ABC News Your Voice Your Vote – Election Night 2016 : WCVB : November 8, 2016 11:35pm-1:59am EST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive Skip to main content

tv   ABC News Your Voice Your Vote Election Night 2016  ABC  November 8, 2016 11:35pm-1:59am EST

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those pictures tell the story. that's the hillary clinton campaign, you see tears at the clinton campaign. now, at the trump headquarters, you hear the cheers, you see the votes to 209 for hillary clinton. it's getting close. >> and in the war room in trump tower, they're getting very excited. we said conventional wisdom was wrong, and so is political science. everyone said they weren't ready for prime time, but they made
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people criticized them for that, but seems to have been smart. the visit to michigan, seems like a smart play. and the supporters still there, they put up with a lot, and now they're there. >> a small state, iowa, six electoral votes, last republican voted for, bush in 2004. it's gone to donald trump. and jon karl, now hillary clinton has one path? >> she she needs to win all of those states we just mentioned in that industrial midwest. pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, minnesota, and she needs to hang on to the state of nevada. if she does that, she narrowly wins. let's look at it on the possibilities board. so, here's where we are. if she wins michigan, new hampshire, nevada, pennsylvania,
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>> so, donald trump has many, many more paths. he's still leading. let's go through the states, he's still leading in most of those states. >> let's go back to the map. running out of states that are still open. pennsylvania, clinton now up slightly. but donald trump is up in new hampshire, michigan, donald trump leading. wisconsin, donald trump is up three points, 70% remaining. minnesota, clinton has the lead. but right now, she has to win in three states where donald trump is leading. >> and wisconsin, a fairly healthy lead, three points? >> yes. and here's one county that caught my eye.
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door county, right here, he's got a three-point lead with, i'm sorry. i'm going to get -- door county, he has a lead where barack obama won by double digits in 2008, and by seven points in 2012. it's a place where the median income is $50,000, 96% white, a but suddenly, it's the trump demographic. >> and ohio, that could tell you about some other states. >> if you look at ohio, which looks like it's going to be an eight to ten point victory for donald trump, and extrapolate the voters there. wisconsin, and michigan, and right now, the odds completely
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states. >> if he wins michigan or wisconsin, either one, he wins. >> terry, you were talking about brexit. >> it's deja vu, the polls and pundits, britain would never leave the european union. they were being told by the betters the voters of great brita britain, the smart play was to stay in the european union. and the great wave of the unwashed, the people who voted for brexit were not in the higher classes for sure, and they came out and socked the establishment in the face. that feels like what's happening because of donald trump. i just want to take a step back.
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and his sister, a judge on the new york state supreme court, said i knew better when i was a child to compete with donald, because he always wins. >> i think putin is excited, and other world leaders are a little fearful about what would happen under a donald trump he said the generals have been reduced to rubble. let's remember what the trump supporters are voting for. ban on muslims, build a wall, offended mexicans, lashed out at a gold star family, and the access hollywood tape. we haven't talked about it a lot this evening, but the white
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didn't care. i mean, really didn't care. [ inaudible ] >> of white evangelical votes than we've ever seen in our polling, 87%. it might not have been a personal campaign for donald trump in the traditional sense, but there was definitely a campaign in the churches. videos that went o mike pence going out, and the turnout was high. >> go ahead. >> you use the word fear talking about foreign leaders responding to this. i have a number of e-mails from friends across the country. there's also an amount of fear from brown america. the optics of the trump rally. to many people, that looks like 1950 america. you don't see many brown people walking around that room.
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the rhetoric we've heard throughout the campaign, this may be a wonderful opportunity to pivot back to people of color and say, don't be nervous. because many are this evening. >> and senator ron johnson has defeated russ feingold 52% to 45%. so, if this continues, looks like you republican senate. >> looks like 50%/50%, with another republican breaking the tie. and pennsylvania, looks like the republican vote that's outstanding. that blue wall, this always happens in politics. the three big republican victories in a row, then the
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wisconsin, three of the key states, looks like it's totally crumbling. >> that wisconsin senate race is a shocker. that's one that most republicans today that i spoke to thought was going to go to the democrats. we have a very good day for republicans, not good for all republicans on the top, but a very good day for republicans in the senate, and also the house. looks like we're projecting they'll lose no more than nine, house. >> and what are we seeing out of madison county, wisconsin? >> let's take a look. 70 -- in madison, 71% of the votes in, obviously, huge clinton vote there. but 29% still to come in. >> how about dane county? >> dane county, right next door. wait.
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71% in, and obviously, it's a big democratic county. so, there still are a lot of outstanding democratic votes potentially out there. but trump has a solid lead. >> and we've all talked about how unpopular both candidates are, how high the dislikability is, and how untrusted they both were. but voters would rather go with a insider. instead of going with somebody they didn't like as the insider, they went with the outsider. >> and tom, you spent a lot of time with the trump campaign. how much thought have they put into what he would do as president? how prepared are they for this tradition, and transition to take over? >> you had governor chris christie heading up his transition team.
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but he had a core group with giuliani, christie, donald trump, mike pence, jeff sessions. we'll see how that cabinet could shake out. but to be completely honest, i don't know if they have thought that far into the future. another quick update inside the war room, they're high-fiving each other, trump family members with the looks like they're almost celebrating the victory tonight. >> and almost the complete opposite for hillary clinton, what comes next. the press corps were joking, they had essentially started measuring the drapes. hillary clinton had 350 fundraisers, he had 50. they've got to be scratching
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democrats not only underestimated donald trump but the entire republican party. >> let's look at the national vote, donald trump has pulled ahead in the national vote, 48% to 47%, about 1.5 million votes. alex castellanos? >> well, maybe there's some reasons that men voted against the first woman president, and all of that. but underneath this, donald trump had a clear message, he was change, make again. they were selling t-shirts in the airport, the trump t-shirts said, make america great again. the hillary clinton ones said, hillary clinton 2016. there was no message, vision offering the american people better. they tested 85 slogans in the campaign. not finding that clear message, the campaign, i think, with the vision and the the message may have had an edge.
