The Meaning Behind The Song: As Sure as I Am by Crowded House - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: As Sure as I Am by Crowded House


The Meaning Behind The Song: “As Sure as I Am” by Crowded House

Table of Information

Title Artist Album Release Date Genre Duration Producer
As Sure as I Am Crowded House Woodface July 1, 1991 Rock N/A N/A

The song “As Sure as I Am” by Crowded House, from their album Woodface released in 1991, is a powerful and contemplative track that explores the concept of self-assurance and finding contentment in an uncertain world.

The lyrics of the song convey a sense of confidence and detachment from external influences. The line “Make your decision now, rely on no help from above” suggests a reluctance to rely on outside forces for guidance or support. Instead, the narrator desires control and autonomy over their own fate.

Throughout the song, the lyrics touch on the idea of luxury and the pursuit of material possessions. The lines “Living is luxury, I want everything you throw out” and “There must be something you can do without” express a desire for abundance and a willingness to take on any task to achieve it.

The chorus provides a remarkable insight into the narrator’s state of mind. The repetition of the phrase “I am as sure as I am, I couldn’t care less for what might go wrong” demonstrates a strong sense of self-assurance and a refusal to be consumed by fear or worry. It reflects a profound level of contentment and acceptance in the face of a chaotic and unpredictable world.

One interpretation of the song could be the struggle to find stability and happiness in a society plagued by fear and uncertainty. The line “I’m as happy as sin in a fear-shaken world” suggests that the narrator has managed to find joy and peace within themselves, despite the anxieties that surround them.

Personally, when I listen to “As Sure as I Am,” I am reminded of the power of self-confidence and the importance of staying true to oneself. The message of the song resonates with me on a deep level, as I have often found solace in embracing my own sense of certainty and disregarding external pressures. It serves as a reminder to trust in my own decisions and to not be swayed by the opinions or expectations of others.

The metaphor of the rhino being killed for a love potion in the second verse adds another layer of depth to the song. It brings attention to the destruction and harm caused by the pursuit of material desires and the consequences of seeking validation from external sources. The sad image of a rhino, once majestic and powerful, reduced to a lifeless flower highlights the fleeting nature of material wealth and the importance of finding fulfillment within oneself.

Overall, “As Sure as I Am” by Crowded House is a thought-provoking song that encourages listeners to embrace self-assurance and find contentment within themselves. It serves as a reminder to trust in our own judgment and not to be consumed by the fears and anxieties of the world. The lyrics resonate with those who have found strength in their own certainty and inspire others to do the same.

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