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Emma S.

“I consider myself a centrist - all the other news sources lean so far to the left or right, it makes my head spin. Thank you for providing strictly the facts – you're the only news source that can actually pull off neutrality these days"

Roger M.

"You’ve replaced six other newsletters & websites that I used to read, just because it’s so handy having a cross-section of everything in one place. Saves me 30 minutes each morning and then I save it to read at the end of the day as well. Thanks for the best item in my inbox every day."

Dr. Jacob R.

“Last week, I caught up on CRISPR developments, learned how the Fed works, and now understand the history of the Kurdish people. Without question, 1440 is the easiest way to stay updated on all going on in the world so I can focus on my practice.”

Katie M.

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All your news in a single Email.

We scour 100+ sources so you don't have to. Culture, science, sports, politics, business, and more - all in a 5-minute read.