Roger Waters on ‘Another Brick in the Wall’ - WSJ

Roger Waters on ‘Another Brick in the Wall’

Roger Waters discusses the making of ‘Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2’

Updated Sept. 21, 2015 3:28 pm ET

Watch a clip from 'Roger Waters The Wall,' a concert film featuring the co-founder and primary songwriter of Pink Floyd. Photo: Picturehouse Entertainment

When “Roger Waters The Wall” (Picturehouse/Fathom Events) is screened on Sept. 29 for one night only at more than 2,300 theaters world-wide, the new two-hour film will pair gripping concert footage with an emotional documentary.

The concert footage was filmed between 2010 and 2013, during Mr. Waters’ stadium performances of “The Wall,” a self-described anti-tyranny rock show originally written by Mr. Waters for a 1979 album by his band, Pink Floyd. The documentary segments follow Mr. Waters on his 2013 drive from Hampshire, England, to Arras, France, and then to Cassino, Italy, to visit the gravesites of his grandfather, who died in World War I, and his father, who was killed in World War II.

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