#More娛樂資訊】陳凱琳的龍鳳胎弟弟Derek近日短暫回港探親,而陳凱琳亦隨即在社交平台上分享了弟弟Derek與細仔Carlos的合照!這是Derek舅父第一次與Carlos見面,場面相當溫馨。陳凱琳也留言說:“A short but sweet trip filled with so much “awww’s”, good food and incredible love! ” 這個短暫卻非常有愛的相聚,看得出家人之間感情非常好!

圖片來源: IG @ghlchan

#morehk #MoreAlbum #陳凱琳 #GraceChan #Carlos #陳凱琳弟弟 #小編YT

May be an image of 6 people, baby and people smiling
May be an image of 3 people, baby and text
May be an image of 3 people, baby and text
May be an image of 1 person, baby, hair and text