Interview with Annabelle Apsion - Media Centre

Interview with Annabelle Apsion

Annabelle Apsion plays Violet Buckle in Call The Midwife.

Published: 28 December 2018
It’s nice to be in something where people are kind to each other. Even though bad things happen, the thrust of it is community
— Annabelle Apsion

Why do you think this drama is so widely loved by audiences?
The fact that it’s about community and people looking out for one another and about a kind of generous love - that’s quite rare. Also, the nuns represent a kind of spiritual love that a lot of people can relate to. It’s the love of one another. That so strong in this drama, and one reason why I love being in it. It’s nice to be in something where people are kind to each other. Even though bad things happen, the thrust of it is community. That’s what’s been so successful - as well as how handsome Cliff Parisi is!

Where do we find Violet in this season?
She is delighted, because even though Fred has always been a loving husband, he becomes even more loving in this series. He helps Violet with her ambitions and her dreams. He’s a little bit moody and a little bit difficult, but then he comes to his senses and gives her the support she needs.

Violet becomes immersed in local politics this year. In researching your character for this series, have you enjoyed finding out about the politics of 1964?
Yes. In my new role, which I have in this series, I am learning about social history, about things to do with local government and how it operated. That’s been really interesting.

Violet also gets more involved with the nuns this year, doesn’t she?
Yes. I’ve always been interested in nuns, and so I’ve loved working more with the nuns in this series because they’re very loving characters who all have an interesting back story. I’m sure that’s affected me as a person.

Did you enjoy acting opposite Miriam Margolyes, who plays Sister Mildred?
Definitely. One of my favourite days this series was working with Miriam. She’s such a brilliant person and a wonderful actress. So, I really enjoyed working with her. Any scenes with her are absolutely fantastic.

If you could give your character one piece of advice, what would it be?
It would be to take more holidays. Violet is a terrific woman. She is energetic, caring and optimistic. But because Violet has her own business, lives above the shop, has become a councillor and does things for her husband, it would benefit her to have more holidays - on her own!

Has playing Violet improved your needlework skills?
No. Sadly, I have no skills. I actually failed needlework at school, and I remember stitching my hand to the material during an exam because I was so bored! I also remember making a maxi dress, and when I put it on I couldn’t move because it was just two pieces of material sewn together. Now my ambition is to have dressmaking lessons, so I can very authentically be working the sewing machine and doing the stitching.

What aspects of this job have tickled you?
Mainly I am in the shop, and I have great fun on the till, pretending it is my shop. I always used to love make-believe games when I was little. So it’s fantastic now that I have my own shop!