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did not support donald trump. >> yes. >> what happened? >> looking like we didn't do well. i think that what we're seeing today is frankly, a rejection of hillary clinton. i think people looked around and said, i'd rather vote for the devil i don't know than the devin devil i know. i think the comey letter was hurtful to her. i think it's astounding that he hurt florida. he h clinton began organizing in florida well over a year ago. when you compare to what mitt romney did in 2012, he lost florida. mccain lost florida. i think the turnout was wrong in po the polls. the same way that romney underestimated the amount of obama coalition members that
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came out. >> if you don't have a vision to inspire people, all the machinery in the world won't deliver people to the polls. >> i interviewed donald trump in 2013 in iowa, nobody thought he was going to run. i don't think he thought he was going to run at this point. i asked him, what would the motto of a trump presidential campaign be? this is 2013. he said, i think it would be make america great old interviews, he's been consistently on the message. >> you broke the story. >> exactly. but the same thing happened with hillary clinton, the campaign at the end was entirely a negative campaign. donald trump is unfit for office, he's temperamentally unfit, he's likely to fly off
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nuclear war. >> she talked about -- go ahead. we have a projection. >> the state of georgia, 16 electoral votes, they will go to donald trump as well. bill clinton won it in 1992, republicans have won it ?ever since. donald trump continues that tradition. the map continues to get smaller and smaller. the lead for donald trump gets bigger and bigger. he n >> he certainly is. and this is fascinating. a key question that we ask every four years. the track of this country, if you think it's on the wrong track. 93% who say wrong track went with trump, 32% who didn't believe wrong track, went with hillary. and noncollege white men, by 49 points, donald trump won noncollege white men in the country.
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since 1980, an 11-point gap. >> and in pennsylvania, when voters were saying the white working-class men were enthusiastic about donald trump, they were the hidden vote. >> donald trump, 26 electoral votes from victory. such an exciting night. we'll be right back. okay google, show me korean restaurants in boulder.
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and we're back now, coming up on midnight in the east. donald trump, let's look at the map. he has the lead, 244 electoral votes to 209 for hillary clinton. you need 270 to win. you see the states out there right now. hillary clinton has to run the table right now, donald trump is ahead in most of the states right now. matthew, this is really something. we could have one of the biggest
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coming up. >> regardless of the final outcome, which i think heavily leans in donald trump's favor, this is the biggest political news story in at least 100 years. donald trump, not favored to win against 16 opponents, wins the primary, comes to an election totally behind, against the establishment, and he's about, not yet, but he's and i think we're going to look back at this, more so than any other presidential election. >> nate silver, you had a hillary clinton election over 70%. >> we were a lot more cautious
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underperforms in the midwest, she could win the popular vote, but there are a lot of swing states in the west, if you lose wisconsin, she can maybe hold michigan, pennsylvania, and get to a 269-269 tie. but when you lose ohio and iowa by three to five points, when michigan is in jeopardy, her voters coasts. you have plenty of votes, maybe more than donald trump. but that leads to her maybe not winning the white house. >> and what is your projection? >> right now, clinton with a 20% chance, but that's without wisconsin being called. when wisconsin is called, she has to win arizona or some
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running the table that would go to the house of representatives. not much of a reward, because the house would be republican. but if she ran the table, it could be a tie. >> let's look at the states still out there. jon, start with wisconsin. >> stranger things have happened, i keep thinking, but i don't know if have happened. the odds that he would be the republican nominee were astronomically small, but now this has happened. michigan, it's tight. but 48%, 47%, hillary clinton is und underperforming in wayne county,
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african-american vote in wayne county is not turning out for hillary clinton. >> and arizona, donald trump has a lead. >> 68% reporting, closer than you would have expected. but it's highly unlikely she's going to win the state of arizona. >> cokie, it's astonishing. >> arizona have voted to increase the minimum wage, and maybe the minimum wage are also voting for hillary clinton. >> and in arizona tonight, joe arpaio has lost. >> and john mccain has won. >> we're just moments away from midnight. have to take another quick break. crucial point in the race. all eyes on michigan, wisconsin, is a and pennsylvania.
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back live in times square, here again, george stephanopoulos. >> it's midnight on the east coast. and donald trump is racking up the victories. 244 electoral votes hillary clinton. only needs 26 more to become the next president of the united states. what are you hearing, tom? >> we just got a good piece of information, from john santucci. donald trump left the war room, went to his penthouse in trump tower, said he needed a moment
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a good way. they feel like this is their night. and breaking down, on a simple level, matt doubt a-- dowd had big operation, and donald trump won this race by labeling people. jeb bush, low energy. he had an lying ted, crooked hillary. the night is not over, but think about this. president trump. >> president trump, would be the 45th if he wins. three key states, michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania. let's look at them one by one. jon, start out with michigan. >> donald trump clinging to a
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and next door to wisconsin, donald trump has a larger lead, 76% of the vote in. we zoom back out, to pennsylvania. here's one where we have essentially a tie. about a 4,000-vote lead, out of 5 million votes cast. >> but he does not need pennsylvania, if he wins wisconsin and michigan, he's the next president of the united states. >> the appeal of donald trump was in the rural areas. he gives them hope. they may not believe he can change anything, but he's their hope and change candidate. they rejected hillary clinton, they want the man who promises them, even if he can't deliver on the promises, he's their man. >> and the u.s., wrong track, if
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and if you thought supreme court appointments were important, you go with donald trump. and the names like the bush family, john kasich in ohio not voting for trump. the voters feeling like t were left behind, they were saying, i don't care what the establishment will do, i've found my man. >> cecilia vega? >> well, in a campaign that has been nothing but surprises, how many times have we sat around a table saying, i can't believe that happened. after donald trump called
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enough. the list goes on and on, it's been a campaign of oh, my gods. >> and my thought goes to the white house. barack obama and michelle obama in the white house, they poured everything they had into this in the final weeks. president obama, going back to the white house correspondent's dinner, showing nothing contempt for donald trump. >> well, saying that ride up to the capitol on january 20th, with barack obama sitting next to donald trump in the up there, it could be a pretty frosty ride. and the campaign, it was donald
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>> and a lot of media exposure. >> we haven't talked abiliout t media. donald trump talked about this, tom knows this. >> every night. >> we weren't telling the truth, we were the corrupt media. don't believe whatever you hear. and apparently a lot of people bought into that. >> donald trump came to the campaign with a skill set. he was a television had the apprentice, other ventures. this was something he brought that no one could match. none of the establishment republicans in the debates, donald trump was the best performer on the stage, and he knocked them all off the stage. >> and trying to reflect when the last time in our history, we've had a moment when donald trump showed up. and the closest i can get,
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populist, everybody thought he was a crazy man. there was no way he should be president of the united states, all of his party didn't want him to be president. he won. >> it hasn't been decided yet, 244 for donald trump, 209 for hillary clinton. new hampshire, what are we seeing there? >> first, let's share a tweet from david wrong about anything in my life. there's still a beating heart in wisconsin, but he's never been as wrong. what state did you want to go to? >> let's go to new hampshire. >> 77% reporting, and donald trump continues to lead in the state of new hampshire. >> and michigan? >> michigan, still tight. but donald trump with more than a 50,000-vote advantage in the
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next door, wisconsin, donald trump, the lead if anything is expanding. most of the vote is in in dane county, and milwaukee, not a lot more democratic votes to mine. >> and how about minnesota and nevada? >> minnesota, hillary clinton up six points. nevada, a solid six-point lead. >> and pennsylvania? >> pennsylvania, tight. look at that. donald trump is back in the lead in the state of pennsylvania by about 8,000 votes. >> so he's ahead in pennsylvania, ahead in michigan, ahead in new hampshire, ahead in wisconsin right now. >> it's looking like a trump victory. >> just a little note from over the northern border, the canadian government's immigration website crashed
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move to canada. you can try it yourself, it crashed tonight. it was overloaded. so, the international shockwaves have started. >> charlie? >> you can't take, give him enough credit for doing this. for pulling this off. and i don't mean, i don't want to be a debbie downer. but one of the things that's so dismaying, people can't talk to each other anymore. they walk awayro conversations with each other. because the feelings are so heated. no matter who wins this thing, that's not going away. the deep divisions have divided us as a country. and that, that hurts. >> and that's going to be a big challenge for whoever becomes the next president. and debra roberts is in johnstown, pennsylvania.
