Iran Warns West That Jews are Trying to Pull Them Into a Regional War, by Andrew Anglin - The Unz Review
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Iran Warns West That Jews Are Trying to Pull Them Into a Regional War

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Everyone knows this is the situation.

Warning the West won’t do anything.

The West is controlled by the Jews. We have a total infestation of these people. We’re like a rotting corpse propelled by a zombie virus.

The Jews don’t allow any adult discussions at all.

The Guardian:

Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to trap the west into a total war across the Middle East that would have incalculable consequences for the region and the world, Iran’s top diplomat in the UK has claimed, in his first interview since Tehran launched an unprecedented missile and drone attack against Israel at the weekend.

Seyed Mehdi Hosseini Matin also warned that if Israel made “another mistake” by launching an attack on Iran, there would be a response from Iran that was stronger, more severe, and administered without a warning like that issued before the weekend attack.

The salvo of more than 300 drones and missiles – almost all of which were intercepted by Israel and its allies or fell short of their targets – came in retaliation for a 1 April airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, that killed several Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards officers. Israel’s top general, Lt Gen Herzi Halevi, has said the country would respond, but it remains unclear what form that would take.

The response to the next mistake of the Zionist will not take 12 days’ time. It will be decided as soon as we see what the hostile regime has done. It will be immediate, and without warning. It will be stronger and more severe,” said Matin, Iran’s chargé d’affaires in London. He ruled out Iran attacking civilian centres or building a nuclear weapon, even though he said Iran knew Israel was an undeclared nuclear state.

Cool billboard in central Tehran.
Cool billboard in central Tehran.

Matin argued that the west was losing credibility in the Middle East in a way that would ultimately lead to the US leaving the region, and a peace being reached by regional powers alone.

“This is a good opportunity for western countries to demonstrate that they are rational actors, and they are not going to be entrapped by Netanyahu and his goal, which is to be in power for as long as he could actually stay in power,” he claimed.

Iran has considered its actions very carefully, and understood that there is a trap, but not for Iran, for the western countries and allied countries in which they are drawn by the Zionist state into a total war inside the Middle East, and the whole world soon may be unable to control the consequences.”

Matin insisted that before the attack on Israel, Iran had urged western officials – including the British foreign secretary, David Cameron – to back a UN security council statement condemning Israel for attacking the Iranian consulate in Damascus. It had also urged the west to back an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, he said.

Matin said Cameron had last week refused the Iranian request, even though this week he had admitted that the UK would have responded very strongly if a hostile power flattened a British consulate. “As Cameron mentioned, rightly, every nation has the right to defend itself against this kind of flagrant breach of diplomatic and international law.”

Iran would actually be justified doing a lot more. A lot more.

Bombing a consulate is a very serious act of war.

But the Western media is trying to reframe this as if it was an unprovoked attack.

Actually, a lot of Western media was saying it was “retaliatory,” but now the whole narrative has switched to Israel “responding.”

They are responding to a response, because their goal was always to escalate the Gaza situation into a war with Iran. That’s why they let the attack on October 7th happen in the first place. That’s why they bombed the consulate, knowing that Iran would send rockets at them.

The whole thing was a setup from the beginning.

Israel knows that the US is flailing, they know that American support for them is failing, they know that they only have so much time left to drag us into a war that we have any hope of winning. So they’re doing that. That’s what’s happening.

If Israel wasn’t planning to throw the US at Iran, they never would have let October 7th happen in the first place. We’ve been on rails since that fateful day.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. America wake up. Joooz (Israeli or otherwise) have their own agenda –and it’s not for the benefit of the USA.

  2. My friend Bibi is a man of peace. The idea that Israel is trying to trick the US into entering this war is an anti- Semitic canard based on the ancient myth that Jews are dishonest schemers.

    • Agree: meamjojo
    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Elron
    , @BuelahMan
  3. The worst thing about all this is that perhaps the one interested in bombing Iran is the United States and using Israel as a hitman. The plans of large American companies for gas and oil under Palestinian soil and for real state and luxury tourism on the Mediterranean coast are already known.

    They would seek to squeeze the rich into a super-protected area because the poor would live in misery.

    Of these plans, to the usual killing to steal, there is only the step of eliminating the annoying Iran that remains the leader of the resistance and if, as we see in Palestine, there are no scruples in murdering children in Iran, there will also be no scruples in using nuclear weapons to carry the peace of the tombs to the Middle Eastern region

    At the moment time and money are running out.

    And where is the UN? They must be enjoying the many entertainments that exist in New York.

