IF Hulk was In-charge 🤔 then 😨😱 : r/HolUp Skip to main content

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IF Hulk was In-charge 🤔 then 😨😱

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Anyone willing to give a run down of the black and white scenes, I think I missed some movies

u/POKECHU020 avatar

First Scene: Banner tries to commit suicide after seeing... alright I haven't seen the movie but a woman he was very close with dead. He fails to commit suicide due to the hulk. Audio from the first Avengers movie plays over this scene.

Second/Rest of Scenes: Age of Ultron - Endgame, all clips of Hulk/Banner being in love with Natasha, followed by learning of her sacrifice and being unable to bring her back

The first scene was the unsused opening of the incredible hulk 2008. No idea why they didnt use it. Wouldve been perfect.

i dont believe marvel owns the rights to him as a main character, only a support cast (I could be wrong)

Yea universal holds the rights until june 2023 and then marvel owns him again i believe.

u/DoubleGreat avatar

Hopefully we get some good content then. I'm tired of this constant disrespect.

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u/RandomMexicanGuy07 avatar

in the first hulk movie, banner's wife is dead and try's to kill himself. hulk spits the bullet out. in the other scenes with black widow, he leaves the planet at the end of Age of ultron (i forgot why) and he's gone for a long time. he returns and nat dies in endgame, his lover but never actually a thing

u/ayushj176p avatar

I think Betty was just injured not actually dead, but even hurting Betty will make him want to commit suicide.

He left and went to Sakaar. I don't remember him going willingly, though. That's why he's there when Thor gets sent there as a prisoner. He ends up having a family and ruling that planet and they basically worship him as their savior, but he has to go back to earth for some reason. I could be mixing things up, though.

XD You're definitely mixing things up. Hulk wasn't ruler of Sakaar, but he did become the ruler's champion in what passed for the gladiator arena where he went undefeated until Thor showed up, then they both escaped with Valkyrie by stealing the ruler's party ship...

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He ends up having a family? On Sakaar?? Are you watching the same Thor Ragnarok we all are watching?? 🤔

He probably got confused with the comics that sakaar originated from

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u/Tyler-LR avatar

Wait, I don’t remember anything about a dead wife?

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It's the Incredible Hulk (2008)

This is how I will remember "The incredible hulk"!

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Hulk thinking of committing double suicide with banner.

Banner actually tried to shoot himself but Hulk spit out the bullet...

hulk don’t swallow. hulk no lil bitch

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Succeeded at making me sad.

Expected a good laugh but ended up having a new sense of sympathy for what banner had gone through.

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Bruce Banner has one of the most tragic backstories ever, his Father was the most abusive person on the Planet. He constantly blamed and wanted to hurt him for how smart Bruce was as a kid, he killed Bruce’s mother, and Bruce developed multiple personalities to cope with how Tragic it is. He literally has every excuse on the planet to be angry at the world, it treats him like crap! The fact that He’s angry all the time proves how much Worse he has it than Jen does

Better add downplays his trauma because he doesn’t get cat-called.

Then left wing reddit and twitter call anyone who calls the show out for the shit it is, a misogynist.

Because apparently dumbing down the female condition to just a couple of points is not sexist at all.

I mean the sole reason why we have she hulk is cause of them so let them be happy. It is clear that the film sucks, just like the new predator (till now predator vs elite killer squod with guns and now against bow and arrow)

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u/limitlessEXP avatar

Don’t forget mansplaining! A greater tragedy I cannot fathom.

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Not to mention he was hunted my every American government agency to be used for experimentation, and just to survive he had to live in third world countries just to keep a low profile, while also believing during that time the respect, dignity, that he earned as dr bruce banner was all taken away from him because of the hulk, he practically wasted his life, until the avengers recruited him.

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Is she Hulksplaining?

u/ValStarwind avatar

She got angry just doing THAT.

That was kinda the point though. She thinks he's wrong and she's right and that she's in total control of her anger. Seems like foreshadowing to her losing control to me.

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Yeah because she is so much better than everybody omugud yass queen �

She patronized one of the most tragic character in MCU about how.l bad life is for an average woman. Because he tried to help her regarding controlling her emotions.