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to the faithful few, just biting their nails. i asked them if they think it's over, and a couple said it's not over until it's over. they thought a week or two ago, there was something going on. the head of the republican party said, we think we're on to something, we're seeing something we haven't seen before. and also tonight, they saw a senate race to go a republican that hadn't gone to a republican in so, they feel they're speaking, these are heavily trump supporters, jobs, jobs, jobs. some of the women said they reluctantly voted for donald trump, at the end of the day, jobs trump everything. so, a lot of nervous folks still waiting, but i think they're feeling confident, but it's not over until it's over. >> donald trump, holding on in
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there. >> i have to say, i'm not surprised in those areas where debra is, because of the anger. the mayor, who i drive around with, two days ago in pennsylvania, he was showing me all the trump signs. maybe one or two hillary clinton towns. monessen, goingro 7,500, people are moving out, and they don't have jobs. he kept saying, i don't care what donald trump says. and whoever wins tonight will not only be president, they will be commander-in-chief. not only just commander-in-chief, but we are still at war in iraq. we're still at war in afghanistan, and that is going to be immediate. i've been talking to a lot of military in the last couple of
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it really is kind of across the board. i think donald trump was probably more popular in the military than even the general population. that's the place, if you want to find working-class white males, it's the military. and it's a split in society. no active duty general is going but there is a split, and there are, i was just listening to someone, he said, look, i like donald trump, i like what he says. i'm worried about the second amendment. it's the messaging that donald trump has done. >> let's go out west, jon, start with arizona and then nevada. >> arizona, trump has a solid lead, about two-thirds of the
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five-point lead. neither one is particularly surprising. pennsylvania, the lead going back and forth. right now, trump up. one thing i would point out, pittsburgh, allegany counheny c. 25% of the vote is in. >> and donald trump can afford to >> he can absolutely afford to lose pennsylvania. it's shocking we're this close. and one other place that's interesting, luzerne county. looking back to 2012, obama won handily. this is steel, coal country. and donald trump winning by 20 points in a county that barack obama won just four years ago. >> cecilia vega? >> we're hearing from a donor to the clinton campaign, i want to
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>> this is from a clinton donor. >> clinton donor. >> there we have it. >> we haven't heard from anybody in the campaign, they're still radio silence. and i'm told by my colleagues in the room at the javits center, we were told that hillary clinton was working on a speech in a hotel room in new . but the stark, stark words from a top donor to the clinton campaign, done, over, he's the president. >> if wisconsin goes for trump, and maine, too, one of the two congressional districts, i think it's gotten now for trump. it is 270. all he needs is arizona,
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i'm pretty sure about this math, to 270. arizona, wisconsin, they look pretty strong for trump. >> and to take up something martha said, about being president elect. there's two historical things that will be broken, the glass ceiling of a woman president, or the first president with experience. they've either had military or political experience, and he doesn't have either. >> and bill kristol and matthew dowd, you've worked with republican presidents and republican white houses. we're still waiting for the other states to come in. but donald trump has multiple paths. he calls you up tomorrow morning and says, what should i do?
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application to canada. i guess the website is crashed. he needs to unite the country. he needs to make a gracious speech, and reach out to whoever didn't vote for him. i assume secretary clinton will do something like that, and it's extremely important, the tone of donald trump's speech tonight. i t amount of goodwill, even among those who have strongly opposed him, you have to hope your president succeeds. >> i would agree, but i think one of the things he needs to do, he needs to reassure them, he's going to be surrounded with people in the white house that something isn't going to go out of control.
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his temperament. >> tom llamas, quickly. >> respectfully, i disagree with matt dowd. just because, if he wins tonight, it's a testament to himself. i did this by myself. a politician's job, to take a jaded perspective, is to get re-elected. if donald trump wins by big margins whatever he wants. >> donald trump, 26 electoral votes away from the white house. we'll be right back. vo: introducing the new motoz droid with moto mods, exclusively on verizon. boom! vo: transform your phone in a snap. with the only next gen network that lets you get the most out of it, because verizon lte advanced
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and we're back now, coming up on 20 minutes after midnight on the east coast. and donald trump is coming up on 244 electoral votes to 209 for hillary clinton. shaping up to one of, if not the most stunning upset in american political history. cecilia vega, they were exuberant, is reality setting in for the clinton camp? >> i'm hearing from democratic
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clinton campaign that they believe the race is over for hillary clinton right now. no one from the clinton campaign has spoken publicly. that's a sign in and of itself. and hillary clinton is notori notoriously superstitious. and has been working on two speeches all day and all night. >> tom llamas, the continuing to grow in the trump camp. >> rudy giuliani talking with reporters about the future. they're calling the polls before the election prejudiced. donald trump said the election is rigged, he may end up winning a rigged election. >> and it picks up on the point
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donald trump. >> it's a stunning thing. and a key question we always ask, which candidate is qualified to be president. 46% say only hillary clinton. 54% of americans say they oppose the idea of a border wall. and immigrants, deserve a chance. and 39% of americans say the candidate who can bring change, 83% of american voters who wanted the change went with donald trump. >> and alex, let me bring that to you. mexico has made it clear, they're not going to pay for a
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supporters? >> well, for too long, american voters have seen, they send people to washington with their five-point plan, and that's where they start. donald trump is the kind of guy, i want to buy this car, you want $50,000, i'll give you $10,000. i think the american people understand it's part of the process, and will give him slack as long as we move things in a different direction. but peter thiel gave a big speech in washington last week. he said, i don't think voters pull the lever to endorse a candidate's flaws. we're voting for trump because we judge the leadership of our country to have failed.