  4. Seyed Mehdi Hosseini Matin makes one error – thinking that the U.S. doesn’t want to be “dragged” in to this. There hasn’t been a single action taken by the American and Israeli govts since 2001 to “slow down,” “take it easy,” or “act in moderation.” Empire doesn’t act with Temperance. No matter what the PR dept and Media apparatus says, mankind will look back (maybe?) and view the 2014 Maidan Coup as the start of WWIII. What I’m trying to say is, we’re already in thick of it no matter what word-games people want to play to “make it all better.”

    The U.S. will certainly join in the fray. Every Empire in it’s decline/collapse phase MUST necessarily overreach it’s hand while rotting internally. Every Empire believes in it’s Exceptionalism from the dustbin of Time. Thankfully, the dustbin is the house and the house always wins. “Forests precede civilizations and deserts follow them.” – de Chateaubriand

    The Kike-Christian Empire MUST fall. There’s no need to wish for it, hope for it, or to “accelerate it.” Even in it’s most ideal state, the Fate of Time stalks the Kike-Christian Empire as it does with all organisms. There are debts to collect.

    Robinson Jeffers:
    “While this America settles in the mould of its vulgarity, heavily thickening to empire,
    And protest, only a bubble in the molten mass, pops and sighs out, and the mass

    I sadly smiling remember that the flower fades to make fruit, the fruit rots to make earth.
    Out of the mother; and through the spring exultances, ripeness and decadence; and
    home to the mother.

    You making haste haste on decay: not blameworthy; life is good, be it stubbornly long or
    A mortal splendor: meteors are not needed less than mountains: shine, perishing republic.

    But for my children, I would have them keep their distance from the thickening center;
    Never has been compulsory, when the cities lie at the monster’s feet there are left the

    And boys, be in nothing so moderate as in love of man, a clever servant, insufferable
    There is the trap that catches noblest spirits, that caught–they say–God, when he walked
    on earth.”

  5. And so the Rape of Gaza fades into the past.

    So quickly.

  6. .☆☆☆☠️☆☆☆ ®[AP©CALYPSE NOW NEWS]™ ☆☆☆☠️☆☆☆.

    Video Link

  7. Notsofast says:

    this is an amazing time in which to live. the israelis have really given away the show. it is now obvious, to any that care to observe, just who runs the show. how could this tiny pissant country be making directives and demands of the entire west, while violating every international law and treaty, and the entire time western leaders seem incapable of countermanding their suicidal orders?

    it’s also obvious that all of these governments have been bought off and/or blackmailed into submission. all of these talking heads of state, have the worried look on their face of the damned. like the crew of the pequot they unflinchingly follow orders, they know will drag them and their countries down like millstones, along with bibi ahabyahoo.

    on the bright side this may be the only way this corruption can be terminated, ironic isn’t it?

    • Replies: @RupertTiger
  8. white people are ugly, gross, nasty and love being enslaved to Jews. Iran’s warning is for good people in the West, aka non-white people.

  9. @Liborio Guaso

    “And where is the UN?”

    Its members cowed into silence lest Mossad reveal their naughtiness on Epstein Island and elsewhere.

  10. Anonymous[168] • Disclaimer says:
    @Rabbi Shlomo

    A well documented trait going all the way back to Joseph’s scheme for stealing all of the Egyptian farmers livestock and land in return for the same grain from the storehouses which he had saved after over-taxing them for 7 years.

    And in the first verse of the next chapter, all of a sudden, for no reason at all the Hebrews throughout Egypt are enslaved.

    No connection, it’s just a coincidence that the story of stealing all the farmers’ land “for the benefit of the state” is in the immediately preceding chapter.

    • LOL: BrooLidd
    • Replies: @Carroll Price
  11. John1955 says:

    =The West is controlled by the Jews. We have a total infestation of these people. We’re like a rotting corpse propelled by a zombie virus.=
    Dr Anglin, world-famous scientist nominated for Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology

    “How the Zombie Fungus Takes Over Ants’ Bodies to Control Their Minds”

    “If you’re in luck, you might find an ant clinging to the leaf’s central vein, jaws clamped tight for dear life. But this ant’s life is already over. And its body belongs to Ophiocordyceps unilateralis, the zombie-ant fungus.”


    Neuroparasitology as a science was established in 1931

    Being a Rabid Philosemite myself I will quote only reputable sources

    The Wiener Holocaust Library – Der Giftpilz by Ernst Hiemer

  12. @Notsofast

    Some sense to be found in there.

    Good luck!

  13. @Liborio Guaso

    Why would the U.S. want Mediterranean land for resorts?

    The U.S. has ample coastline for resorts.