Then, she proceeds to try to run over her cousin with a car and fight him. Yes, she has complete control over her emotions

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u/Jfuentes6 avatar

It's annoying when someone says "I felt X more than you" to someone who clearly went through more and doesn't shove it in their face.

The difference between being humble and thinking you're humble.

A girl I knew once told me I could never understand how hard she has it. She was talking about not having the latest iPhone… in my head I was debating weather or not to tell her my grandmother died 3 days prior. But none the less I said how sad it must be to be you and moved on. Later she I overheard her talking shit about how I’m an insensitive jerk and I damn near just walked up to her to call her out on her bs but I stoped myself because it’s unnecessary drama

Damn bro. And the fact that you chose to back down as well

Thanks man. This was a while ago tho. I was 13 at the time (21 now) so I got over it. Haven’t seen that girl in a long time. Wonder where she is now in life

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Hol' Up Chief.

Gotta give you a hug.

Appreciated brother

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Honor man, a good human be always choose to be the better man

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The difference between a good person and someone that affirms being a good person

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It's annoying when anyone says it to anyone, period. It's not a competition. She-Hulk isn't the worst show but there are ways to do strong female characters besides making them rude lol

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She doesn’t seem to be controlling it very well…


I honestly thought she was gonna talk about getting periods when talking about controlling anger

But nope we got something way worse

u/Shadowfox6908 avatar

IDK, guess it could be that time.

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And Disney wonders why Marvel is slumping and people are not watching anymore. What a woke dumpsterfire they're creating.

Star Wars, too. Fuck Disney.

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let's hope her redemption arc isn't like Dumpsterfire in "I am not Starfire"

Fingers crossed, they're somehow able to cross paths with Professor Xavier and he mind links them so she can see all the shit he's been through for herself...


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“Some people are rude to me. Not all the time but sometimes. So it’s basically the same thing”.

Hulk needs to smash this agenda.


That's basically it. People are rude and toss in the (keyword here) extreme possibilities added by deranged men and voila, she's inFiNitEly BetTeR aT It tHAn yOu. Puh-lease.


“Like I know you watched your father literally beat your mother to death and had to deal with the mental imagery of your mothers brains leaving her skulls all the while your father nearly killed you over and over for just being alive….but like a dude told me I had pretty eyes when I was walking down the street so clearly I’ve been through worse…”

Meanwhile Bruce being constantly on the run from the government and his Ex's father, who wants to capture him and do experiments on him.

Yep, basically the same as being cat called.

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This is amazing. I can’t wait for future episodes to provide you even more opportunities to show your skill

Earlier, 3 guys were hitting on her outside a bar and she hulked out. Where was this anger management she boasting about then?

LOL You watched Disney MCU.

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u/Shadowfox6908 avatar

I think when she was talking about "anger management" she instead meant she manages to get angry about damn near everything.

Guy looks at her: that’s an angry.

Her co-worker mentions something about the case she didn’t think of: that’s an angry.

She has to try to learn to control her emotions: that’s an angry.

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It's almost like she's overconfident and she's going to lose control but what do I know about foreshadowing and storytelling

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"Puny women"☕

Puny women ☕

Puny women ☕️

Puny women ☕

Puny women ☕️

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its not even worth pirating this shit


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It was just a tad arrogant of her to talk like she can control her anger better than Bruce😂😂

Bruce Banner has a personality dwelling inside him that isn't just angry but I dare say Anger and rage Incarnate. He should have told her that if he were to let the Savage Hulk loose, that she wouldn't have a chance nor would any city in a 20-30 mile radius.

20-30 mile

Those are rookie numbers buckaroo, probably more like 4,000 mile radius

I like to keep my numbers conservative.😁

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u/EPOC16 avatar

30 to 40 miles is just day 1.

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A tad? Searingly arrogant of her.

I think this scene shows more of Banner's virtues, tolerance and compassion more than her's. With every additional word she's contradicting her own words. Banner's acknowledging everything she's saying even given all the shit he's been through.

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