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>> that's the big issue right now. washington is broken, someone has to fix it. donald trump, 26 electoral votes away from the presidency. out o. hello moto. snap on a jbl speaker. a projector. a camera that actually zooms. it's a phone you can change again and again and again. hello moto. get excited world. moto is here. the new moto z with motomods. rizon. i have asthma... of mlife.ieces in my so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways
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hey, guys, welcome. you are joining abc news' digital coverage of election night 2016, in progress. >> l.z., native. i wonder if you think there's enough vote in detroit to make up for hillary clinton. >> one of the big things about detroit, it's fundamentally changed in terms of the residents. it's still 90% black, but a lot of the blacks are on the outskirts of the revitalization,
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just walking around, you say there's a lot of white people here. >> and the state of nevada, where hillary clinton has been called the victor, that's a key state for hillary clinton. of course, she's got a long way to go, given the nature of the map at this point. at this point, we're calling her the projected winner in the state of nevada. next door, would be a massive electoral prize for her. some indications, she may have a chance there. but it's still, it would be a reach given that it's traditionally a red state. >> and michigan, we have yet to call. i know you have some thoughts on that. we'll have that back in just a second. wisconsin as well. stay with us here.
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for joining us. everyone else, stay with us. more continuing coverage in just a moment. not getting your best sleep? could be you've got the wrong bed. enter sleep number... she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. you can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. right now save $500 on the queen cse mattress with sleepiq technology.
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and we are back. we had a little audio glitch there, sorry about that. but the state of nevada has gone to hillary clinton, six electoral votes, a lot of early vote there.
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they're still alive. >> she's in a situation where she has to win, she has to run the table on these states in the industrial midwest, including pennsylvania. she has to win minnesota, where she has a lead. wisconsin, where she's trailing, michigan, where she's trailing. and pennsylvania, almost a toss-up. >> so, she has to win two key states where she's michigan and wisconsin. >> and even so, donald trump has some other paths here. if he wins in new hampshire, he can win just the state of wisconsin. let's go to my possibilities board. he still has multiple, sorry -- if you look at this, these are the states outstanding.
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wisconsin alone puts him at 270. he doesn't need anything else. >> and michigan, well over 270, pennsylvania as well. just needs one of the three. >> and i want to go back to rebecca jarvis. world markets are now open, asian markets. what are we seeing? >> lower across the board. the points. the s&p, futures are down, the traditional 401(k) is down about 5%. and at the moment, the cme group halted trading in the s&p 500 because stocks were down so much. that's extremely rare. it happened momentarily, now the
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>> and terry moran, we're starting to see world reaction. the french ambassador to the united states, we'll put it up in a second. this is a world we do not know anymore. >> he said after brexit, this election, anything is possible. our world is crumbling before our eyes. the new world order, built borderless world, but a very open world, in terms of trade, money, capital, jobs, businesses to flow from country to country. immigration is being rejected, trump voters would tell us the homeland means more. this is a rejection of the
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been the consensus around the world. >> themes they hit from the first day in 2015. >> it's what carried him through the primaries and the general election. and getting some updates, we understand that donald trump is waiting for two things to happen. someone calls the race, or he receives a call from that's where they're at right now. >> let's look at the state of new hampshire. what are we seeing? >> you ready for this? 15-vote margin. donald trump is winning the state of new hampshire by 15 votes. >> how much is out? >> 81%. >> so, still a lot of votes left. but it's a 15-vote margin right now. lots of close states right now, as we go cross the map.
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necessarily depending on how other states in the midwest fall. >> i think hillary clinton would wish it was florida 200 at this tim time. i think will have to grasp with a lot of things in the aftermath of this. but i want to follow up on, there was major poll problems in this electio hillary clinton may end up winning the popular vote, and it looks like she probably will win the popular vote. so, the national polls not far off. but every single state poll, most of them done by the hillary campaign. >> it's not just the public polls. we reported with the democratic, republican, senate campaigns.
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almost everyone said, it was almost impossible. the trump side had a route, but they thought it was almost impossible to win in the last 48 hours, and now he's about to. >> nobody had the data that was right. the question is, is there any way to have gotten this right? the proportion of noncollege white men, they got the sample right. it's the proportion saying they voted for trump that was wrong. is it socially unacceptable to say you voted for donald trump? you can fix sampling error, but you can't fix that. >> alex?
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if you thought that you didn't have a phone or a television set. john kerry, george bush, 2004, the exit polls had kerry winning by six, he lost by two. >> stephanie? >> well, the polls for kerry were wrong, but not the data. we were pretty darn close. i want to address one thing, the social undesirability of trump, there's one reason. make america great again was a dog whistle for keeping immigrants out, keeping your foot down on people, discriminating against people -- >> that's only --
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were the ads that used his own words. >> i'm not going to argue that donald trump made it difficult to defend him. >> in election after election, everyone said that mitt romney was racist and sexist. >> i don't disagree. >> let's take a quick -- >> you have to agree with me that it's a different -- >> that's why he won. >> i'm going this. i want to go back to the state of nevada. they just had the hillary clinton win in the state. >> that's right, in fact, just a few moments ago when the state was called for hillary clinton, there was a great deal of chanting, yes we can, and hillary chanted in the room. it's only six electoral votes
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but nationwide, they're disappointed, because this was one of the states where latinos were expected to have a surge. apparently there was a latino surge that helped win nevada. but across the country, it hasn't won. we've been talking about anger all night long. from working white people, and the working class. there's also a great deal of anger tonight among la night long from latinos, and their advocacy groups. now they're turning not just to anger but to fear. there's a real fear among latin latinos, because it appears to them that donald trump will win. not just fear about their relatives being deported, or
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immigrants, but fear they're going to be marginalized. people of color, muslims, blacks, they'll be ostracized and not important. what are the chances if donald trump wins, of true immigration reform? even though the exit polls say that most americans who voted today all citizenship. but they also favor a huge wall. and that wall is a symbol of marginalization, that americans of color are feeling tonight. >> and if he becomes a president -- let's go back to the maps. let's look at pennsylvania, very, very close. >> pennsylvania is close. and we have 93% of the vote in.
