聽音樂學日語! Tokyo Bon 東京盆踊り - 喜樂福 日本情報
聽音樂學日語! Tokyo Bon 東京盆踊り2020(附日語教學)namewee1

聽音樂學日語! Tokyo Bon 東京盆踊り

由大馬鬼才黃明志和二宮芽生合作拍攝的MV「Tokyo Bon 東京盆踊り2020」得到超大迴響!  日本最大網路新媒體 – Cool Japan TV 共同製作,宣傳日本傳統舞蹈的魅力同時,也教會大家多個日本旅遊必學的常用生字 !


2:41 有四葉草!
3:13 是 Mao 和 Mira!!
(還有3:49的近鏡 )
3:43 Ryuuu 和 Yuma!

【 東京盆踊 2020 健力士世界紀錄挑戰! 】

舞蹈風格為日本傳統舞蹈 – 盆舞。


於是,Cool Japan TV開始了「東京盆踊 2020 – 世界紀錄挑戰大會!」

■  參加方法:

1. 拍攝自己跳「東京盆踊り2020」,公開上傳到 YouTube, Facebook, Instagram 等等社交媒體平台。
2. 將您的舞蹈影片標籤 Cool Japan TV 臉書專頁通知我們 goo.gl/ZYKrE6

■  獎品:
・每個月 Cool Japan TV 將會抽選最棒的舞蹈影片,贈送日本旅遊來回機票。



【 Tokyo Bon 2020 Guinness Record Campaign! 】

Thank you very much for watching “Tokyo Bon 2020” MV!

This is a collaboration song of Namewee with the largest web media of
Japan – Cool Japan TV, featuring the new star Japanese actress – Meu
Ninomiya, and choreographed by the top Japanese traditional dancer –
Ukon Takafuji.

The dance adopted the Japanese traditional dance culture – Bon Odori – a
dance that involves people lining up in a circle to share the happiness
through dancing. “Circle” is pronounced “Wa” in Japanese language,
which is as same as “Peace” (Wa). We hope to hold everyone’s hands and
spread the love and peace to all over the world through this song,
regardless of nationalities, skins, cultures, languages.

Therefore, we have started this project – “Tokyo Bon 2020 – Guinness
Record Campaign!”.

■ How to join?

1. Film yourself dancing this song, upload onto YouTube, Facebook,
Instagram or other SNS.
2. Tag Cool Japan TV Facebook Page to inform your video. goo.gl/ZYKrE6

■ Prizes
・Each month, Cool Japan TV will select the best dance cover and give out
return flight tickets to Japan.

Also, we will register to Guinness record, to make this song the most
danced Bon Dance in history.
Looking forward to dancing with you!



Cool Japan TV YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa3q… Cool Japan TV Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/cooljapantv/ Cool Japan TV Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/cooljapan_tv/ Meu Ninomiya 二宮芽生 Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/meuninomiya…. Meu Ninomiya 二宮芽生 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9nX… Ukon Takafuji 孝藤右近老師 Instagram : http://instagram.com/ukontakafuji Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/namewee/ Namewee YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/user/namewee


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