Bear McCreary | Composer of Film, Television, and Video Games Scores

Available May 3rd


Serj Tankian (System of a Down)
Rufus Wainwright
Corey Taylor (Slipknot)
and many more


The Singularity Live

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Percy Jackson and the Olympians

When my longtime friend and frequent collaborator Jonathan Steinberg called me to say he was working with author Rick Riordan to develop Riordan’s legendary Percy Jackson novels into a series for Disney+, I knew immediately the show would be visionary. I had worked closely with Jon in the past, including on the symphonically muscular Human Target and the jangling, heavy metal sea shanties of Black Sails, so I knew he would expect the score on his new series to be a confident voice in the storytelling. Working closely with my team of composers at Sparks & Shadows, we combined our creative forces and set out to craft a sweeping, lyrical, thematically driven score to support this epic tale.


The Lord of the Rings: Episode 108

In this series of blogs, I explore the musical details of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. For a comprehensive introduction to my approach and my creative experience, start with my introductory four-part “Appendices:” Part 1 “Journey to Middle-earth,” Part 2 “Themes of Middle-earth,” Part 3 “Forming a Fellowship,” and Part 4 “There and Back Again.” I also blogged about scoring episodes 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, and 107.


SPOILERS AHEAD: In the summer of 2021, I began scoring The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. In my original creative video conference with the showrunners discussing the premiere episode, I had one crucial question. “Where is Sauron?” That was the tightly guarded secret of the season finale, but the producers recognized my need for a complete understanding of the entire story.  They sent me the script to the final episode, “Alloyed.” My jaw dropped to read this episode, one packed with tension, drama, and revelation. I knew then, even before I had written a note of music, that I would need to tailor certain musical themes specifically for the shocking twist.