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votes in. and i mentioned we were waiting for votes for allegany counheny. not a lot of votes left. >> leading in michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin? >> that's right. leading in three, he only needs to win one. >> and jim talked about the hispanic sleeping giant, building the wall, about a deportation force, he woke another sleeping giant. and that's the uneducated white men in this country who heard someone who spoke to them. 49 points, the biggest record going back to 1980, an 11-point gap with non-college educated
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>> and gender gaps the likes we've seen never before. 30-some points in some states. it's another place where you'll see a sense of being left out. if you have african-americans voting by 89% for clinton, and hispanic americans voting for her by 67%, and women voting for her, you have got this incredible divide that's not just a partisan divide among groups of people who are going to feel very, very hostile to each other. >> and groups of people around the country and in washington as well. byron pitts? >> i'm confused at this moment. >> join the club. >> i went to an all-boys school
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see it's very american, the underdog has won. it's a very american quality. and many of my friends of color and women, many times if you're a person of color, you're told if you get a good education, prepare yourself, you can be as successful as anyone else in america. in this case, you have a woman as prepared forgive me, a white guy with a haircut. >> and tom llamas, you have the champion of working class america, a man who inherited an awful lot of money, parlayed that into success in reality tv and hotels, moved himself as far
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>> a billionaire from manhattan, connecting with the midwest. his message resonated with these people so well, and he never adapted or changed his style. wore that suit, threw on the hat, sometimes if he was going into -- an area with a lot of hunting, he would throw on a camouflage make america great hat. that was the only adaptatioof jacket, played golf every sunday. but the message connected. >> and matthew dowd, he connected in a way, tom llamas is saying, people saw him as a truth-te truth-teller, even though if you look at the nonpartisan examination of the claims he was
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him literally, but took him seriously. things that many people laughed and said, he's not serious. but the bad things, he doesn't mean that. i think they've been frustrated at both political parties. this is not a reward for the republican party. they said, give us the biggest, brashest guy, he's giving give us that big, brash, in many ways bully, and he's going to go to washington and he's going to represent me. >> he's not there yet, but close. what's happening in wisconsin? >> there are still democrat votes to come in. dane county, home of madison,
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democratic. still votes there and in milwaukee. but if you look overall at the state, trump has a three-point lead. and michigan, he's had a lead all night. we've been waiting on wayne county. which is detroit, 85% is in. so, they're starting to run out of democratic votes. >> and new hampshire? >> and new hampshire, it's tight. let's see where we are 15-vote lead. now, 81% reporting, with a sizable lead. >> all the ballots, everything is going liberally. marijua marijuana, minimum wage,
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passing. so, this very bifurcated >> and i want to bring this to terry, if donald trump is indeed elected, with a republican house, perhaps with a republican senate, he will be adopting the agenda they put on the table. all along. >> well, good luck, paul ryan, retaining your speakership. and the thing that is trump's ideology, he's not a liberal or a conservative, he's a nationalist. make america great again is a nationalist slogan. and what counts for the people who voted for him, it seems to
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great again. seems like the people in new york city have more in common with people in frankfurt, london, hong kong, than with their cousins in albany. >> and you make a good point, terry,t that doesn't mean that paul ryan is in the clear here. remember, he has had that very, very tense relationship with donald trump. donald trump has called him weak, ineffective. donald trump made very clear his views about paul ryan when he made the announcement that he was no longer going to defend or campaign for donald trump.
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tense for quite some time. >> but we don't have a winner yet. the race is not over. one slim path for hillary clinton. all eyes on wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania. donald trump still with the lead. more results when we come back. >> we'll be back in times
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boy, unusual, surprising. just a day ago, no one would have predicted it. donald trump, 26 votes away from becoming president. he's leading, jonathan karl, in most of the states on the board. >> he sure is. the key ones, the industrial states in the midwest and pennsylvania. let's start with pennsylvania, 48%, 49%, 95% of the v pennsylvania. >> just to underscore, that was considered safe territory by the clinton campaign. part of the safe, blue firewall. >> it's a state that hasn't gone republican since 1988. the clinton team did campaign hard there in the final days. barack obama campaigned there,
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springsteen, the clinton. they put some effort there in the end. michigan, donald trump still has the lead. now just 77% reporting. donald trump continues to lead in michigan, and in the state of wisconsin, here, this enduring lead, 85% of the vote in. and donald trump has a three-point lead. and wisconsin, a state that might have been even pennsylvania. >> let's sit on that for a while. donald trump did not win the state of wisconsin in the primaries. he had the republican establishment against him. some of them came around, but scott walker, paul ryan against him. the talk radio network in the state against him. he was incredibly unpopular.
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campaign with him in the final stretch, and trump cancelled the trip to wisconsin. >> went to minnesota instead. >> this may be the state that puts him over the top. >> matthew dowd. >> i can't -- the historical, unprecedented, we've said that from the beginning. i thought donald trump would win the republican primary based upon data. and then i said donald trump based upon data. but the data was wrong in the second half so far. even if hillary clinton pulls out a close victory in the final hours of this, something went majorly off in all of the expectations, everybody on both sides had. >> and i think it had to be more than secret trump voters, i didn't find anybody who wouldn't say, i'm voting for trump.
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that didn't tell me who they were voting for, but they were college educated women. who knows about the secret trump support. but there is something that the data and polls are missing. >> we do have, late deciders, this is interesting. when did you decide, last few days, last week. many decided earlier. but break it down to, did you decide last week? if you days, trump outweighed clinton. >> we're coming up on 1:00 a.m. eastern. one state still voting. donald trump, 26 electoral votes away from the white house. hillary clinton has a small path, she's not giving up. we're not ready to call anything. the latest results, coming up. >> back live in times square,
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it's 1:00 a.m. in the east. 10:00 p.m. in the west. and we have an amazing election night going on. donald trump has 244 of the 270 electoral votes he needs to become the 45t united states. and hillary clinton has 215. the polls just closed in alaska. three electoral votes in alaska. but let's just go through the most consequential states, starting with new hampshire. put that up. and we're going to show where the votes are in the state of new hampshire.
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three-point lead. nevada, we've called for hillary clinton. and let's go to pennsylvania, wisconsin, and michigan. >> new hampshire, donald trump has a, hillary clinton now has a slight lead in the state of new hampshire. only four electoral votes, she has a slight lead. the first lead of the night we've seen in new hampshire. pennsylvania, 96% for donald trump, almost 50,000-vote lead over hillary clinton. to have a lead, with 77%. and about a 59,000-vote lead. the state of wisconsin, donald trump continues to lead 87% reporting, a three-point lead. out west, in arizona, where democrats had hoped for an upset
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>> he only has to win one of the other big states. >> he would win wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, one puts him over 270. and maine, only one electoral vote, he's way ahead there as well. >> a lot of possibilities here, evening. matthew, in some ways, an entire industry blindsided. >> i think a country blindsided, as well as an industry. every single media association that did their own polling, the
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clinton campaign, the trump campaign. and i think we're going to be asking a lot of questions in the days that follow this, how was this missed? i actually think this was a bigger miss than the brexit. there were way more polls done in this race going up to this, and the arguments were clear. so, i think this is the biggest miss the world has seen. >> you know who didn't believe those polls? listened to him say this isn't over. they didn't listen to us, or anybody else about the polls. it's not over. >> and cecilia vega, give us a sense of what it's like at the javits center.
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questions in this room right now. people don't know what's going on. they don't know if they're waiting for a concession speech, they're hoping they're waiting for a victory speech. one man, with a paper hillary clinton mask on top of his head. this was supposed to be a party. and i'm standing underneath this glass ceiling, the of people are wondering if in fact it will be shattered tonight. >> radio silence from clinton command? >> complete radio silence. but we're hearing from top democrats and clinton campaign donors saying the race is over.