    The U.S. also has no organic need for Middle East oil, as it has ample hydrocarbons in the ground.

    Again and again, silly and jealous foreigners accuse ordinary Americans of plotting to take their “wealth”. This simply does not happen because most Americans are unengaged in geopolitics or economics.

  14. @KnutHamsun


    Your masturbatory fantasies of a world of freedom and peace under China after what you call “Kike-Christian” will just be a new brutal empire.

    Demon princes rule the NATO block and the BRICS/SHITS.

    So its just evil against evil and regular folk get crushed in the middle.

  15. Rich says:

    Iran threw a little left jab at Israel after Israel bombed its consulate killing a general and his aides. Not much of a response. The Israelites are the neighborhood bully, but so far, they’ve been afraid, or unable, to attack inside Iran. It’ll be interesting to see if they’re willing to hit Iran and risk a massive missile strike. I’m not sure if the US will join in, but I doubt the Russians or Chinese will come to Iran’s rescue if the US does. Hopefully, America keeps out of it and the Israelites come to their senses.

    • Replies: @Yukon Jack
  16. kiwk says:

    And the West says, “yippee, we want to be dragged into a war, any war!”

  17. Rich says:
    @Supply and Demand

    Jealous, eh? Did your mother used to bring home American sailors when you were a kid and you had to sleep in the doorway while you heard her cries of pleasure from inside the hut? Or is it a homoerotic thing? Well, your problem, but it is funny.

    • Replies: @Supply and Demand
  18. Dr. Rock says:

    There are a lot of dynamics at play here-

    Netanyahu is in serious trouble domestically, considered a criminal by some, and also, ironically, considered too “moderate” (not genocidal and war-hawkish enough) by others. He’s blamed for Oct. 7th, and like any desperate politician, is therefor compelled to act very aggressively.

    Biden is in a tight spot too. Sure, he’s owned by the jews like most Western leaders, but because of the bizarre political cabal that is stitched together by the Democrat party of victims, the aggrieved, the oppressed, the social justice warriors, and the racial hucksters that think they are “fighting colonialism”; That includes the largest contingent of pro-Palestinian activists, and Muslims. And while elections are all shams, it’s still a political chasm in his coalition that makes it harder for him to just go “full pro jew” like most of the political elites want. i.e. “bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran”

    To save his skin, and because he is a jewish zionist psychopathic murderer, Netanyahu MUST keep pushing for more war; It’s the only card in his hand.

    Biden probably doesn’t want a full blown middle eastern war right this minute, because his approval numbers are for shit, and he’s still got the Ukraine that he wants to fund, and the Chinese to goad, and plenty of other destructive domestic policies to pursue, so it’s not a great time for the full blown middle eastern war that so many want.

    He too is being attacked from the Right and parts of the Left, for being too dovish; As remarkable as that is. So many NeoCon war pigs have wanted an excuse to attack Iran since the overthrow of The Shah, the Iranian Hostage Crisis, and because the jews have been paying them to want it for several decades.

    All of these dynamics cannot be smoothed, or mitigated, or extinguished, so something somewhere has got to give.

    That most likely means Israel further escalating with Iran, and starting the very regional (and beyond) war that so many want.

    Play On!

  19. @Rich

    I realize white Americans struggle with geography as part of their mutt IQ, so I’ll politely wait for you to locate a port in Hungary.

    • Replies: @Rich
    , @Lurker
    , @Anonymous
  20. How does Pakistan figure into all this? They’re right there, have nukes, and surely Iran must be thinking, “hey, buddy…if push comes to shove, who you siding with?” right?

  21. Elron says:
    @Rabbi Shlomo

    “My friend Bibi is a man of peace.”

    – Exactly, he really is a sweetie peacebringer and you must be too then since he is your friend, thank you both for your peace-sweetness and may God (IHVH) save you both!

    “The idea that Israel is trying to trick the US into entering this war is an anti- Semitic canard based on the ancient myth that Jews are dishonest schemers”.

    – Exactly, thats how they have always done it, first they tell such nasty canardy lies about us ( though unfortunately not ethnically, like Elon, I count myself as to be an aspirational Jew btw) telling lies and then they kill 6 Million of us in gas-ovens, shrink our heads, make us into lampshades, soap-shampoo and fireworks-smoke and now again as we speak they roast and behead all our babies, shoot women in the genitals before raping and disembowling them and playing soccer with their cut-off breasts from their hospital- commandcenters and even Iran suddenly attacks us now so nastily without no reason whatsoever…..


    I just do not understand…..


    • Replies: @Ernesto Che
  22. Anonymous[104] • Disclaimer says:

    Well I for one am happy that our elected representatives are working hard and doing the business of the American people!

