The 50+ Best Songs About Crying

Ranker Music
Updated April 16, 2024 26.2K views 54 items
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5.0K votes
897 voters
1 reranks

Sobbing, weeping, bawling… There’s a lot of things you can call crying, and they’re all here on this list of the best songs about crying. From tears of joy to depressed, miserable weeping, these crying songs run the gamut of crying emotions. But not all songs about crying are about being down the in the dumps. Some are about the strength to cry, or not cry, and to persevere in the face of daunting emotions. Cozy up to this list, and don’t be afraid to grab a tissue. All of these songs are about crying as a subject, but some definitely have the potential to make you tear up while listening.

“Fool to Cry” was a big hit for the Rolling Stones in the ‘70s.The track is one of their most subdued balled, full of beautiful piano and synthesizer.

Justin Timberlake wrote “Cry Me a River” about his ex-girlfriend Britney Spears. The song was a huge hit for Timberlake.

“Boys Don’t Cry” was one of the Cure’s first hit songs, and featured a much starker, more punk sound in contrast to their more lush sounding later output.   

What songs make you want to weep, with joy, sadness, or both, when you hear them? Vote for your favorites! If there's any songs about crying that aren't on the list, please don't cry, add them.

Most divisive: Dont Cry for Me Argentina Madonna
Over 800 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Songs About Crying