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his campaign and the white house. take us inside the white house at this point. jon had the tweet from david plouffe, he was as certain as anyone that hillary clinton would win. it sure seemed that president obama believed it would be a victory as well. >> i think we all and it would be good for the democratic party to take some time and look at what happened. maybe we weren't listening well enough to those voters. she clearly didn't perform as well as she needed to with african-americans, hispanics, even women. and he overperformed with white men. so, we have to understand what happened here, and also understand that white men used
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coalition. but we've completely lost them here. >> stephanie, one of the things we talked about, we saw in the primaries, bernie sanders out of nowhere to give hillary clinton a real fight for the nomination. but a lot of hollowing out of the democratic party. at lower we're very confused, because the numbers were just so wrong. just all across the country. i was in florida stumping for hillary clinton. i saw people coming out to the polls, they wanted to make sure their votes were in the bank for hillary clinton. i don't know if there was some
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regrouping to do as a party. >> and bill kristol, donald trump was talking about during the primaries, maybe this was a hostile takeover of the republican party. maybe on the verge of winning after that hostile takeover. >> and i think matthew dowd made the point, but it's extraordinary that donald trump was not a politician or military officer. the upset in the republican party was striking, they normally nominate the next in line, a former vice president, former governor, and to win an upset like that, we're all going to be underestimating the impact of this. you don't have an anomaly of this magnitude, and things go
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i don't buy that. i don't know that paul ryan will be speaker of the house, i hope donald trump reaches across the aisle, and across country, because it's a divided country, whichever one won. i hope there's a message of unity. but what he chooses to do, he doesn't agree with paul ryan on the heart of the republican agenda, a different view of immigration, trade, is he going to go ahead with the trade we're in more uncharted waters than we even think. >> alex? >> one thing it makes you think, president obama's personal popularity is separate from where he's left the nation. this is a rejection of continuity. president obama said at the convention, hillary clinton is continuity. he campaigned for her strongly. and voters sent a powerful message there.
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this isn't left/right anymore. this is old/new. top-down washington and government has failed this country, so we're going to blow it all up. that's part of the big message tonight. >> people were saying, we hate those charted waters. we know where that chart goes, and it's not working for me. >> yup. >> so, what they what trump kept saying about african-americans, if not directly to them was, what do you have to lose? they felt there was a lot to lose. close to 90% of them voted for hillary clinton. but trump voters, that's exactly right. what do i have to lose? >> and this is what i'm trying
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my question, what are they going to get? what is donald trump going to do for these voters who have now put their faith in him? >> he's going to attack nafta, the count companies that take jobs out of american. we haven't mentioned this yet, but evangelical voters, he didn't prove that he loved god more than his rivals, we saw the bible come out but not again, but he got the vote because of the supreme court. >> to pick up on the point that
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moran, he says he's going to tear up trade deals, and nato. he's been critical of the operation in mosul and the iran deal. how does the world react? >> in shock. he's about to take over the united states, in this personalized and charismatic power. the president is an office with a great deal of power for a person who knows how to pick it up and use it. if there's one thing he's demonstra demonstrated, he's that guy. >> and martha, you questioned donald trump closely on this during the debates. but right now, we have americans on battlefields in afghanistan
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military policy and civilian/military divide, i don't know that he really has a plan for what he's going to do there. he has general mike flynn with him, he'll quickly tell you he has 200 admirals and generals backing him. i think mike flynn has been a huge influence on him. i was also looking back at an interview tim kaine gave. tim kaine has a son in the he was asked, if donald trump is democratically elected, and your son is serving as a marine, you wouldn't trust his life under that commander-in-chief, and kaine said, i wouldn't. that's an extreme thing to say. the people in the military defend the constitution. that's what they do. >> and let's take one more look at the key states.
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hampshire, hillary clinton seems to have a lead. she's maintaining with 85% in. but new hampshire is only four electoral votes. go down to pennsylvania, 20 electoral votes. solidly, democrat for a long time. and donald trump continues to have a considerable lead, with 97% reporting. further west to michigan, donald trump continues t it's narrowed. 87% reporting. wisconsin, 87% reporting, and donald trump has a three percentage point lead. >> needs to win only one of the three states. and let's look at minnesota, as we keep an eye on the trump headquarters in the new york hilton right now. i'm sorry, clinton.
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three-point lead, the thought that minnesota is even close is not something that was anticipated. >> i want to go back to the first time i really met donald trump, at the iowa state fair. he was really just coming on the scene in a big way. flew the helicopter in, trump on the side. the people at the iowa state fair couldn't get enough of him. we were walking around, seeing if anyone supported hillary clinton anybody. and donald trump, bringing kids on his held capitop helicopter. he was charming them. >> i grew up in upstate new york, you go home, and you see trump/pence signs everywhere. we go back to the bernie sanders comparison, both had a message for the working class in the
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again, they were talking for people who might be a high school graduate, may not have had an opportunity to go to college. which is a huge issue, and they wanted the opportunity, too. and think that, bernie sanders may cringe at the notion that some of his supporters went to donald trump, but it was something that sanders and tmp tapped into. and i think there will be an autopsy in the democratic party about whether hillary clinton got that message across that she could do something, too. >> and this is from bucks county, an obama voter, he said, i've never voted republican, but i'm voting for trump this year. and why?
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she wanted to be a politician her whole career. staying in a marriage for that, that bothers me a little bit. does anything bother you about donald trump? they're both who bibhorrible,bu going with trump. >> i want to go outside to t.j. holmes in times square. tell us about the crowd, what you're seeing and >> well, you talk about being shocked and confused, same here in times square. something i've never heard before is quiet. it's been quiet in times square this evening as the results have popped up on the screen behind me. it's overwhelmingly a pro-hillary crowd. and they've been shocked. we set up this facebook booth, and this instagram oval office.
