The Market Economy in 17th Century Europe - Lesson |
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The Market Economy in 17th Century Europe

Lesson Transcript
Instructor Nate Sullivan

Nate Sullivan holds a M.A. in History and a M.Ed. He is an adjunct history professor, middle school history teacher, and freelance writer.

The market economy in 17th century Europe evolved over time from feudalism to capitalism. Study feudalism vs. the American dream, the definition of capitalism, and capitalism in 17th century Europe.

Imagine for a moment that you had no hope of bettering yourself over the course of your life. Imagine you were forced to labor in the fields for minimal pay. You worked to the point of exhaustion and made barely enough to survive. You were malnourished and had no chance of improving your living situation. For hundreds of years, this is what life was like for most Europeans under the system of feudalism. Feudalism was a medieval system of social structuring based on land holdings. Basically, peasants (also called serfs) would work their bums off on a tract of land, in return for a small share of food and military protection provided by the owner of the land (who was called the lord).

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  • 0:02 Feudalism vs. the…
  • 1:53 What is Capitalism?
  • 2:33 Capitalism in 17th…
  • 5:52 Lesson Summary

So what exactly is capitalism? Capitalism is an economic system in which industry, trade, production and other means of securing wealth are privately controlled for the purpose of making profit. This 'privately controlled' part is the key. An essential characteristic of capitalism is that trade, industry and production are conducted by private owners, not the state. Just so we are clear here, the word 'state' means the government. The term 'capitalism' and 'free market economics' are typically used interchangeably.

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Capitalism as we know it didn't pop up overnight. It emerged in Europe gradually as the feudal system broke down. It is difficult to determine exactly when modern capitalism first emerged in Europe, not to mention this issue is hotly debated by historians. That said, it is relatively safe to say modern capitalism, as we know it, emerged between the 16th-19th centuries.

One important event that helped to breakdown the feudal system and give birth to free market economics was the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant Reformation was an anti-Catholic movement sparked by Martin Luther in 1517. Many Protestant Christians held to a revolutionary new view of work and wealth. They regarded hard work and thrift as traits which pleased God, and they regarded material wealth not as an evil, but rather a gift from God.

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Feudalism was a medieval system of social structuring based on land holdings. It basically ensured that peasants had no chance of bettering themselves. Capitalism is an economic system in which industry, trade, production and other means of securing wealth are privately controlled for the purpose of making profit. In 17th-century Europe, early capitalism allowed the lower classes to better themselves through education and hard work.

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