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  23. What are the odds on a sloppy job Mossad false flag at this point? Seems to me the only way the yahweh freaks get this war going.

  24. N30rebel says:

    As long as we’re Israel’s cock holster, we will marshal our forces and march backward into the fray, while singing Hava nagilah.

  25. @Brooklyn Dave

    Anglin writes: “Everyone knows this is the situation.

    Warning the West won’t do anything.

    The West is controlled by the Jews. We have a total infestation of these people. We’re like a rotting corpse propelled by a zombie virus.”

    Does anybody with any sense of history think anything would be much different if ‘the West’ had 50% fewer Jews? If so, you are a damned fool. The elites of the WASP world expect to have worldwide imperial control, and they do not care what all and who all they must destroy to ensure that.

    Indeed, Jews have been on board with WASP empire as financiers since the days of Oliver Cromwell, but that only makes my main point: WASP empire necessarily is and always will be Anglo-Zionist Empire. So you might as state it correctly: ‘the West’ is this damned zombie determined to suck the oaf’s blood of the entire globe because things WASP have destroyed almost all vestiges of historic Western Christendom and remade them in Anglo-Zionist image.

    We are Oceania. And Oceania is the natural growth of Anglo-Saxon Puritan imperialism.

    • Replies: @Eric135
    , @BrooLidd
  26. @Supply and Demand

    Yo said it best, bro, respect, dom mofo crackers useless..

    Non-whites unite, us rule, us intilligent!

  27. Renoman says:

    Of course they are, when it comes to STUPID you just can’t beat Bibi and Biden. If we could get rid of Bibi, Biden, Blinken, Sullivan and the black giant the World might have a chance of peace, Oh sorry I forgot Admiral shit head, he’s gotta go too. These are the Planets worst liars.

  28. Israel is playing a dangerous game here: After Iran takes out their infrastructure and neutralises the IDF, Turkey and Egypt might decide that depriving Israel of its Mediterranean oil and gas fields are worth more than the tribute Uncle Sugar is paying them to stay on its side.

    The only question is whether or not the Izzies get a chance to exercise the Samson Option. Tehran might have the Russian A/D to withstand its share of the punishment; London, Paris, and Berlin will have to rely on the THAADS and Patriots that have disappointed their Ukie friends.

  29. @BananaKilt

    You are conflating a couple of things. Obviously, ‘ordinary’ American have no need of nor desire for Mediterranean coast land for resorts nor Middle East oil. But the rich of ‘the West’ do covet those things and much more from around the globe.

    Ordinary Americans and the vast majority of peoples in Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, the Far East have the same main problem: the super rich and powerful of ‘the West’ determined to rule the entire planet come Hell or high water.

    • Replies: @GeneralRipper
  30. Wokechoke says:

    This guy is based. Good footballer too.

  31. Putin needs to remind Israel and US that Iran is a Russian ally that will be defended if and when the need arises.

    • Replies: @John Johnson
  32. Anonymous[116] • Disclaimer says:

    377-44-1: House passed a resolution that the “slogan, ‘from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ is antisemitic and its use must be condemned.”

    Think about it, Congress takes up the issue of officially voting to condemn the slogan of an innocent people in a foreign land currently being subjected to genocide.

    • Replies: @Romulus
  33. @Anonymous

    Fraud alert!

    Jews were never in Egypt. Like everything associated with Jews, the Old Testament is 99% fiction.

  34. Rich says:
    @Supply and Demand

    A Chinaman in Hungary? Did you fall for those thick mustaches on the White Hungarians or did mammasan used to make you clean up the mess after they finished with her?

    • Replies: @Supply and Demand
  35. Andrew Anglin writes in a “Conspiratorial” way:

    Israel knows that the U.S. is flailing, they know that American support for them is failing, they know that they only have so much time left to drag us into a war that we have any hope of winning. So they’re doing that. That’s what’s happening.

    If Israel wasn’t planning to throw the U.S. at Iran, they never would have let October 7th happen in the first place. We’ve been on rails since that fateful day.

    Fact of the matter is Israelis did not deliberately let that happen on October 7, 2023; but, Israelis are now deliberately trying their best to bring America and Britain to de-Islamize the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    In reality, however, de-Islamization of the Islamic Republic of Iran is as hard as “Belling the Cat” by some dozens of irate rodents!

    Because, the Islamic Republic of Iran has nuclear bomb(s).

    One thing — for some time — that astonished or puzzled me was this: Why wouldn’t the Islamic Republic of Iran go for testing of nuclear device(s) after being under such military and economic hostilities from America, Israel and Britain?

