at first light

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at first light

At dawn. We are leaving tomorrow at first light, so I suggest you guys go to bed early tonight. I woke up at first light this morning, so I'm pretty tired now.
See also: first, light
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

at first light

at dawn; when the first light of dawn appears. We will be ready to leave at first light.
See also: first, light
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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References in periodicals archive ?
They have paused the search for the night and shall resume at first light tomorrow morning.
N Scholfield 97 2 535 AT FIRST LIGHT (9) D Weston 6 11-2...............................
The 22nd Century at First Light: Envisioning Life in the Year 2100
Young filmmakers learn their craft at First Light. (Inset) George Clooney arrives at Star City for the premiere of The Perfect Storm a decade ago
Twenty young people from the Greenhouse Project's Out of School Activity Group will be given pounds 24,000 to make three short films under the guidance of professional filmmakers at First Light Movies.
It takes an early riser to scale the heights of game fishing and Billy was on the river Drowse in Co Leitrim at first light.
Appearing at the centennial of the writer's birth, True at First Light seems to be the last of these.
Perhaps the most delectable girl to Hemingway scholarship during this centennial year has been publication of the author's African book, beautifully titled True at First Light and aptly labelled "A Fictional Memoir" by his son and editor, Patrick Hemingway.
A spokesman at RAF Kinloss said the situation was going to be reassessed at first light.
At first light, still in his sleeping bag, he sent over his radio a signal to base, confirming the previous evening's success.
Renowned producer Barbara Broccoli, best known for the James Bond film franchise, is chairman of the board of directors at First Light. Alongside the grant element of First Light's work, it also organises the UK's biggest celebration of young creativity in the form of the First Light Awards held annually at the Odeon Leicester Square.
TRUE AT FIRST LIGHT'S purported genre, "fictional memoir" has occasioned a great deal of critical confusion, much of it unwarranted.
The officer said: "The search will start again at first light and no effort will be spared.
"At First Light Movies we pride ourselves in placing young people at the core of all we do, especially our websites, and these acknowledgements are testament to the success of our online communication campaigns."
TRUE AT FIRST LIGHT begins, "[t]hings were not too simple." Although the line ostensibly refers to the Hemingways' 1953-54 East African safari, it also proves to be the crucial lesson of the novel for both Hemingway and his critics.