Serge Gainsbourg Lyrics

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Chatterton suicidé
Hannibal suicidé
Démosthène suicidé

Fou à lier
Quant à moi
Quant à moi

Ça ne va plus très bien

Chatterton suicidé
Cléopâtre suicidé
Isocrate suicidé
Goya fou à lier
Quant à moi
Quant à moi, ça ne va plu très bien

Chatterton suicidé
Marc-Antoine suicidé
Van Gogh suicidé

Fou à lier
Quant à moi

Quant à moi
Ça ne va plus très bien

Overall Meaning

In Serge Gainsbourg’s song “Chatterton”, he lists several historical figures who committed suicide or were considered insane, including poets Thomas Chatterton, Isocrate, and Marc-Antoine; conqueror Hannibal; philosopher Demosthenes; artist Goya; composer Robert Schumann; and philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Gainsbourg himself declares himself to be “crazy as hell”. By mentioning these figures, Gainsbourg touches on the theme of creative genius and its connection to mental illness and instability. Many of the aforementioned figures were known for their exceptional talent and creativity, but also struggled with mental health issues that ultimately led to their demise. Gainsbourg himself was notorious for his heavy drinking and womanizing, and the lyrics suggest that he was not immune to the same struggles as these historical figures.

Gainsbourg’s choice to name-drop these figures also suggests a certain morbid fascination with death and suffering. He seems to be drawn towards the idea of the tortured artist, someone who experiences intense emotional highs and lows and uses that pain to create great works of art. The repetition of “quant à moi ça ne va plus très bien” (“as for me, things aren’t going very well”) emphasizes the narrator’s own sense of despair and isolation. At the same time, the use of the third person and the recitation of these historical names suggest a kind of detachment or even voyeurism towards the subject.

Overall, “Chatterton” is a haunting meditation on the relationship between creativity, mental illness, and mortality. By referencing these tragic figures, Gainsbourg invites the listener to contemplate their own mortality and the inevitability of death.

Line by Line Meaning

Chatterton suicidé
Chatterton took his life through suicide

Hannibal suicidé
Hannibal committed suicide

Démosthène suicidé
Démosthène committed suicide

Nietzsche referenced in the context of suicide

Fou à lier
Insane to the point of being bound in restraints

Quant à moi
As for me

Quant à moi
As for me

Ça ne va plus très bien
Things are not going very well

Cléopâtre suicidé
Cléopâtre took her life through suicide

Isocrate suicidé
Isocrate committed suicide

Goya fou à lier
Goya was insane to the point of being bound in restraints

Chatterton suicidé
Chatterton took his life through suicide

Marc-Antoine suicidé
Marc-Antoine committed suicide

Van Gogh suicidé
Van Gogh took his life through suicide

Referenced in the context of suicide

Fou à lier
Insane to the point of being bound in restraints

Quant à moi
As for me

Quant à moi
As for me

Ça ne va plus très bien
Things are not going very well

Written by: Serge Gainsbourg

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Comments from YouTube:

sanderson coelho

Rio de janeiro, 03/10/2022 e eu aqui de boa de madrugada comendo, logo após um término de namoro (1 mês) sem sentimentos, não estou nem bem nem mal, tres bien!

John Staples

Just watched the movie that, this was featured in. The Dinner:2017 This track is the truth !!


I wish I could remember what movie I heard this song on.

John Staples

The Dinner (2017)


La classe

John Makhloufi

Quelqu'un a l'année pour cette chanson?


1967 (ré-éditée sur la version bonus de l'album "Initials B.B." en 2001). 😊