2021年研究業績(FATS) | ABMES


原著論文 / 総説等 / 著書 / 学会 / 新聞 / 受賞

2022.2.26 Update
2021 原著論文 / Original Article →女子医大業績データベース
  1. TANIGUCHI Kiyoaki†, SUZUKI Akane, SERIZAWA Akiko, KOTAKE Sho, ITO Shunichi, SUZUKI Kazuomi, YAMADA Takuji, NOGUCHI Takeharu, AMANO Kunihiko, OTA Masaho, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, YAMAMOTO Masakazu, “Rapid Flow Cytometry of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours Closely Matches the Modified Fletcher Classification.”, Anticancer research, 41(1):131-136(2021/01) DOI: 10.21873/anticanres.14758
  2. TAMURA Manabu†, KURIHARA Hiroyuki, SAITO Taiichi, NITTA Masayuki, MARUYAMA Takashi, TSUZUKI Shunsuke, FUKUI Atsushi, KORIYAMA Shunichi, KAWAMATA Takakazu, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro*, “Combining Pre-operative Diffusion Tensor Images and Intraoperative Magnetic Resonance Images in the Navigation Is Useful for Detecting White Matter Tracts During Glioma Surgery.”, Frontiers in neurology, 12:805952(2021/01) DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2021.805952
  3. 石田志保†, 楠田佳緒, 山下和彦, 角典以子, 田中 聖人, “RFIDタグを用いた手術器械使用率の検討”, 日本手術医学会誌, 42(1):16-21(2021/03) 
  4. FUKUI Shohei†, KAWAI Toshikazu, NISHIZAWA Yuji, NISHIKAWA Atsushi, NAKAMURA Tatsuo, IWAMOTO Noriyasu, HORISE Yuki, MASAMUNE Ken, “Locally operated assistant manipulators with selectable connection system for robotically assisted laparoscopic solo surgery.”, International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, 16(4):683-693(2021/03) DOI: 10.1007/s11548-021-02338-9
  5. Wu Anette, Yu Ann Chen Xi, Chang Cynthia Soledad, Goel Rahul, Sagoo Mandeep Gill, Sakurai Takeshi, Viranta-Kovanen Suvi, Chien Chung-Liang, Traxler Hannes, Waschke Jens, Kitahara Shuji, Keay Kevin, Olsen Jorgen, Brassett Cecilia, Batti Salma El, Vielmuth Franziska, Sigmund Anna, Zeroual Mina, Kunzel Carol, Bernd Paulette, Wingate Richard, Kielstein Heike, Noel Geoffroy P J C, “Initiating Students’ Reflections on Life’s Passing in the Anatomy Course – An International Observation at 14 Universities.”, Annals of anatomy = Anatomischer Anzeiger : official organ of the Anatomische Gesellschaft, 151741(2021/04) DOI: 10.1016/j.aanat.2021.151741
  6. SUZUKI Kazufumi†, MORITA Satoru, ENDO Kenji, YAMAMOTO Takahiro, FUJII Shuhei, OHYA Jun, MASAMUNE Ken, SAKAI Shuji, “Learning effectiveness of using augmented reality technology in central venous access procedure: an experiment using phantom and head-mounted display.”, International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, 16(6):1069-1074(2021/04) DOI: 10.1007/s11548-021-02365-6
  7. Wu Anette, Maddula Vinay, Singh Jasmine, Sagoo Mandeep Gill, Chien Chung-Liang, Wingate Richard, Kielstein Heike, Traxler Hannes, Brassett Cecilia, Waschke Jens, Vielmuth Fransziska, Sakurai Takeshi, Zeroual Mina, Olsen Jorgen, El-Batti Salma, Viranta-Kovanen Suvi, Kitahara Shuji, Keay Kevin, Kunzel Carol, Bernd Paulette, Noël Geoffroy P J C, “Alternatives to Student Outbound Mobility-Improving Students’ Cultural Competency Skills Online to Improve Global Health Without Travel.”, Medical science educator, 7:1-11(2021/06) DOI: 10.1007/s40670-021-01332-9
  8. 郡山峻一†, 新田雅之, 村垣善浩, 塩山高広, 齋藤太一, 鈴木あかね, 丸山隆志, 小森隆司, 都築俊介, 福井敦, 川俣貴一, “摘出意思決定に有用な術中フローサイトメトリーを用いた脳腫瘍迅速病理診断”, Cytometry Research, 31(1):15-21(2021/07) DOI: 10.18947/cytometryresearch.31.1_15
