I started vaping about 7 months ago, as a “coping” mechanism to a life stressor. Stupid move. I quickly became a chain vaper. In that time, I had a 1 month quit, as well as 19 days. Caved both times because somebody stole my peace. Yeah right, I know, poor excuse. Im over it.

Tomorrow I will be a non vaper. Handing this over to my HP. Sending much love to all and strongs with whatever demon you are facing.

I could really do with a whattsapp quit buddy too :pray::butterfly::sparkling_heart: (I tried the nicotine anonymous zooms, but other than 1 womans group, the people were so angry and miserable):flushed::dizzy_face:

I go to my Narcotics Anonymous home group, my family, but everybody smokes or vapes in the smoke break, so it’s a bit triggerish at the moment.

2 yrs, 3 months - no alcohol
11 years - no marijuana

Thank you God.