What Are Adaptations? - Lesson for Kids - Lesson | Study.com
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What Are Adaptations? - Lesson for Kids

Lesson Transcript
Lindsy Frazer

Dr. Frazer has taught several college level Science courses and has a master's degree in Human Biology and a PhD in Library and Information Science.

Expert Contributor
Christianlly Cena

Christianlly has taught college Physics, Natural science, Earth science, and facilitated laboratory courses. He has a master's degree in Physics and is currently pursuing his doctorate degree.

Adaptations are developed characteristics that make a creature more suited to its environment. Learn about the two primary types of adaptations, physical and behavioral, and why they are important.

Imagine a planet so far from the sun that it's always nighttime. Without the warmth of the sun, this planet is also very cold. What kind of changes to the human body would help humans live on this planet?

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  • 0:04 What Are Adaptations?
  • 0:41 Physical Adaptations
  • 2:36 Behavioral Adaptations
  • 3:43 Lesson Summary

Adaptations are not all about body parts; some are about actions. There are two main types of adaptation: physical and behavioral. Physical adaptations are special body parts that help a plant or animal survive in an environment.

Why do giraffes have long necks? Because their feet smell! That's just a silly joke, but have you ever wondered why giraffes have necks that are much longer than other animals? It's all about food. All living things need food to survive, and in the wild, many animals have to compete for food. Talk about a serious food fight! Giraffes' long necks are a physical adaptation that help them reach food other animals cannot. Long necks help giraffes survive in an environment where many animals are fighting for food and there are many tall trees around.

Camouflage is a physical adaptation that allows animals to blend in with their surroundings.

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Behavioral adaptations are actions plants and animals take to survive. Have you noticed that during the winter, not many animals are around? Winter is usually a very cold time, and there is not a lot of food around for animals. Many birds like geese migrate, or fly south to warmer places, before the winter. Bears, groundhogs, chipmunks, and even bees hibernate, or spend the winter asleep in a warm place. Migration and hibernation help animals survive life in places that get cold in the winter, so they are behavioral adaptations.

Have you ever heard of a school of fish? Schools of fish aren't about learning, they're about protection. Smaller fish will swim together in large groups, or schools, to look bigger than they really are. This action scares off bigger fish and other animals looking for a snack and helps smaller fish survive. Because schooling is an action that helps these fish live around bigger fish, it's a behavioral adaptation.

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Adaptations are special body parts or behaviors that help a living thing survive in an environment. There are two main types of adaptation: physical adaptations are special body parts that help a plant or animal survive in an environment, and behavioral adaptations are actions plants and animals take to survive.

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Additional Activities

Adaptations of Animals: A Case Study

In this activity, you'll be asked to analyze two scenarios and provide a written response to the questions that follow.

Case 1

The wood frog resides in the boreal forests of the north to the southern Appalachians. To survive the harsh temperature during winter, the wood frog buries itself and goes into a deep sleep. The frog's breathing and heartbeat cease as it becomes semi-frozen. In achieving this feat, the creature builds up high concentrations of glucose in its organs and tissues. The glucose then limits the amount of ice that forms and prevents the shrinkage and death of the frog's cells. As the cold weather ends, the frozen frog is thawed and starts hunting for food. It also relies upon its leaf-like pattern to hide from predators and to hunt for insects.

Case 2

The West African lungfish is considered a living fossil, having lived on the planet for nearly 400 million years. The survival of this species is all thanks to its ability to extract oxygen from water and air. These fish can also survive without food by entering a dormant state. In this state, the lungfish hides in a mucus cocoon for years and takes nutrients by digesting its own muscle tissue.


  1. Define behavioral and physical adaptations.
  2. What type of adaptation does a wood frog exhibit? Why do you say so?
  3. What type of adaptation does a lungfish exhibit? Why do you say so?
  4. Which animal used camouflage? Which animal underwent hibernation?

Sample Answers

  1. Behavioral adaptations are actions that animals take to survive in their environments. On the other hand, physical adaptations are special body parts that help an animal survive in an environment.
  2. A wood frog relies on physical adaptation by freezing itself and protecting its cells using high concentrations of glucose. It also blends within the surroundings to hide from predators and hunt for food.
  3. The West African lungfish hides in its cocoon for years and has specialized lungs to draw oxygen from the air. Hence, a lungfish exhibits both behavioral and physical adaptations.
  4. A wood frog blending with its surroundings is an example of camouflage. On the other hand, a lungfish entering a dormant state in its cocoon is an example of hibernation.

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