  9. MORI Hiroki†, INAI Kei, SUGIYAMA YAMA,Hisashi, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, “Diagnosing Atrial Septal Defect from Electrocardiogram with Deep Learning.”, Pediatric cardiology, 42(6):1379-1387(2021/08) DOI: 10.1007/s00246-021-02622-0
  10. TANUMA-TAKAHASHI Akiko†, INOUE Momoko, KAJIWARA Kazuhiro, TAKAGI Ryo, YAMAGUCHI Ayumi, SAMURA Osamu, AKUTSU Hidenori, SAGO Haruhiko, KIYONO Tohru, OKAMOTO Aikou, UMEZAWA Akhiro*, “Restoration of keratinocytic phenotypes in autonomous trisomy-rescued cells.”, Stem cell research & therapy, 12(1):476(2021/08) DOI: 10.1186/s13287-021-02448-w
  11. AOKI Tomokazu, KAGAWA Naoki, SUGIYAMA Kazuhiko, WAKABAYASHI Toshihiko, ARAKAWA Yoshiki, YAMAGUCHI Shigeru, TANAKA, Shota, ISHIKAWA Eiichi, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, NAGANE Motoo, NAKADA Mitsutoshi, SUEHIRO Satoshi, HATA Nobuhiro, KURODA Junichiro, NARITA Yoshitaka, SONODA Yukihiko, IWADATE Yasuo, NATSUMEDA Manabu, NAKAZATO Yoichi, MINAMI Hironobu, HIRATA Yuki, HAGIHARA Shunsuke, NISHIKAWA, Ryo, “Efficacy and safety of nivolumab in Japanese patients with first recurrence of glioblastoma: an open-label, non-comparative study.”, International journal of clinical oncology, 26(12):2205-2215(2021/09) DOI: 10.1007/s10147-021-02028-1
  12. SAITO Taiichi†, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, TAMURA Manabu, MARUYAMA Takashi, NITTA Masayuki, TSUZUKI Shunsuke, OHASHI Mana, FUKUI Atsushi, KAWAMATA Takakazu, “Awake craniotomy with transcortical motor evoked potential monitoring for resection of gliomas within or close to motor-related areas: validation of utility for predicting motor function.”, Journal of neurosurgery, e1-e10(2021/09) DOI: 10.3171/2021.3.JNS21374
  13. FUKUI Atsushi†, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, SAITO Taiichi, NITTA Masayuki, TSUZUKI Shunsuke, ASANO Hidetsugu, KAWAMATA Takakazu, “Impact of awake mapping on overall survival and extent of resection in patients with adult diffuse gliomas within or near eloquent areas: a retrospective propensity score-matched analysis of awake craniotomy vs. general anesthesia.”, Acta neurochirurgica, 164(2):395-404(2021/10) DOI: 10.1007/s00701-021-04999-6
  14. NARITA Yoshitaka, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, KAGAWA Naoki, ASAI Katsunori, NAGANE Motoo, MATSUDA Masahide, UEKI Keisuke, KURODA Junichiro, DATE Isao, KOBAYASHI Hiroyuki, KUMABE Toshihiro, BEPPU Takaaki, KANAMORI Masayuki, KASAI Shota, NISHIMURA Yasuko, XIONG Hao, OCAMPO Christopher, YAMADA Masakazu, MISHIMA Kazuhiko, “Safety and efficacy of depatuxizumab mafodotin in Japanese patients with malignant glioma: A nonrandomized, phase 1/2 trial.”, Cancer science, 112(12):5020-5033(2021/10) DOI: 10.1111/cas.15153
  15. SAITO Taiichi†*, MURAGAKI Yoshihiro, MARUYAMA Takashi, ABE Kayoko, KOMORI Takashi, AMANO Kosaku, EGUCHI SEIICHIRO, NITTA Masayuki, TSUZUKI SHUNSUKE, FUKUI Atsushi, KAWAMATA Takakazu, “Mucosal thickening of the maxillary sinus is frequently associated with diffuse glioma patients and correlates with poor survival prognosis of GBM patients: comparative analysis to meningioma patients”, Neurosurgical review, 44(6):3249-3258(2021/12) DOI: 10.1007/s10143-021-01490-9



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