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office, the pro-hillary crowd, they've been in absolute shock. the place has gone quiet. seven days a week, 24 hours a day, times square, you hear noise. you're not hearing much of anything. ayla, hello, you have a smile on your face. >> considering the fact that florida was disappointed. but it's not shocking. i love in boca raton, very pro-trump. pro-trump. >> are you holding out hope? >> it sucks, but it is what it is. >> thank you so much. and if you want to hear from more voters, you're welcome to,
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they're hiding, but got a little bit more vocal. you hear, let me go ahead and toss it back to you right now, george. but the place has gone quiet this evening, something i never thought you would hear about times square on an election night. >> and we're still waiting for crucial battleground state results coming in. donald trump, only 26 votes away from the white house. we'll be right back. vo: introducing the new motoz droid with moto mods, exclusively on verizon. boom! vo: transform your phone in a snap. with the only next gen network that lets you get the most out of it, because verizon lte advanced delivers 50% faster peak speeds in 450 cities, coast to coast. buy a motoz droid and get another one free and $300 back. and get 20 gigs of data with no surprise overages,
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and we're back now, coming up on 1:30 on the east coast, 10:30 p.m. on the west coast. and donald trump has 244 out of 270, to 215 for hillary clinton. he's ahead in in michigan, and pennsylvania. and we also have some news out of pennsylvania. pat toomey has won defeating
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>> he didn't reveal who he was going to vote for until the end. you have to look at this day for the republican party, because outside of what happened with donald trump is having an unbelievable day. holding on to the house, losing very few seats. look at the senate races. they are winning indiana, florida, wisconsin, now they've won pennsylvania. new hampshire is very close. kelly ayotte may win in new hampshire, and blunt is ahead in missouri. will keep control of the senate. the question that bill kristol raised, what does the republican party stand for? because they ran on a very different agenda than donald trump. >> well, the democratic party needs to have the same condition. if this continues, donald trump
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senate, and republicans suffer very few losses. everyone thought it was the end of the republican party 30, 60 days ago. the democratic party has to realize, 34% of the electorate rejected the democratic party. >> and hillary clinton did underperform what she needed >> it was the effort to get nonwhites, hispanic, african-american voters. and this is what president obama did in 2008 and 2012. look what she did tonight, at least so far into the evening. ten points, she lost, to what obama was able to perform just four days ago. donald trump gained 11 points
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country. >> we're still waiting detroit, milwaukee, philadelphia, but is one of the stories tonight going to be that african-americans, who came out in record numbers for barack obama, did not have the same enthusiasm for hillary clinton? >> well, i don't think anybody expected they would have the same level of between fighting to win and being a leader. when you're a candidate it's great to have a winning strategy. but i don't think anybody up there that's a supporter of trump or a republican can say one policy that he'll actually do to keep any of the promises that he's made. not one thing.
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trade deals, he's certainly not going to build the wall. we don't know how he will bring jobs back. so, i hope that will be a story that will be filled in. >> that will be a challenge for him. still 26 electoral votes short of what he needs right now. 244 to 215 for hillary clinton. we'll be right back. remember 2007? smartphones? o m g ten years later, nothing's really changed. it's time to snap out of it. hello moto. snap on a jbl speaker. a projector. a camera that actually zooms. it's a phone you can change again and again and again. hello moto. get excited world. moto is here. the new moto z with motomods. buy one moto z droid, get one free.
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coverage of election night 2016. here again, george stephanopoulos. >> 1:30 a.m. on the east coast, 10:30 p.m. on the west coast. trump with 244, clinton with 215. and hillary clinton holding on to a two-point lead in minnesota. the state of michigan, donald trump holding on to the lead, about 70,000 votes. 16 electoral votes. donald trump leading the state of michigan. new hampshire, only four electoral votes.
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votes. state of pennsylvania, this is a big one. 20 electoral votes. and donald trump ahead, 49% to 48%. that would get him just about there. 20 electoral votes in the state of pennsylvania alone. and up by about 60,000 votes. tom llamas, take us inside the trump high command. >> they're excited, and they want the there's a little bit of frustration, because they feel they have won this race. that being said, donald trump got a promising sign, mary bruce reports that paul ryan congratulated donald trump and mike pence.
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speaker ryan up close. what do you think is going through his mind? hope you heard the question. go ahead. >> george, we know that speaker ryan did have that conversation with donald trump, this is clearly a warming-up we're donald trump and paul ryan have had this very contentious relationship throughout the election. we've seen paul ryan over the last few days, saying he'd be willing to campaign with donald trump but it never ended up happening. we've heard paul ryan saying donald trump's name, the t-word, something he was reluctant to do throughout much of the campaign.
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trump, the healing process going forward if donald trump does in fact win the presidency. >> and we know paul ryan had a distaste for a lot of the language he saw, against the muslim ban. very strongly for free trade agreements. i can movement to get rid of the trade agreements. >> well, it's also international affairs, paul ryan favors a more aggressive u.s. foreign policy. that's not donald trump. they disagree across the board. it's hard for me to imagine them
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perhaps on social issues, they could probably agree on the supreme court. and cokie, repealing obama care, replacing it with something else. and more tax cuts to promote economic growth. >> absolutely. and paul ryan has this whole better way that he talks about of a whole host of legislati he wants to see done. i'm not sure that donald trump will oppose him on any of that. one place they could have an argument on is spending. and the question of infrastructure. think about that. we do have a crumbling infrastructure. infrastructure. airports are terrible, and this is where you could hire
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college degree to build roads, airports, train stations, schools, hospitals. this may be a place where trump can deliver to people what he's talking about, and republicans in congress may have to swallow hard and add to the deficit. >> and he'll get democratic votes for that as well. >> absolutely. lots of democratic votes. >> and the muslim ban, the trade deals, h idea that in his first few weeks in office, he would move to get rid of obama care completely. >> and we haven't talked about that tonight, but he hammered home those premiums that were rising in the final weeks of this campaign. every time he mentioned that, every state he would go to, the numbers would get higher and higher, and the crowds would cheer when he said he would repeal obama care.
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obama care affected as well. >> and let's go to amy robach, what do you got? >> a lot of impatient people here, ready for the race to be called. and susan, with me, you supported trump. are you surprised at all by tonight's results? >> not at all. >> not even a little bit? >> no. >> why do you >> it's similar to when reagan got elected. there's a silent majority that will vote what their heart says. >> trump said tonight would be brexit times 50. looks like he may have been correct. what are you seeing tonight in this room? >> it's exciting, seeing everybody is positive and
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in the room. >> this has been a negative campaign, we have a divided america. you see the signs, women for trump. but that's been an issue, there's been a big gender gap for who came out for whom. why, as a woman, did you vote for trump? >> i believe in what he says. do i believe in the way he says, not really. i don't believe in clinton at all. she proved she was pretty much disreputable. she's been in the government 30 years, has made a lot of money off being in the government. there's something wrong with that. you make it in the private sector, i'm happy for you. >> was it a vote against hillary rather than for trump?
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have the possibilities i had when i grew up. >> and what do you think about how he speaks to women and minorities change? >> yes, absolutely. i want to see what he's going to do. >> are you going to go to bed tonight? >> not until they call it. >> any predti sleep this evening? >> i'm not sure, but i'm pretty sure michigan will put him over. >> susan says michigan will go for trump. >> and tom llamas, we're hearing from trump's campaign manager. >> tweeting this out, things that were true. undercover trump vote. mike pence for vp. hillary's floor and ceiling are
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>> and congratulations coming in from overseas? >> high fives coming from the kremlin. putin is a big winner, and it will remain an open and perhaps unanswered question how much the russian government was mucking around in the election. but putin will have a freer hand in ukraine, and eastern europe. he's a person trying to restoration of nationalism. 27 years ago today, the berlin wall fell, opening up borders to be much more porous, and shrinking russian power. and today, the guy who will build a wall won. >> and marine le pen, some
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talking to the french politicians about donald trump, and there is some support over there. but when you look at the world and we wake up tomorrow, there will be a lot of reaction from around the world, and what it means for everybody. will he pull troops out? and the other thing, i don't think any of us really know. >> that's the thing, the point i wanted to get tom llamas, i'll bring it to you first. we know donald trump started to get security briefings, the same that hillary clinton received. the conclusion of 17 of our national security agencies that russia was behind the hack of the e-mails. he went out day after day and said, i just don't believe it. >> not only did he say that, he
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he said it over and over again, and crowds loved it. even when marco rubio said, it w wasn't a good idea that republicans were promoting this. donald trump said he was joking, but he at one point endorsed the leaks. e-mails showed some voters, maybe he's got a point, maybe he believed that. >> but 17 professional intelligence agency people, giving him the facts. >> and he says he knows more than the generals in iraq.
