A beautiful mind (docx) - Course Sidekick

A beautiful mind

Helene Fuld College of Nursing **We aren't endorsed by this school
Mar 24, 2024
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Marian Koroma A Beautiful Mind Synopsis A beautiful mind was such a beautiful movie (pun intended). It had so many factors that were moving and made me cry. The main character's diagnosis was schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder where the affected individual feels out of touch with reality through delusions, hallucinations and difficulty concentrating. Their thoughts, feelings and behaviors are affected as a result. It is a chronic and severe mental illness that progresses over time. The person may even lose their life without proper medical care. In the film, the main character Nash suffers with the symptoms of schizophrenia such as delusions of grandeur, paranoia, lack of emotion and incoherent speech. He believes himself to be working with "Parcher" from the United States department of defense which turns out to be one of his hallucinations to make his life more important even though he was so established already. When his symptoms were at their peak, he was very paranoid that he was being followed by "Russian spies" which turned out to be his delusions. Throughout the movie, he shows very little emotion when interacting with others, even his wife at times which shows how much he was withdrawing from others due to his schizophrenic condition. Lastly, his speech was mumbled and incoherent when he would go into his episodes. I did find it interesting to learn that he was actually a real person and didn't take medication but simply "ignored" his hallucinations which gives me hope as a future Psych NP that the mind can truly overcome anything.
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