    Israelis frequently kill so-called Iranian nuclear scientists as well as Iranian nuclear experts and actual Iranian military generals.

    Then why wouldn’t Israelis simply bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities just as Israelis did to Iraq’s (and Syria’s)?

    Answer came to me while talking to a former security officer who said, Indians built bombs by doing trial-and-error method, which needed very deep underground testing(s), whereas Iranians bought their bomb from Pakistan that had already been tested for its effectiveness and the only thing Iranians needed to develop was effective delivery-means to the intended target(s).

    That means, all Iranian nuclear power-plants as well as underground uranium-enrichment facilities are for the ruse.

    In the film “Oppenheimer” there is a dialogue where the U.S. govt. says, “You’ve built the bomb; now we take that from here!”

  36. @Carroll Price

    I’ve always been inclined to believe the theory that the original Jews were outcast Egyptian followers of Pharaoh Akhenaton’s Sun God cult.

  37. unzrocks says:

    Do a google search for “Pam Ho War of the Worlds The New Class”. It explains everything in detail, better than Andrew Anglin, The Duran, Jeffrey Sachs, Carl Zha, Scott Ritter, Brian Berletic, John Mearsheimer, The Hill, Kim Iverson, Jimmy Dore, Michael Hudson, Pepe Escobar, Cyrus Janssen, Ben Norton, Caleb Maupin, Dr. David Oualaalou, mainstream news media, etc.

    The best article that explains everything that is going on in geopolitics, more in depth than anything available out there.

  38. unzrocks says:

    Bull crap. China has 3 military bases total, and only 1 outside of China’s sphere. China can’t even colonize and conquer tiny little Vietnamese right next door, what makes you think they can colonize and conquer the entire planet? Pure lunacy. It’s the USA and their collective west vassals that seek world domination. China doesn’t interfere in the domestic affairs of foreign countries. And why would they? They have no reason to. It’s stupid for the USA and their vassals to be seeking world domination. Google search “Pam Ho War of the Worlds The New Class”. It explains everything that is happening in the world of geopolitics.

  39. @Mike Jones' other brother Darryl

    Great post, thank you.

    Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be.

    But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.

    She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all.

    She is the champion and vindicator only of her own.

    John Quincy Adams

  40. George W. Bush and the Jew-controlled Neo-Conservative faction in the Republican Party dragged the US military into the Iraq War debacle. The Democrat Party politician puppet whores– led by warmongering scumbags Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton — were cheering on George W Bush as Bush dragged the US military into the Iraq War debacle. President Biden fully supports ordering the US military to fight more wars on behalf of the millstone client state of Israel.

    I say cut all ties with the ungrateful millstone client state bastards in Israel — forcibly disband AIPAC and the ADL by making all of them register as FOREIGN lobbyists — and go to an Offshore Regional Balancer strategy to prevent any more horseshit wars like George W Bush’s Iraq War debacle.

    Israel is not an ally of the USA.

    Israel is a strategic liability for the American Empire.

    The Jew-controlled ZOGPAC — also known as AIPAC — wants to drag the US military into a war with Iran.

    Tweet from 2019:

    “Our democracy” is just as much a pile of rancid buzzword baloney crud as “our democratic ally.”

    • Agree: HdC
  41. Iran: next time we won’t telegraph our ‘attack’ by 12 days….”

    how about 11?

  42. Pangloss says:

    While many are watching Gaza, no one is watching Lahaina to see what is happening in Hawaii. The Jews (whoever you may believe them to be) seem to think that they own Hawaii and are preparing for yet another disastrous “wild fire”. Observers think that a Directed Energy Weapon has been used on Lahaina to start the “wild fires”. Mainstream media refuses to report on any of it.

    Only one YouTube channel has even begun to look at it – Brush Junkie – a young lady who began her channel loving handmade Makeup brushes – hence her name.

    Then, there is this:
    The first Maui County Council Meeting after the fires. The testifiers are incensed to say the least.

    My feeling is that one of the first things Governor Green will permit to be put in a choice location is a Chabad Lubavitch synagogue.

    • LOL: meamjojo
    • Replies: @meamjojo
  43. ariadna says:
    @Liborio Guaso

    ‘The worst thing about all this is that perhaps the one interested in bombing Iran is the United States and using Israel as a hitman. The plans of large American companies for gas and oil under Palestinian soil and for real state and luxury tourism on the Mediterranean coast are already known.’

    Oy, the poor jews are always victims… in this case of the American greed.. Thanks for so convincingly pointing out this eternal truth…

  44. @Carroll Price

    Putin needs to remind Israel and US that Iran is a Russian ally that will be defended if and when the need arises.