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time. he said the generals were reduced to rubble, but came back and said it's the civilians, not the military. >> and how could the intelligence agencies be wrong, but they told us we had weapons of mass destruction in iraq. and the iraq war became so incredibly unpopular. >> absolutely, we said, intelligence agencies had been wrong in iraq. >> we're waiting for the results in michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania. but charlie, this is something we've talked about a bit tonight. american people, skeptical of everyone. intelligence agencies, business leaders, the press, politicians, leaders in washington. this is a repudiation of all of it. >> it certainly is.
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whipping on the press. you still have some of the marks. >> every single day. >> but i'm gobsmacked, what brings me up short, we don't know, we have no idea what waters we're in. we're in uncharted waters, because he really hasn't given much signal as to what he will do. he says i'm going to cure this to do it. bill, bless your heart, you think he may come out with a conciliatory statement. but every time he's spoken, it's all about him. it is about me. that's basically what it comes down to when he gives a speech. and i have a feeling he's going to take this very personally, and not be very conciliatory. and that worries me. and the other thing, the other thing, words matter.
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words matter. when you start your campaign calling mexican immigrants rapists and murders, insult hispani hispanics, saying he's going to deport all 11 million. he got 29% of the hispanic vote in this country. that's just amazing to me. and needless to say, his comments about women, and his support among women, than expected. >> and this is pretty telling, charlie. if you break down that question about the comments that were made on access hollywood bus. trump voters were asked, trump's treatment of women, do they bother you? and the majority of trump voters, 54% said not much, not at all. i think it will be a discussion
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dads with their children, the ads played with trump's comments and the children listening and watching, and what parents will say on the day after. 54% say it will not matter that much. >> they said it didn't care, it's in the past, he's going forward. >> but tom llamas told us that donald trump went upstairs in trump tower to talk to melania that speech? and she spoke about cutting down on bullying, to get at, among the criticisms of donald trump, what he's done on twitter, the comments made about women. that was perhaps the first sign they have to do some healing. >> i think we have a sense of what a potential trump white house would look like.
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he started running against the propositionals. jeb bush got four delegates, spent $110 million. he goes into the general election, the most massive infrastructure of hillary clinton, 50 times more headquarters, outspent donald trump 5 to one. won all the debates, and he's a somali pirate, and time of large tanker ships, and donald trump will go into the white house thinking, i did this. >> and people voted for him. it's not just him. there are millions of americans who voted for donald trump. this country does rest on the consent of the governed. you may disagree with them, but they voted for donald trump, and
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him. they believe it's about them. and i think we have to keep that very firmly in mind. >> and this is why i keep coming back to it. i think you're exactly right. the question is, what is he going to do for them? >> and on that point, as i look around, i think there's a lot of confusion, people are asking, what happened tonight. i've been with donald trump for 500 days. my question is, what happens tomorrow? and i don't think anybody but donald trump knows what he'll do. he'll say one thing, and do something else. he'll make a promise and go back on it. if he does have the senate and house, and he's the president, he can do whatever he wants to do. and we just don't know until he starts in office. >> governing is a serious business. you can't promise one thing and
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i hate to sound like an establishment, sober boring, it's important to get policies right. there's a world order that has not failed for 70 years. and this country hasn't failed so much either. a lot of good things have happened over the last 30, 40 years. let me just finish this. if trump can change, i'm hoping he changes. if he has the attitude that i fo e primaries, in the general election, i can keep doing this for four years, it will be bad for the country. i think it will not work and will end up badly. >> he said, i can fix this country for one term. i may not have to run for re-election. >> alex? >> remember the donald trump you
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winning florida, very conciliatory. and martha, your point that this is not just an american phenomenon. it's a global phenomenon. everywhere, people think those guys who think they're better than us, they've failed us. so, the first thing he has to do is make disruption safe, because government is it's time to get a lot of money and power out of washington and into the people's hands. if he can help the republican party or even the democrats -- >> talking about this globally, the trump movement would have its own party in europe. here, what donald trump has to
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broken the republican party is. how much does winning heal wounds and how much is the pressure from the conservative part of the party to go to donald trump and say, you have never run as a particularly conservative >> well, the supreme court pick, that will be one of the first orders of business. all eyes on wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania. we're live with the latest results when we come back. okay google, show me korean restaurants in boulder. google assistant: i found a few places. vo: the new pixel, phone by google. exclusively on verizon. the only next gen network that lets you get the most out of it. how is this possible? vo: because verizon lte advanced
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it's 11:00 p.m. on the west coast, and donald trump is closing in on what may be the biggest upset in american political history. 244 electoral votes to 215 for hillary clinton. he needs the electoral votes in gray states, starting with pennsylvania. >> pennsylvania, one of the many shockers of the night. 97% of the vote in. and as you see, he has a solid lead, 75,000-vote lead. and if you look at where the
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watching allegheny county, that's pittsburgh. and philadelphia, if you look at philadelphia, 99% in philadelphia. even in the counties around philadelphia, as you look, 98%, 99%, 100% of the counties. not a lot of obviously democratic votes in the state of pennsylvania. if he wins president trump. >> and michigan, looking the same, a little bit closer than it was. >> but trump continues to hold the lead in michigan. the other one, the more likely, wisconsin, he continues to have a very enduring lead in wisconsin. 90% of the vote in, and he still has a three-point lead in wisconsin. >> and any one is enough. the state of arizona, still hanging out there in the west,
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if you go to the possibilities board, what would hillary clinton have to do. arizona, trump has a solid lead. give her new hampshire, she has to win all the remaining states. if she wins michigan, doesn't get 270, michigan and pennsylvania, 268. needs to win new hampshire, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. >> and is behind in all but hampshire. our election coverage will continue. dot kot h donald trump has 244 electoral votes. 215 for hillary clinton. donald trump is closing in on
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and we're back now, 2:00 a.m. on the east coast. 11:00 p.m. on the best coast. and we're still here, because donald trump is closing in on the 270 electoral votes he needs. 244 to hillary clinton's he's also leading in the states up in the midwest. michigan, leading in the state of michigan. he's leading right now in the state of wisconsin. you see it there, as well. 49% to 46% over clinton. leading now in the state of pennsylvania. a win in any one will almost certainly give him the white house, because he's also leading in the state of arizona.


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