confinement nanny 陪月(員/婆) - 中英雙語時事詞彙

confinement nanny 陪月(員/婆)

confinement nanny 
繁: 陪月(員/婆)
簡: 月嫂

她對今年《施政報告》的措施只給予2分,「Stand for(看在)2萬」,正懷第二胎的她批評當局施政都是側重中產、有錢人,認為2萬元生育津貼只是「有好過無」,又質疑育兒開支銷大,「請個陪月都請唔到,睇次兒科又幾錢?」

施政報告|2萬生育津貼夠使? 基層孕婦:陪月都請唔到 (2023年10月25日)。大紀元時報,取自

In Hong Kong and other Chinese cities it is also common to hire a confinement nanny (or “pui yuet”) for the first month to cook meals and do chores while the new mother is recovering from giving birth. Again, the government payout wouldn’t go far.

This city is paying new parents $2,500 for having a baby – and that won’t even pay a month’s rent (2023, Oct 26). CNN. Retrieved from