    Carrol Price needs to be reminded that Putin is close pals with Netanyahu and doesn’t give a fuck.

    Putin could at any time reign in Netanyahu by threatening to cut off their oil. But he doesn’t want to do that as they are pals and Putin wants oil cash to fund his war.

    But don’t expect Anglin or Larry C Putin Bootlicker to point that out. Doesn’t fit the narrative.

    However you can read about it from the Times of Israel:

    Netanyahu touts friendship with Putin in new billboard

    • Replies: @Face_The_Truth
  45. ariadna says:
    @Carroll Price

    True. Serious historians, eve Israeli ones, debunked that tale

  46. Jameson says:
    @Carroll Price

    Muhammad was never in Jerusalem.

  47. @BananaKilt

    “Your masturbatory fantasies of a world of freedom and peace under China”

    Hmm…no. What I describe is the course of Empire. If China so happens to be next, well, then it happens to be next. If that makes you PANIC, feel free to read my post again. They’ll suffer the same Fate in time.

    You may be referring to my post history? I should be more clear about where I stand – I think the West should learn from the East’s amorality (<— masturbatory fantasy here) but ultimately I am not optimistic.

  48. Romulus says:

    Is there anything these scumbags do that actually benefit the American people? The sooner we have a necktie party for every one of these traitors that voted for this resolution the better. It would be nice if these Quislings cared just half as much for their own nation and people, especially those of European heritage they seem to hate so much as they do for their masters in Israel. I say pox on them all, and furthermore from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.

  49. @Rich

    I’m not a Chinaman, but my children are. I’m just glad they’re not white.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
    , @Rich
  50. Eric135 says:
    @Mike Jones' other brother Darryl

    The WASPs in America handed their power and control over to the Jews in 1913.

    The new people running the country were the Jews Paul Warburg, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Eugene Meyer, Louis Brandeis, Louis Marshall, Felix Frankfurter, Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise and Samuel Untermeyer.

    Arguably, the two most influential non-Jews in the U.S. during the twentieth century were John D. Rockefeller and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Neither one was a WASP.

    There’s not a single WASP holding a high-level cabinet position in Roman Catholic Genocide Joe’s cabinet.

    In Britain, the same thing happened even earlier. The people running the country were Sir Julian Goldsmid (3rd Baronet), Samuel Montagu (First Baron Swaythling), Marcus Sieff (Baron Sieff of Brimpton), Hannah de Rothschild (sole heiress to the fortune of Mayer Amschel de Rothschild; married to Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery and Prime Minister 1894-1895), Walter Rothschild (Second Baron Rothschild), Nathan (“Natty”) Rothschild, Sir Edward Albert Sassoon (married to Aline Caroline de Rothschild), Dr. Chaim Weizmann (who would become the first President of Israel) and Benjamin Disraeli (Prime Minister 1874-1880).

    WASPs in Canada, Australia and New Zealand followed the British example, handing their power over to the Jews. And, of course, the Jew ran (and still run) South Africa.

    Roman Catholic E. Michael Jones battles valiantly against a WASP ruling class that disappeared a long time ago. If his goal is to reduce the power of Jews, his endless attacks on white Protestants are not helping.

  51. Anon[391] • Disclaimer says:

    The jews are rat coward pussies. Run. Run back to jew york you fucking cunts. No more gaza babies for you to kill? Iran handed you your asses! Fucking nazi racist murdering cunts fuck you.

    • Replies: @Alden
  52. @Rich

    Another possibility is that Ziowhore Biden is lying about Israel should act with restraint as a ruse, and is prepping for a massive counter attack on Iran – which leaves Iran without any offensive capability to strike back.

    See comment on another thread:

    • Replies: @Rich
  53. As there are restrictions on free speech, of one kind of anothers, everywhere it would be interesting to know where Anglin is resinhg nowadays. He mentions that he is now in a colder climes so he must have left Nigeria. Wherever he is doesn’t deport fugitives to the US and he can get away with praising Hitler, Russia and China, denying the Holocaust and criticising every other regime. I don’t think he’s in Russia as praising Hitler and denying the Holocaust would get him into hot water. So where could it be? Asking for a friend, never know when he could end up needing such a sanctuary.

  54. Are Jews preparing the Ukraine, or whatever remains of it, as their reserve country – Khazaria 2.0 – in case they loose the next big Middle Eastern war?

