Fans Keep Attempting the Famous ‘Dirty Dancing’ Lift Scene. ‘I Almost Dropped Her.’ - WSJ

Fans Keep Attempting the Famous ‘Dirty Dancing’ Lift Scene. ‘I Almost Dropped Her.’

The 1987 movie starring Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze still drives people to hoist their partners in the air at weddings and contests

Rainey Ashcraft and Amanda Jones practice for the 2022 ‘Dirty Dancing’ lift competition in a backyard pool. VIDEO: Veasey Conway for The Wall Street Journal

“Dirty Dancing,” the 1987 film about forbidden romance in the Catskills, is a coming-of-age tear-jerker for some viewers. Others cringe at its sappy ballads and over-the-top choreography.

This coming weekend, in Lake Lure, N.C., though, the movie will take on a truly higher meaning at the annual Dirty Dancing lift competition.

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