A coat vs. a blanket vs. dust of snow | WordReference Forums

A coat vs. a blanket vs. dust of snow


Senior Member
Chinese - Hong Kong
Yesterday my area had a fall of snow, but just “a coat” or “a blanket” or “a dust” of snow.

If just an inch of snow or less, which is the best in the situation above? Thank you.
  • If you have a dusting of snow, you can typically still see what is on the ground still and distinguish between the path, the grass and so on.

    If everything is completely covered, it's a coat or blanket. It doesn't matter if it is 2 inches or 12 inches.
    In BrE, "coat" as a noun is relatively rare for use with snow, although "coat" as a verb (usually passive) and "coated" as an adjective are common. The picture in post #3 is a dusting, and a thick layer so everything was white would be a blanket; something in between (where there was enough snow for a snowball fight but not enough for sledging) it would just be "snow".
    Thank you SwissPete and natkretep and Uncle Jack. I learned the difference of “a dusting of snow” and “a blanket of snow”.