    Jews intend to turn the Ukraine into a land without men as all those mobilised will be quickly eliminated by Russian FABs. So will this future Jewish Ukraine be an experiment of their ideal state where each Jew will be served by thousands of Ukrainian women? Since those Ukrainian men who have not yet escaped the country know they’re being sent to die on the frontline, why don’t they turn their guns on their officers and foreign NATO soldiers (“mercenaries”)? I mean they’re going to die anyway. OK there is a slim chance they may survive on the frontline by surrendering but that is not so straightforward. If you look at the numbers, there are very few surrendered compared to the dead each week. I suppose you could surrender when you actually see Russian soldiers but waving the white flag while the FAB is in flight en route to your position is kind of pointless.

  55. Lurker says:
    @Liborio Guaso

    Those poor, trusting Jews, outsmarted by the wily American goys.

  56. Lurker says:
    @Supply and Demand

    You really are a twat aren’t you.

    You throw out these huge lunatic generalisations and then throw a faggy hissy fit if people don’t notice the finer points and detals of your [likely fictitious] back story

    • Replies: @Supply and Demand
  57. meamjojo says:
    @Brooklyn Dave

    America wake up. Joooz (Israeli or otherwise) have their own agenda –and it’s not for the benefit of the USA.

    Wrong! What’s good for the Jews is good for the USA because we control so much of the USA.

    You should be happy that we allow you goyim to shoot your virtual mouths off here. We feel it keeps you out of trouble that you would likely get in if you were wandering the streets all day long.

  58. meamjojo says:

    [ROTFLOL] “Jewish Space Lasers”, yes?

  59. meamjojo says:

    Hey! Here’s a question the MSM isn’t addressing! Why not?

    Why we can shoot down Iranian drones over Israel but not Ukraine
    By Patrick Tucker
    April 15, 2024

    It was a tale of two cities this weekend. On Sunday morning, people in Tel Aviv went about their lives largely as usual despite the 300 drones and missiles that Iran had fired at Israel just hours before. U.S., UK,and Israeli forces destroyed nearly all of the projectiles. But more than a thousand miles due north, Ukrainians in Kharkiv mourned seven people killed over the weekend, the latest to die in a Russian bombardment campaign that has taken the lives of thousands of Ukrainian civilians and destroyed civilian infrastructure. Both attackers used Iranian-made Shahed 136 drones. The different outcomes reflect factors practical and political.

    “?’Shaheds in the skies above Ukraine sound identical to those over the Middle East. The impact of ballistic missiles, if they are not intercepted, is the same everywhere,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy tweeted on Monday. “European skies could have received the same level of protection long ago if Ukraine had received similar full support from its partners in intercepting drones and missiles. Terror must be defeated completely and everywhere, not more in some places and less in others.”

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  60. @Supply and Demand

    Do those Chinese washing machines work? When they washed you in one, did you come out White? The missus must have been happy.

  61. BrooLidd says:
    @Supply and Demand

    white people are ugly, gross, nasty and love being enslaved to Jews.

    I’ll give you a B+ for this, Supply. We do love being slaves of the jews. The last 100 years of our history prove that beyond the shadow of a doubt.

    As for our being “ugly,” “gross” and “nasty,” I’ll just say this: We haven’t gotten any prettier over the years.

    Anyone who can look at photos of pre-1960 Americans and deny that Americans of 2024 are “gross” is nuts.

    • Replies: @anonymous
    , @meamjojo
  62. BrooLidd says:

    …America settles in the mould of its vulgarity, heavily thickening to empire,
    And protest, only a bubble in the molten mass, pops and sighs out, and the mass

    Thanks for posting Jeffers’ memorable poem, Knut. Over the years I’ve often wondered what Jeffers, this archetypal American, would think about the America of today? It doesn’t bear thinking about.

    Jeffers’ themes were echoed by the Jamaican-American poet Louis Simpson (half jewish, one quarter negro) in his collection At the End of the Open Road, 1963.

  63. Rich says:
    @Supply and Demand

    Bring your kids to China, and find out how Chinese they are.

    • Replies: @Supply and Demand
  64. Rich says:
    @Yukon Jack

    Good point. I’m so used to seeing nothing but incompetence from the Biden gang it never occurred to me they could do something that sinister. Then they would just veto any resolution against the use of nukes in the Security Council.

  65. BrooLidd says:
    @Mike Jones' other brother Darryl

    Serious question, Darryl:

    Is there a WASP elite?

    There are whites like Schwab, Biden, Baerbock, the Clintons, von der Leyen, Macron, Sunak, etc., but are they an elite?

    I just don’t see it. I see only one elite in the West today, the jews.

    There was an American WASP elite, but it went down in flames when the U.S. entered WW2.

