Andrew P. Koenig | Missouri State Senate

Proven Taxpayer Watchdog!

As both a State Representative and State Senator, Andrew Koenig has led the fight to keep Missouri’s budget balanced while securing historic tax relief for Missouri’s working families, seniors, and small businesses.

“I have a proven record of successfully fighting for working-class Missourians in Jefferson City. I am proud to have sponsored and passed the first Missouri income tax cut in nearly a century, fought against crony capitalism and corporate handouts to big business, and been a champion of cutting government waste.”

Meet Andrew Koenig

Conservative Republican For State Treasurer

100% Pro-Life
100% Pro-Second Amendment
100% Rating From ACU For 2022

Deep Missouri Roots
As a lifelong resident of Missouri, Andrew knows we need an effective, qualified voice protecting our tax dollars and values in Jefferson City.

Dedicated Husband And Father
Andrew and his wife, Brooke, have 5 kids: Jeremiah, Isaac, Gideon, Lily, and Levi. They are active members of the West County Assembly of God and their community.

Job Creator
As a successful small business owner, Andrew knows firsthand the struggles our job creators face dealing with overbearing government regulations and increasing taxes.

Andrew’s Conservative Vision:

  • Oppose corporate handouts to billionaires and big businesses
  • Remove barriers to adoption and assist families looking to adopt children in need
  • Foster a pro-business environment to secure a strong economy
  • Eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse in state government

Contact Andrew