Bishop Road Primary School | Reviews, Admissions and Catchment Area | Locrating

Bishop Road Primary School

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About Bishop Road Primary School

Name Bishop Road Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Gillian Powe
Address Bishop Road, Bishopston, Bristol, BS7 8LS
Phone Number 01179030483
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 833
Local Authority Bristol, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Bishop Road Primary is a school where pupils flourish.

The quality of education pupils receive is exceptional. Pupils love to learn. They are excited to talk about their learning and share their ideas.

The school values of 'aspire, accept, appreciate and contribute' are lived out through the day-to-day interactions between all adults and pupils. As a result, pupils progress extremely well through the curriculum.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

From the moment children start in Reception, routines are well established. Pupils consistently meet the high expectations adults have of them. Pupils move safely and sensibly around the school.

The sc...hool is a calm and purposeful place to learn.

Pupils are supportive and caring. They are fully inclusive of one another and celebrate difference.

Pupils are highly tolerant of those with different needs. This means that playtimes and lunchtimes are harmonious. Pupils value the warm relationships they have with adults.

They know that adults will help them if they have any worries. This means pupils feel safe.

Pupils participate in a wide range of experiences throughout their time at school.

The whole school study projects develop pupils' knowledge beyond the curriculum. For example, a visit to Slimbridge Wetland Centre enhanced the ornithology project.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is aspirational for every pupil.

It has crafted a curriculum that is exceptionally well designed. The school leaves nothing to chance. This begins in the Reception Year.

The school has identified the precise knowledge it wants children to learn and in what order. This supports pupils to make links in their learning. For example, children in Reception Year use conkers to count numbers to five and link this to their autumn walk.

This enables children to make sense of the world around them.

Reading is the highest priority for the school. Children begin their journey at Bishop Road by listening to stories.

This continues throughout the school. Adults and pupils hold reading in the highest regard. Pupils love reading.

Children learn phonics as soon as they begin school. All adults benefit from the ongoing training to deliver the phonics programme effectively. If pupils fall behind, they receive the support they need to catch up quickly.

The books that pupils read match the sounds they know. This helps them to become confident and fluent readers.

All pupils read and listen to a wide range of high-quality texts, including picture books.

Older pupils are very proud of their role as reading ambassadors. Pupils enjoy regular visits to the school's well-resourced library. Pupils collect 'amazing' words from the books they read and use them in their writing.

They write at length, using a range of authorial techniques, to produce writing that is of an exceptional standard.The mathematics curriculum is equally ambitious. The school has identified the small steps in learning that pupils need to take so that knowledge builds well over time.

Teachers know what the pupils have learned previously and understand what needs to come next. This means that knowledge builds on prior learning. Teachers present information clearly and model examples.

This helps pupils to understand what they need to do to be successful.

The school has the same ambition for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school is very inclusive and supports pupils with SEND extremely well.

Pupils with complex medical needs are supported extremely well. Adults ensure that pupils develop resilience and independence. Adaptations to learning mean that all pupils can successfully progress through the well-designed curriculum.

Foundation subjects are given as much priority as English and mathematics. This means that pupils experience a broad and balanced curriculum over time. In religious education (RE), the sequence of learning supports pupils to build knowledge well.

For example, when discussing world faiths in RE, pupils can recall different holy books and places of worship associated with faith groups. This means that their understanding of different faiths and cultures helps them to be respectful of those from different backgrounds and beliefs.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are excellent.

This begins in Reception Year, where children remain focused and on task for sustained periods of time. Adults support this through ongoing dialogue and questioning. Pupils throughout the school engage in their learning.

The high-quality work they produce reflects this.

The school prioritises the wider development of pupils. There is a strong determination to provide a broad range of rich experiences that are carefully designed with a clear purpose.

Pupils are particularly proud of the leadership roles they hold. The school council has worked on developing a better understanding of mental health, by creating 'feelings buckets' for their peers.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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