    • Replies: @meamjojo
    , @Alden
  66. @Lurker

    It’s a basic reading comprehension challenge. I’m called this or that ethnicity, have clearly stated who I am, my employer, my time of arrival in China, and countless other facts. I’ve written nearly 70k words here, a novel’s worth.

    Now it’s a fact that the novel as a form was invented by the Twelfth Dynasty Egyptians of Nubian Conqueror origin, Black Folk, speficuslly the Tale of Sinuhe attributed to Amenemhat I — but if the HBD crowd keeps asserting that this magical (likely fake) white IQ is actually high, then maybe you all should prove it.

    • LOL: Boomthorkell
  67. @Rich

    They were born here in Dalian and have never left. As far as the Chinese government is concerned they are Chinese. Where precisely did think you I was resident?

    • LOL: Rich
  68. @meamjojo

    Why we can shoot down Iranian drones over Israel but not Ukraine?

    Why not? Yeah, have a go bro. And see what happens. Trigger happy Russian pilots and S-500 operators are just waiting for that. Go on, don’t be a pussy, have a go! And if you do, don’t lie about the results.

  69. anonymous[265] • Disclaimer says:

    Why do you have to go back to 1960? What about 1985?

    • Agree: BrooLidd
  70. @John Johnson

    John Johnson says:

    Carrol Price needs to be reminded that, Putin is a close pal of Net-Any-Ahu and doesn’t give a fuck.

    Your statement is factually correct.

  71. meamjojo says:

    I don’t know where you live but here in CA, it seems that young people are better looking and in better shape than years ago. If only I were a few decades younger.

  72. meamjojo says:

    “Is there a WASP elite?”

    Of course there is. There has always been in this country. They were in power long before Jews came to the USA and still wield significant power, influence and some are quite wealthy.

    But the WASPS don’t attract the attention of racist sites like TUR because, well, they aren’t Jews.

  73. Aragorn says:

    Excellent !

    Like “Jews” which actually are a bandit tribe from Russia, KHAZARS, converted to Judaism 800 years ago. They lived fairly close to Germany, that’s why they behave as Germans.

    Or like trick movie sent by cannibals for to convince idiots that Muslims are evil.

    Humans are extremely vulnerably to Neuroparasitology. It can be the long childhood, or simply the existence of the the cannibal state. The state are Neuroparasitology.
    The parasites are everywhere ! Mass murder in the hospitals, steal pensions, rob you on the roads, kill hostage in care homes, forcibly sterilize “to nice” girls…
    There are a REASON the state should hang.

  74. @Supply and Demand

    Man, this Torah-loving papist has been going hard for a while. It’s especially funny considering Iran, a government installed by…what, the British? admitted to openly *warning* their targets. These guys also probably organized the American missile strike that killed their commander.

    No one self-admittedly loves globalism or the Jewish goals for the world more than this Talmudist central/western European here. Lol. Soon he’ll be posting about how good it is the Persians are dying in a war concocted by their own leadership, and the Jews and Goys that also run the West.

  75. Aragorn says:

    “Biden warns Israel against attacking Israel”

    The cannibals have to kill him !
    After mass murder in the hospitals, killing of the hostage in care homes, and forced sterilization of “to nice” girls, they have to kill them which stutter !
    They can accidentally tell the truth about the death cult, maybe even expose their skin color !

  76. @BananaKilt

    As a Chinese-American, I find the commentary racist here. Chinese are decent and family-valued, don’t you know that? They’re honorable and not treacherous. You can trust them.

    By the way, did you know that Einstein was wrong? Space-time is a delusion, an idealized oversimplification because Einstein didn’t have enough knowledge or information about the interplanetary, interstellar, intergalactic medium, also known as the Ether. He also didn’t understand intra- and inter-atomic dynamics, or chemistry. We need to abandon his relic from 100 years past, created from a lack of knowledge.

  77. Alden says:

    Thanks the WASP thing has never been true. The largest American ethnicity was always German not British. The DNA of southern WASPS is more Scots and Irish not English,,

  78. Anonymous[141] • Disclaimer says:
    @Supply and Demand

    Budapest or individually (Buda and Pest) are ports – granted they are river ports.

    • Replies: @HdC
  79. HdC says:

    Been there. Both have most impressive river fronts.

  80. Alden says:

    Schwab Baerbock von der Leyen Macron and Sunak aren’t wasps.

    • Agree: BrooLidd
    • Replies: @BrooLidd
  81. BrooLidd says:

    Not American, yes.

    You’re being technical LOL.


  82. @KnutHamsun

    You have knowledge that is awesome.

    Can you tell me who you think had JFK assassinated and why?

    Also, what’s your opinion on space-time?

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