗局。不要把任何高期望,却入不敷出,兑付率不能完全的财政政策都解读为“庞氏骗局”,因为这是概念误用。。








而养老金而言,理解也有一点误差。 法国现在的养老保险制度是二战之后才建立起来的,退休人员所领的退休金一部分来自于同一时间年轻人所交的老保险的钱(包括个人、企业部分等等),也就是所谓的“赡养比”,还有一部分是他们当年积累的钱。而在计算其养老金额度的时候,跟他们一生积累的数字有关。










福利政策本身也会影响到产业政策的状况,一个最简单的例子,如果一个国家的劳工福利给企业带来的负担高于企业能通过本地劳工市场所得到收益,那么本土企业自然集体细软出国。。故而,福利政策本身也会反馈到产业政策上,他的制定,决定着国内企业的生态,包括企业成本,产业的迭代率,中小企业的生存状态,进而对于产业经济产生影响,某种意义上,在社会流动性(social mobility)是一个比较重要的间接因素。。故而在福利政策在这些问题上也需要取得一个“平衡”。


As a German living in France, I wrote in English (included), but thank JY for the kind translation

坐标法国的德国人,用英文作答,翻译内容由热心知友JY huang提供

The very short answer to your question is: "YES"


But it's a little bit more complicated than that. It hasn't always been that way, politicians want us to believe it still isn't, and the degradation is incremental and not by design.


I am a German citizen who lives partially in France, being married to a French wife. So I know both country's systems somewhat.


Personally, I am lucky that I am exempt from the normal pension system: Being the managing director of my own company (in Germany), I have the choice to stay in the system or not, and today, there is only one rational choice in that case: Get out, and look after your own pension plan through savings and investments to sustain yourself in old age.


Our welfare states are not Ponzi-schemes by design. In a Ponzi scheme, you pay out unrealistically high dividends to investors by directly taking the money of new investors.


The main reason why our system is out of balance is not so much the unemployment, as it is the demographic factor.


Going back a little bit in history:
In Germany, social welfare was introduced by the famous Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck (Health insurance 1883, Accident insurance 1884, Old Age & Invalidity 1889).

This was pretty much a world's first. Bismarck being a very conservative politician, it seems counter-intuitive at first. But Bismarck was worried about the rise of socialism among the working class, and knew about the value of a stable society for the economy and the military. While it did not really stop the rise of Germany's oldest political party, the Social Democratic Party, it is considered till this day as a major achievement.

让我们先稍微回顾一下历史。德国的社会福利制度是由著名的普鲁士首相俾斯麦引入的。(医疗保险 1883年,人身意外保险 1884年,伤残养老保险 1889年)。基本可以说,这是世界首创的。作为一个非常保守的政治人物,俾斯麦引入一系列保险制度起初是让人难以理解的。但其实,俾斯麦一直担心社会主义在工人阶级中的崛起,他非常清楚社会稳定对于经济和军事发展的重要价值。虽然这些举措最终并没有阻止德国最老牌的政党,社民党的崛起,然而即使从现在看来,这依然是一个巨大的成就。

At first, it worked quite well. Maybe not all people benefited from it, e.g. with a retirement age of 71 and a life expectancy which was too short for many to ever benefit. But the system was in equilibrium.


Why it worked, you can see easily on this stamp, issued to celebrate 100 years of the Old Age insurance in 1989, with evolved into the the pension insurance.


The demographic tree in 1889 was almost a perfect pyramid or pine tree.

First the world wars, and then the declining birth rates have put things on its head since. The birth rate in Germany, without any regulation, is lower than in China, one or two child policy, at about 1.4 children.



Before, we had what we called the "generational contract": The young generation's contributions would pay for the older generation.
But today, we are not far away from the point where 1 person of the active workforce has to support 2 retired people.

At the same time, You can't really win public elections if you hurt the senior citizens.
Our last general election had this age distribution: left the age groups, then the millions of eligible voters in millions in men, women and total, on the right the share of the population in %.



Official retirement age is now 67, but hardly anybody retires that late. So if you take all people > 60, you have 36.1% of the voters in that age group.


So if we can't keep up the generational contract, what can we do?


1. The government can use other funds to plug holes in the pension payments.
You can see that in the federal budget, "Work and Social" are by far the biggest expense, at 40.4%. This expense uses other taxes (e.g. VAT etc.) beyond the contributions of citizens to the social insurances.

1, 政府可以动用其它资金为养老金补缺口。从下图可发现,在联邦预算里,就业和社会福利占据了最大的部分,达到了40.4%。除了社保的收入外,这些支出还使用了例如增值税等的其它一些税款收入。

2. The government is reducing the benefits in various ways. It has already raised the retirement entry date from 64 to 67 years (if you retire earlier, you receive less benefits).

