A Rainy Night in New York. Murder in the city | by Dave Logan | Write Under the Moon | Feb, 2024 | Medium

Short Fiction

A Rainy Night in New York

Murder in the city

Dave Logan
Write Under the Moon
4 min readFeb 29, 2024


A couple walking through the city on a rainy night.
Image by Stephen Bolton from Pixabay

It was just an ordinary rainy night in New York. Under the dim streetlamp, a couple huddles under an umbrella, desperately trying to escape the sudden downpour.

Church bells echo in the distance, surprising the woman. She looks at her watch and realizes it’s ten o’clock. She sees a pink neon sign flashing in a window half a block away, making her aware that the dispensary is still open. Then, out of the darkness, a car unexpectedly barrels down the tight street, barely missing the man.

He shouts, “Watch where you’re going!” As the car continues on its way. His wife shakes excess water from her radiant red dress.

The woman waits outside while the man enters the dispensary. She lights up a cigarette and takes a few drags while glancing up and down the street. She says to herself, “Even a rainy night in the city is still beautiful.”

A group of boys run by, in too much of a hurry to even notice the woman standing against the building. She chuckles while watching them try to keep as dry as possible in the soaking rain.

The man reappears in the doorway, and smiles at the woman, acknowledging he got what he needed by holding up the paper bag. The woman nods but seems noncommittal as to whether she’s happy for him or not for buying a stash of goodies from the shop.

“Was that necessary, Huey? Did you really NEED to get that stuff?” The woman, rather annoyed, asks. Huey responds, “Yes, it is a necessity. It helps me think clearly when I audition for a part or recite my lines when filming.”
Angrily, the woman shouts, “REALLY? It helps you THINK clearly! Why don’t you just go over to that street corner and ask the guy hiding in the shadows for something stronger? I’m sure he can hook you up for the right price.”
“Darla… Babe, why are you so angry? No one got hurt and it’s all legal. When we get back to the hotel, I’ll give you some of this stuff to calm you down.” Huey replies, trying to negotiate with her.

Without another word, Darla turns her back to him and walks away, heels clicking along the rain-slicked cement. Huey pulls his fedora down over his eyes and jogs in his dress shoes to catch up to Darla.

They continue down the street in silence heading towards their destination. Outside of the rainfall, there is an eerie silence filling the air. Darla, angry and feeling betrayed, shrugs off Huey’s attempts to wrap his arm around her waist as they walk.

A dark figure appears from a dark alley to their left. Wielding a knife, he attacks Huey, slicing at his arm. Darla, umbrella in hand, trips and falls, breaking the heel of her shoe.

The two men roll around on the wet pavement, and the attacker slices the Huey with a long, silver knife, while he fights in vain.

Darla screams, “Help!” into the muted night air. Lights pop on in windows of the surrounding buildings, dogs bark as she begs for help.

Sirens sound in the distance. Curious neighbors can be seen poking their heads through closed curtains. No one comes out to help.

The man with the knife sprints down the alleyway leaving Huey bloody and helpless, lying against an overflowing trash can. Darla runs to her companion, drops to her knees, and places his head in her lap.

She swipes the bloody strands of hair out of his eyes but can see life has already escaped his body. She presses her head into his chest, tears flowing heavily as she grieves the loss of her husband, married for just over a month.

The cops arrive and escort Darla to the police car where she can sit and dry off. One of the officers sits with her and attempts to calm her down. The medics lay a sheet over Huey’s body, as they lift the gurney into the ambulance to transport him to the city morgue.

Another victim in a city plagued by crime and violence. Unfortunately for the mayor of New York City, this attack is now going to be the leading headline in the news.

The man who was attacked and killed is world-renowned actor, Huey Lancaster. According to Darla, he was in town to film his new movie, A Night in the City.

© Dave Logan 2024



Dave Logan
Write Under the Moon

Independent Bookstore Manager, Book Nerd, Storyteller, Mental Health Advocate. Writer & Editor @ Write Under the Moon.