Ron Geesin - Bluefuse
  • 1993
Bluefuse album cover

Headscope Records HEDCD 002 (CD album ADD) (p)1993

Ron Geesin Studio, Heathfield E. Sussex. 1989-92

Ron Geesin (electronic and acoustic combinations, sound fx and computer manipulation) composed, performed and recorded.

Mixed at Real World, Bath, January 1993.

1. Bar None (1990)
2. Bar Sinister (1989)
3. Handlebar (1989)
4. Cellbar (1989)
5. Whinebar (1989)
6. Healbar (September 1992)
7. Barfly (1990-91)
8. Bluebarb (14th October 1992)
9. Barmaid (July-August 1992)
10. Barline (December 1992)
11. Parallel Bar (October 1992)
12. Sandy Bar Baa (November
13. Colourbar (1989-91)
14. Crossbar (most of 1992)
15. Bartab (November 1992)

'Parallel Bar' is also on HYSTERY (CD), #2.


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