At the same time, the relative share of your last net income which you get as pension has declined to 48% and is forecasted to decline further.

2, 政府正在多方面减少福利的支出。退休年龄从64岁推迟到67岁。越晚退休,则你收到的福利越少。于此同时,与工作收入挂钩的养老金收入,其比例已经持续下降到48%,预期还会继续下降。

Finally, if you take these 48%, look at the distribution of German incomes, and compare that to the official definition of poverty in Germany, then 40% of current working people will qualify for the social help intended for the poorest (in particular including those who have never worked and paid into those social systems).
3, 最后,如只果你只能拿到48%的净收入作为养老金的话,现有的40%的德国工作人口将在退休时直接掉到贫困线以下(包括那些从未工作,没有为养老金支付过一分钱的人)

That is certainly not a sane system.


People are encouraged in many different ways to start their own capital based insurance.
So one where they will get back the very money they saved, plus (or minus in the worst case) the capital gains on that money. Instead of financing the current generation of retired people through their contributions and also through re-directed taxes of other kind, and later being left "in the rain" when the next generation is much smaller and unable to pay enough into the system.


But those who can build their own capital based old age insurance are those who have enough money left each month to pay for it. That will hardly be the 40% of the working population we just talked about.


In any case, in such a scenario, the risk of the investment is thus transferred to the retiree. While before, the government made some guarantees, which were also founded in the belief a certain capital appreciation could be achieved with the contributions, this risk now resides fully with the beneficiary. With risk free interest rates hovering barely above 0 in the Western world that's a big problem for life insurances and similar products which typically form part of any private retirement saving.


Germans are traditionally very unwilling to invest into shares instead, and prefer bonds, which have no yield today. Stocks have a better performance, in any case of the very long run as for a young person saving for retirement. But Germans feel that stocks are speculation rather than investment, and have not yet forgotten 2001 and 2007.

传统上,德国人非常不愿意投资股票,而是更喜欢债券,但现在的债券近乎没有收益。 长远来说,股票投资往往有更好的回报,实际是适合成为年轻人为退休作准备的一种储蓄。 但德国人往往认为股票是更多的是投机而不是投资,并且他们依然对2001年和2007年的金融风暴有深刻的记忆

As a result of all this, I see an inexorable decline of the system. No government can make really hard cuts, but economic realities continue to catch up with us.
In the past couple of years, Germany has made a budget surplus and even reduced debts. This is due to a large degree to the artificially low interest rates ever after 2007 financial crisis, and a decent world economy fueled by that cheap money which benefited Germany as export oriented nation. In the coming years, budgets will become more challenging, while the aging progresses further.
What happens when you have to cut really deep in the social welfare system, we have seen in Greece.

总结前面所说的,我看到了这套福利系统不可避免的衰落。 没有哪个政府可以做出真正的削减,而经济环境的现实问题却从没有放过我们。在过去的几年,德国实现了预算盈余,甚至减少了债务。 这在很大程度上是由2007年金融危机后人为的低利率,低息贷款使地全球经济上扬,使得以出口为主导的德国从中受益所带来的。在未来几年,老龄化将进一步发展,预算制定将变得更具挑战性。而我们已经在希腊身上看到过,当你必须在社会福利体系中进行大刀阔斧的改革时,会发生些什么。

The population feels that their standard of living is not only improving less fast than in other parts of the world, but that in many cases, it's difficult for the young generation even to keep up with their own parents, at least on a running basis. While they inherit huge wealth accumulated from ~1950-80, the perception of own development is often less bright.

They "Yellow Vest" protests in France are an expression of this diffuse feeling. Much is mixed into it, but "purchasing power" is at the heard of the people's demands. A government can redistribute wealth through taxes, subsidies and benefits. But if the economic and demographic trends leave less to distribute, economic well being can not come from thin air. Cutting back social welfare is a result.

人们认为他们的生活水平的增长不仅比世界其他地区慢,而且在许多情况下,年轻一代甚至跟不上自己的父母。虽然他们继承了从1950年至1980年积累的巨大社会财富,但对自身发展的视野却不甚明朗。 这群人在法国的“黄背心”抗议活动表达了这种晦涩的情绪。很多东西都混杂在一起,但对自身“购买力”的诉求是事件的核心。 政府可以通过税收,补贴和福利重新分配财富。 但是,如果经济形势和人口架构的改变减少了可分配的财富,经济福祉自然不可能无中生有。所以,削减社会福利是一种必然结果。