Capricorn Horoscopes: Daily, Weekly, Monthly Forecasts | HuffPost
Symbol for capricorn


Dec 22 - Jan 19The GoatEarthSaturn

Capricorn is the disciplined and ambitious achiever of the zodiac. They are hardworking, responsible, and determined to climb the ladder of success.Capricorns are practical strategists who value tradition and long-term goals.




Your emotional strength can empower you through any ongoing confusion. Shocking events may take place without warning, creating drama where you once thought there was security. You might have been counting on someone who lets you down or working with someone who doesn't care about how their actions affect you. Specifics aside, it can be hard to deal with betrayals, even minor ones, when you'd never do that to someone else. Don't judge yourself by their actions. You can make it through this!

Your Week In Love

This week's major decision could be connected to your family and your love life. It's possible that you'll give in to temptation and ignore your family's advice in favor of reconnecting with an ex. This probably seems like a great idea to you, but no matter how well it goes, your family may have a hard time getting on board because they can't forget about the past. Remind them that it's your love life and even if they're being protective, it's your journey. Single? You might reconsider a relative's offer to set you up with someone. Happily settled down? You may move in with your sweetheart. It's a big step!

Your Next 30 Days

Domestic changes are on the horizon. Confusion might be muddying the waters, obscuring your path toward the best decision for any home and family issues. Still, if you are willing to let yourself marinate in the possibilities, a clear path should emerge soon enough.

From April 1 until April 25, Mercury will be retrograde in your homey 4th house, prompting you to make a mental course correction relating to your living situation. Be on the lookout for a misunderstanding between you and a relative that you'll need to sort out. It's okay -- after the Solar Eclipse on April 8 in this same area of your chart, you can clarify how and when to take action. You've got the power, Capricorn! All you need is an opportunity to use it.

When it comes to your love life, you might feel luckier than any lottery winner. A gorgeous Jupiter-Uranus conjunction lands in your 5th House of Romance on April 20. This can bring any big break you've been waiting for in matters of the heart. It's an exciting time for sure!

Key Themes: home, family, parenthood, real estate, domestic mishap, family business, romance, children, sudden love

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