A most devoted subject and a most exacting critic

A most devoted subject and a most exacting critic

Kenneth Rose reviews King's Counsellor: Abdication and War - the Diaries of 'Tommy' Lascelles ed by Duff Hart-Davis

Sir Alan Lascelles, known to the Establishment as Tommy, was born in the year of Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee and died aged 94 a few days after watching a firework display to mark the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. Between those two landmarks he devoted 27 years of his life to royal service as private secretary or assistant private secretary to four successive sovereigns: George V, Edward VIII, George VI and our present Queen.

As tactful and respected as his predecessors Sir Henry Ponsonby and Lord Stamfordham, he shared the humour of one with the severity of the other, and was better read than either. His diaries were elegant and a little studied. When the mood took him, he was a master of deflation. "Look at that Theudas," he would say of a self-important personage. The allusion was to Acts V, verse 36: "For before these days rose up Theudas, boasting himself to be somebody."

His poetry, however, was rejected by his candid friend and publisher Rupert Hart-Davis, whose son Duff has made amends by editing the third and final volume of Tommy's diaries and letters with unobtrusive skill. It runs from 1942 to 1946, buttressed by personal letters and memoranda. Pressure of work obliged him to cease writing a diary in 1946, still with 35 years to live.

Tommy's bête noir was the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VIII and ultimately Duke of Windsor. "He is the most attractive man I have ever met," Tommy declared on appointment to his household in 1921. Disillusionment was swift. "I have wasted the best years of my life," he said after resigning in 1929, outraged by the Prince's neglect of duty and loose morals.

Half a century later, when I was writing a biography of George V, I asked Lascelles what he remembered of the King, who had summoned him back to royal service in 1935. He said: "The King gave me an MVO for looking after his son. It was the hardest-earned medal I ever had." From a man who had won a Military Cross on the Western Front, that was indeed a savage epitaph on the Prince.

He wrote no less bitterly of Mrs Simpson in his retrospect of the Abdication crisis printed in the present volume: "The vast majority of the King's subjects… would not tolerate their Monarch taking as his wife, and their Queen, a shop-soiled American, with two living husbands and a voice like a rusty saw."

Tommy, by now private secretary to George VI, also resented and resisted the pressure of the Duke of Windsor for his wife to be accorded the style of Royal Highness and received at the Palace by an implacable Queen Consort. They were demands which deeply troubled the King and further undermined his frail health.

Although Tommy served George VI with respect and affection, he was no sycophant, deploring how, of the four surviving sons of George V, the Duke of Kent alone could be described as cultured, well-bred and possessing an educated hand.

Tommy undoubtedly gave a steadying hand to a master notorious for his outbursts, and it was his diplomacy that kept both the King and Churchill on dry land after each had declared his intention of watching the D-Day bombardment of the French coast from a cruiser. He saw all-important State papers, talked to all the King's visitors, dined at No 10.

The diaries describe how one night Churchill's torrent of talk proved too much for the King. At about 1am, he asked him tentatively, "Well, aren't you going to bed?" "No," Churchill replied, and resumed his flow.

This fascinating volume is as much a contribution to royal legend as to the history of the war. I enjoyed reading of the footman dismissed for being "fuddled in the Presence"; of the surreal debate on whether the Queen Consort ought to register for call-up in her age group; of Lord Louis Mountbatten refusing a barony in 1945 because it would deprive him of his superior precedence as the younger son of a marquis. As so often with the dashing sailor, truth defies parody.