2013我愛HK恭囍發財 - 香港電影資料上映時間及預告 - Enjoy Movie


2013我愛HK恭囍發財(I Love Hong Kong 2013)是一部片長約1小時38分鐘的電影,於2013年2月7日上映(查看2013我愛HK恭囍發財場次)。




七十年代香港,遍地黃金,處處都有生機!為人忠直的宋池雄遇上狡猾的夏石森,促使宋找到人生第一份工作,與夏一起到茶樓打工。茶樓老闆心地善良,伙計騎呢,街坊盞鬼,使茶樓每天都充滿驚喜,人情味和歡樂共冶一爐。惟情關始終擋不過,宋池雄和夏石森同時愛上太子女美洋洋,憨直男對戰花靚仔;美洋洋好友朱玉圓為人潑辣,揚言男不壞女不愛,只愛夏石森。眾人衝過情關,也難敵時代巨輪,面對股災、移民潮等,宋池雄緊守崗位,捍衛茶樓,與街坊一起渡過難關。現代的宋池雄人到中年,美洋洋已為人母,夏石森成為集團老闆,茶樓面對這個年頭的惡勢力,傾訴神仙能否令酒樓再添歡樂,又是否可以一如以往,團結就是力量?Fate has it that both Song and Ha fell for the same girl: May, who is from a well-to-do family. It’s face off between the geek and the smooth-talker. While romance is blossoming between May and Song, May’s best friend Yuen is a gutsy girl who insisted that bad boys are attractive and only have eyes for Ha. Decades past and Song weathered many changing times: crash of stock market; era of mass-migration and more… While Song remained steadfast, guarding the teahouse, continuing to serve his loyal patrons and providing jobs for his long-serving staff, the fast-thinking Ha now owns a business empire and is back to create chaos. Facing the challenges of keeping the Teahouse afloat, Song decided to seek extreme measures, which resulted in him meeting an Angel…will the Angel provide sound advice that solve Song’s woes? Or will the unity of Song and his loyal patrons and staff be the solution? ...


2013我愛HK恭囍發財主要演員包括譚詠麟陳百祥曾志偉馮淬帆黃宗澤徐子珊鄭欣宜許紹雄孟瑤麥長青Goo Ming-Wa葉玉卿謝天華 、及王祖藍, 電影由鍾澍佳執導。


2013我愛HK恭囍發財片長約1小時38分鐘。 IMDB(互聯網電影資料庫)得分為4.2,共個152評分。



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