The Meaning Behind The Song: Black Gold by Van Dyke Parks - Old-time music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Black Gold by Van Dyke Parks


The Meaning Behind The Song: Black Gold by Van Dyke Parks

As a musician, there are certain songs that deeply resonate with me, and Van Dyke Parks’ “Black Gold” is definitely one of them. I remember stumbling upon this song at a friend’s house, and from the very first notes, I was captivated by its haunting melody and thought-provoking lyrics. Today, I want to delve into the meaning behind this powerful piece of music and share my personal interpretation.

The Setting

Van Dyke Parks sets the stage with vivid imagery of a ship carrying a massive cargo of crude oil. The Captain, seemingly intoxicated, makes the ill-fated decision to take this stinking cargo out to sea. The lyrics paint a picture of a vessel far from land, with its crew of twenty-one navigating through an unforgiving ocean.

An Environmental Disaster

Tragedy strikes as the ship hits the water, shudders, and ultimately sinks, releasing an unstoppable flow of oil. Parks uses the metaphor of “Black Gold” to refer to the oil, highlighting its value and the devastation it causes. It’s heartbreaking to witness the aftermath of this disaster, as the “slick stick” on the shore attracts panicked and frantic birds.

Ecological Nightmare

Through the lyrics, Parks condemns the actions that led to this catastrophe. The song echoes his concern for the environment, criticizing the indifference towards nature in the pursuit of profit. The reference to “Hades’ High Command” implies that this greed-driven destruction belongs to the realm of hell.

A Call for Reflection

As the song progresses, Parks introduces the idea of reflecting on our purpose on Earth. He suggests that if Christ were here, he would urge us to address and rectify our destructive behavior. Parks questions whether humankind’s actions align with a higher purpose and wonders if we are heading towards a dark and bleak future.

An Ode to the Pain

Throughout the song, there is a sense of sorrow and anguish that reverberates in the lyrics. Parks’ choice to incorporate the mandolin, with its melancholic and piercing sound, accentuates the emotional weight of the song. It is as if the mandolin serves as an outlet to express the pain caused by this environmental disaster.

The lyrics culminate in the repetition of the phrase “Black Gold” and the last line, “An Agony of Ebony and Steel,” which encapsulates the anguish and devastation felt over the course of the song.


Van Dyke Parks’ “Black Gold” is much more than just a song; it is a thought-provoking piece of art that sheds light on the environmental consequences of our actions. Through insightful lyrics and powerful imagery, Parks urges us to reflect on our role in the preservation of our planet and prompts us to take action before it’s too late.

Album title: Songs Cycled (2013)

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