为什么在 Quora 上有韩国网友不止一次地说中国汉服是从韩服抄袭过来的?

orz,笔误。我指的是「日本承认中国是文化宗主国」。 [图片] [图片] 日本都承认中国是宗主国。他是怎么一本正经说汉服是抄袭韩服的。令人发指。中国汉…

301 个回答














From《三國史記》(삼국사기)(Samguk Sagi) by Kim Busik(김부식/金富軾)(1075-1151)


In the second year of the reign of Queen Jindeok(眞徳女王/진덕여왕)(648), Kim Chunchu(金春秋/김춘추) entered the Tang Empire and entreated to follow the Tang's custom. Emperor Tangxuanzong(唐玄宗) approved and granted him with clothes. Kim Chunchu returned and implemented this system, changing the customs of the savage to Chinese style. In the fourth year of the reign of King Munmu(文武王/문무왕)(664), the clothes system of women was also revised, and so the clothes system became the same as in China...

東國, 自三韓, 儀章服飾循習土風, 至新羅太宗王, 請襲唐儀, 是後, 冠服之制, 稍擬中華.

From《高麗史•輿服誌》(고려사•여복지)(History of Goryeo)by Jeong Yinji(정인지/鄭麟趾)(1396-1478), the official writer for recording history of the Goryeo Dynasty.


We eastern country(Goryeo)'s costume system followed indigenous original style from the Three Han period, till the King Taejong of Silla decided to follow the costume system of Tang dynasty, our costume system resembles Chinese.

事元以來, 開剃辮髮, 襲胡服, 殆將百年, 及大明太祖高皇帝, 賜恭愍王冕服, 王妃·群臣, 亦皆有賜, 自是, 衣冠文物, 煥然復新, 彬彬乎古矣.

From《高麗史•輿服誌》(고려사•여복지)(History of Goryeo)by Jeong Yinji(정인지/鄭麟趾)(1396-1478), the official writer for recording history of the Goryeo Dynasty.


When Goryeo was under the ruling of Mongolia/Yuan, we changed our hairstyle and wore savage's clothes and lasted for about one hundred years. Till the emperor of Ming granted the clothes to our Goryeo King, the concubine and officials as well, so our clothes and antiques renewed and we are doing what our ancestors do again (following the Chinese style again)

惟我東方, 舊慕唐風, 文物禮樂, 悉遵其制...契丹是禽獸之國, 風俗不同, 言語亦異, 衣冠制度, 愼勿效焉.

From "訓要十條"(훈요십조)(Ten Instructions)

By Wang Geon(왕건/王建)(877-943), the first King of the Goryeo Dynasty.


All the systems of antiques/articles, rituals, instruments of our country are following the Tang dynasty (of course the costume system is included in)...Khitan is a country of animals, we are different from them in custom and language, and we should not learn the costume system from Khitan.

祖宗衣冠禮樂, 悉遵唐制, 迨至元朝, 壓於時王之制, 變華從戎, 上下不辨, 民志不定. 我玄陵憤上下之無等, 赫然有志於用夏變夷, 追復祖宗之盛. 上表天朝, 請革胡服, 未幾上賓. 上王繼志得請, 中爲執政所改. 殿下卽位, 親服華制, 與一國臣民, 渙然更始, 而尙猶不順其品制, 以梗惟新之政.

From "陳時務疏"(진시무소) by the civil servant Jo Jun (조준/趙浚)(1346-1405) of Goryeo dynasty.

Partial Translation

Our ancestors' costume, hat, ritual, instrument system were all following the Tang dynasty and we were forced to become savage instead of Chinese when we were under the ruling of Yuan/Mongolian…we entreat Ming emperor to let us terminate the savage Mongolian style…Till our King ascended the throne and he started to wear like Chinese costume system in person with all the officials and people around the country…

況朝鮮, 昔周武封箕子之地, 居中國之東, 世篤忠貞, 悅貢王家, 衣冠書籍, 實同華夏之制, 此禮義之鄕也。

From《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)


Korea was the land of Gija granted by the King Zhouwu, standing in the east of China, and delighted to pay tributes to the royals of China, the clothes and books are as same as China, so Korea is a country of benevolence.

我國衣服、紗帽、梁冠, 旣用華制, 則耳掩亦用夏, 一變爲當。

From《朝鮮王朝實錄》(조선왕조실록)(Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty)


Our country's clothes, hats, crowns are the Chinese standard, so it's appropriate for nambawi to follow the Chinese standard as well.


By Won Cheonseok(원천석/元天錫)(1330-after1394) who was described as "the history of poetry" in Korea.


The Ming emperor's prestige has arrived at the seaside(Korea) with the detailed costume and ritual systems.

We change our costume from the Yuan style to Chinese style so fastly, although we Koreans are foreigners to China, we resemble Chinese.

Three Han(Korea) is a vassal of China since ancient time, and we always follow the right standard.

I believe the restoration of Chinese ritual and culture will let the surrounding countries become the vassals of Ming/China again.


By Li Saek (이색/李穡)(1320-1396) a well-known civil servant of ancient Korea.


Our ritual, costume and instrument systems are as the same standard as China...


By Choe Bu(최부/崔溥)(1454-1504), a Korean official during the Joseon Dynasty.


Although our Korea is outside of China, but our costumes and etiquette are same as China.


By Seo Geojeong(서거정/徐居正)(1420-1492), a poet.


If emperor of Ming asked about Three Han (삼한), answer to him that our costume and etiquette are the same as our suzerain(상국,종주국).


By Seo Geojeong(서거정/徐居正)(1420-1492), a poet.


(Korea/Joseon) is a vassal of China, so we are in good relationship with China from generation to generation, our kings are appointed by Chinese emperors, and we pay the continuous tribute to China. Korea is a country of ceremonies and our costume systems has been as the same as each dynasty of China, so it says: Korea is a country of poetry, literature, benevolence and justice.​​​​
