14 Songs for Stormy Days With Chronic Illness and Disability
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14 Songs for Stormy Days With Chronic Illness and Disability

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Music and exercise are some of my best distraction methods when I’m sick, in pain or just need a little boost. The following are 14 songs that I play before every workout and on a loop during my IV treatments.

“Roar” by Katy Perry

“Brave” by Sara Bareilles

These songs remind me that I am so much stronger than I believe. My track record for getting through the really tough days is 100 percent and I’m pretty proud about that.

“Superheroes” by The Script

A constant reminder that hardships only make superheroes and that they don’t learn how to be strong, powerful and begin to fly until they face their challenges head on.

“Fighter” by Christina Aguilera

Ironically, this song reminds me of my doctors and nurses. They have put me through some really challenging stuff in an attempt to help me and we have pulled through it together.

“Warrior” by Demi Lovato

This is a wonderful song for those extra bad days when you are forced to go out and live life.

“Kryptonite” by Danielle Stratton

This song was written by a person with the same condition as me and it serves as a reminder that not all disabilities and illnesses are visible. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t make them less painful or legitimate!

“Fight Song” by Rachel Platten

When it first came out, this song took the world by storm and it is wonderful for the stormy days of illness and disability!

“Blessings” by Laura Story

Life never goes completely according to plan, but it makes us stronger and more resilient as we grow older.

“Try” by Colbie Callait

People with chronic illnesses and disabilities face a lot. Sometimes it is very discouraging when life doesn’t go the way you planned and you just want to throw in the towel and give up.

“Keep Holding On” by Avril Lavigne

Like “Try,” this song reminds you to keep fighting and keep on keeping on!

“Count On Me” by Bruno Mars

One of the major struggles in living with chronic illness is the fact that friends tend to come and go. This song is a reminder that we have someone somewhere cheering us on whether we know it or not!

“The Climb” by Miley Cyrus

My mantra has been “Keep your chin up and charge the mountain!” since I was 4 years old. This song complements it perfectly! Life is full of ups, downs and dramatic plot twists.

“I Lived” by OneRepublic

This song reminds me that I’m living life right if everything is hurting. Most people just walk through life complacently, but after nearly losing my life several times before the age of 19, I just can’t do the same. I’m getting a second chance!

“Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift

I play this song to get a good beat going that ultimately relaxes me. It is rare to find me without music on.

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Image via Thinkstock.

Originally published: January 20, 2017
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