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Gina Choe was a contestant on cycle 6 of ANTM in 2006. She was the fourth girl eliminated and placed tenth.

Early Life[]

Gina was working as a Korean Translator before the show.


Gina was known for being insecure with her Asian heritage. At castings, she says to Tyra and the Jays that she doesn't date Asian men, which turns them off. Despite this, she makes the top thirteen.[1]

In episode two, she starts a heated rivalry with Jade. Jade criticizes Gina's insecurities after the first challenge. In episode four, the runway challenge involves holding a live cockroach, giving Gina a meltdown. She had to be pushed onto the runway. She was later put in the bottom two in episode four for her low confidence and having the worst falling fairytale photo, but was shockingly saved over Kari.

Episode five, at a dinner with Janice Dickinson, she asks Gina who her bully is, she points to Jade, to which Janice yells at her "You don't rat out your bitches!" She was eliminated that week over Brooke for having mentally checking out.

Call-Out Order[]

Gina Episodes
1 2 3 4 5
12th 10th 6th 10th Eliminated


Gina signed to no agency, but did take some test shots. She was in the magazines South of Fifth & The Islands Magazine, Jamaque, 360, and featured in a Nokia N70 ad.[2][3]


  • Gina is the first Korean contestant to compete.



