Sihanouk 西哈努克,賭城?

Sihanouk 西哈努克,賭城?

2 12 3407
crazy jeff
舊 2018-01-14, 14:16
炒地皮炒樓..中國帶來高樓賭場酒店,也讓西城飲食.住宿極貴!落差quality 極大,but cp 值跟Bali 完全不能比.....
For gamblers city???

3407 次查看
舊 2018-01-16, 11:56

如果要買房,普通的公寓(預售屋)約750~1000/m2, 大型建案(如泰榮西港城, BlueBay, D'Seaview..等等)開價1800/m2以上

此篇文章於 2018-01-16 14:13 被 vinje 編輯。
舊 2018-01-17, 12:07
AirAsia Sihanouk to Kuala Lumpur has no more cheap tickets left in whole Feb.
They are building 4 lane highway between Sihanouk to phnompenh.
More red cina navy gamblers playing around as well. Beligerant cina navy put huge Cash to casinos
作者: vinje (原文章)

如果要買房,普通的公寓(預售屋)約750~1000/m2, 大型建案(如泰榮西港城, BlueBay, D'Seaview..等等)開價1800/m2以上

crazy jeff
舊 2018-01-28, 13:32
作者: aceh (原文章)
AirAsia Sihanouk to Kuala Lumpur has no more cheap tickets left in whole Feb.
They are building 4 lane highway between Sihanouk to phnompenh.
More red cina navy gamblers playing around as well. Beligerant cina navy put huge Cash to casinos
This dirty and seedy city.. Just for the lower level gamblers! U like gambling?just fly to macau!.. God cheating?so many old retired European come here just for the cheap beer and ladies!

Garbages "city!
On my way back to Bali!

感謝 1
舊 2018-01-28, 14:10
You are idiot, u ignored about foreign exchange controll at Nazi cina, Macau sar...recently spending limit are posed at 1000$ only per day....
All Macau casinos move assets to Sihanoukville in order to survive.
How much could u withdraw with Union pay nowadays at Macau, sirs?
作者: crazy jeff (原文章)
This dirty and seedy city.. Just for the lower level gamblers! U like gambling?just fly to macau!.. God cheating?so many old retired European come here just for the cheap beer and ladies!

Garbages "city!
On my way back to Bali!

此篇文章於 2018-01-28 23:40 被 aceh 編輯。
舊 2018-01-28, 14:13
If Macau remained her charming s like in good oldies days under freedom living Portuguese,then that d be different scenario at Macau...
If Macau really that decent as u claimed, lanmei airline wouldn't make huge success in serving Macau to Sihanoukville route.
舊 2018-01-28, 14:14
Bali island of Indonesia is another tourism pollutions destination for western moron travellers.
Casinos is illegal at Indonesia as well...
此篇文章於 2018-01-28 23:41 被 aceh 編輯。
舊 2018-01-28, 14:15
Who do u work for at Bali?Aussie or cink commie?
舊 2018-01-28, 14:18
Do u have kutas for living Bali island so long?
泰愛泰黨 的頭像
泰愛泰黨 泰愛泰黨 已通過手機驗證. 門號所屬國家:Taiwan
舊 2018-01-28, 22:48
想到第一次去柬國旅行...約20年前從泰柬邊境抵達Koh Kong小鎮 再搭渡輪到Sihanouk港
記得當時Sihanouk還是很純樸的港口城市 住民宿一晚才3塊美金...呵呵~~~
感謝 1
舊 2018-01-28, 23:38
Now Sihanoukville is rising las Vegas in Asia Pacific many greedy lousy Malay Singapore amoi hokkien thai hakka fly over by AirAsia every weekend?
Surely still lots of 3 $ dormitory beds and hanging bed hammocks available at beach...
If u bring ur tent camping gears from selfish Thailand, u can stay beach beach free...
Would Thai juntas allow travellers camping any more in red Thailand now?
舊 2018-01-28, 23:46
the flow of Chinese cash is transforming the once backpacker retreat into a bustling Chinatown.
舊 2018-01-28, 23:47
