Blue Peter - Anne Frank - BBC Archive

Blue Peter - Anne Frank

Valerie Singleton travels to Amsterdam to visit the house where Anne Frank and her family hid from the Nazis for two years. Meanwhile, back at the studio, Lesley Judd meets Anne's father Otto, who explains how his daughter's famous diary survived to become a best-seller.

The film of Val's trip to Amsterdam was originally broadcast in May 1976 as part of a separate series called Blue Peter Special Assignment. Some time later, through his brother-in-law, Otto Frank contacted the producer, Edward Barnes, to request a screening while he was visiting the UK. Mr Frank was so impressed with the programme that he agreed to be interviewed by Lesley for this edition of Blue Peter, and even brought Anne's original diaries (which were usually kept in a Swiss bank vault) into the studio.

↗ Originally broadcast 22 March 1979.

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