Brocade Communications Systems Inc. - The New York Times

Brocade Communications Systems Inc.

  4. DealBook

    Brocade Shares Jump Amid Progress on Potential Sale

    Brocade Communications Systems has held discussions with private equity firms over a potential sale of the networking hardware company, pushing its shares higher on Monday.

    By Michael J. de la Merced

  5. DealBook

    The Difficulty of Proving Financial Crimes

    Prosecutors face considerable obstacles in proving criminal charges if they have only sketchy evidence of an executive’s involvement in questionable decisions and the applicable legal standards are vague.

    By Peter J. Henning

  7. DealBook

    I.B.M. Needs to Do Deals, Some Investors Say

    With I.B.M. lagging rivals like Hewlett-Packard and Oracle in growth, some investors and analysts told Bloomberg News that Big Blue needs to start up its deal machine.

    By Dealbook

  8. DealBook

    Using a Lawyer’s Words Against a Client

    Peter J. Henning of White Collar Watch examines how the government is trying to use statements by defense lawyers against the former chief executive of Brocade Communications in a case involving options backdating.

    By Peter J. Henning

  9. DealBook

    Another Options Backdating Defeat

    Peter J. Henning of DealBook’s White Collar Watch examines the government’s latest legal defeat in its efforts to crack down on options backdating, this time involving a former director of Engineered Support Systems.

    By Peter J. Henning

  10. DealBook

    When Legal Bills Become a Cause for Dispute

    DealBook’s White Collar Watch examines how white-collar crime prosecutions and related civil actions can be enormously expensive to defend, with legal costs reaching the tens of millions of dollars.

    By Peter J. Henning

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