Canon imagePROGRAF Hardware Error 03130031-2F50

Canon imagePROGRAF iPF Hardware Error 03130031-2F50

Hardware error 03130031-2F50 is connected to a few other error codes.  They are all fairly common errors to receive as the printer is used.  Though we understand it's quite normal to feel slightly concerned when your printer stops printing and doesn't tell you anything but some numbers, we don't want you to worry because we're here to help and we've got you covered on whatever you need

What is hardware error 03130031-2F50?

This error relates to the print heads, particularly the right side print head.  If your printer only has 1 print head, then you should assume the worst!  Just kidding.  Depending on the printer model, it may require just 1 print head.  This error code will likely be seen in Canon imagePROGRAF iPF series 8 and 12 color printers.

Please note,  models that use 2 print heads are recommended to change both at the same time.  Replacing both print heads together may not be the most financially friendly option, but it is the most responsible option.

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Easily Search For Individual Error Codes Using The Search Field Above.  Contact Us If you are Having Difficulty Finding Your Code.

Can I Fix The Error

Good news, in most cases this one is easy to fix.  The first thing to try in almost every troubleshooting situation is to simply turn the printer off, wait a few moments, and turn it back on.  If the error clears itself, you have no further steps to take (aside from giving us an outstanding review on Google and subscribe to our blog).

If a power cycle doesn't work, you should verify you have the current firmware.  If neither of those options solves the problem, the next thing is try to eliminate the possibility of a false error code by verifying there is no air in the ink lines.  Once you've done those 3 things, if the error code persists, it's time to look at the costly options.

The False Error

As mentioned in the section above, it is entirely possible to have a false error.

Filled Ink Lines

If you can see air in the ink lines, your print head may be telling the main controller that something is wrong.  To check if your printer has air in the lines, open the top cover (lid), and visually inspect the ink lines.  Those lines should look like the ones pictured here.

Any air in the line will be quite easy to spot. If you see air, you'll need to perform an ink system initialize (which uses a lot of ink) or perform a manual fill using a syringe.  Starting with a syringe may be a fairly inexpensive solution to the problem.

If you do not see air in the ink lines, the appropriate next step is to replace the print heads (available below) or at least the right side as a minimum.

Search Print Head Models

If you are unsure of which print head your printer requires, please consult the brochure or spec sheet.

What If Print Head Replacement Doesn't Work

If replacing one or both of the print heads did not resolve the 2F50 error code, the cost to repair can start to climb rapidly so we recommend contacting Canon tech support to discuss the options.

In some cases, replacing the main controller is the next item on the list.  For other models, the carriage relay PCB would be the right fix.

Lastly, another potential item to consider is the flat cable.

Final Notes

To recap, the fix for this error can be a simple reboot or firmware update and can range up to replacing 2 print heads, carriage relay PCB, main controller, and a flat cable.  Before making any investments, consider the age of the printer in relation to current technology and when you plan on buying a new computer. The former is important because legacy (older model) printers may not be compatible with upcoming computer operating systems or even recent updates.  It would be a shame to spend a few thousand dollars on repairs today only to discover 6 months from now that your printer doesn't work with your new computer.

In some cases, it may be better to replace the printer with a brand new model and get the accompanying warranty.

Related Error Codes

The 2F48, 2F49, and 2F51 error codes are similar and all apply to the print heads.  The codes here to the left are active links so you may easily navigate to whichever applies and you.

2F50 isn't my error code!

If 2F50 is not the error code displayed on your screen, please see our blog post that lists all the possible 03133310 error codes so you can learn more about your specific error.

Ron Rodgers

Ron Rodgers

Ron Rodgers is an Imaging Ace & Print Industry Hotshot with a passion for helping people turn print into profit! Aside from being the founder of ProPrinting Systems, he is a marketing machine, funtrepreneur (like entrepreneur but more fun), blogger, YouTuber, podcaster, musician, husband, father, sales expert, and all-around nice guy.

About Ron Rodgers

Ron Rodgers is an Imaging Ace & Print Industry Hotshot with a passion for helping people turn print into profit! Aside from being the founder of ProPrinting Systems, he is a marketing machine, funtrepreneur (like entrepreneur but more fun), blogger, YouTuber, podcaster, musician, husband, father, sales expert, and all-around nice guy.

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